Ok. So hubby is still in the hospital but recovering well from his surgery. Meanwhile I met with my OB/GYN about my cycles being "abnormal". For those of you who haven't been following my TTC progress here's the short: After 9 months of TTC (one BFP, one MC) I have notice my luteal (10 days) phase being short and my ovulation late (day 19-23). I'm more concerned about the luteal phase since this might actually be the cause of my miscarriage.
So anyways I've had a lot of practitioners blow me off and disregard all the charting, temping, researching that I've done to learn about what might be going on with me. So when my doc today listened to my concerns, looked at my charts and offered real advise, it was such a relief. He knew all about temping (he was like 80 years old so I had my doubts; but the old guy knew his stuff!) and seemed relatively at ease with the fact that I actually did know what I was talking about with my O dates. Previous practitioners always seemed doubtful but after 9 months of charting I know my body pretty damn well.
So anyways, he suggested several things to get me figured out. First, we're going to do a progesterone check 7-10 days post ovulation. (I was so relieved he didn't suggest I come in on day 21 since I normally don't even ovulate until day 21) We're also going to do a semen analysis for my hubby and then after this cycle is over I am supposed to come in on day 5 of my new cycle for a pelvic exam to check for cysts and get started on clomid which he said was a relatively mild drug and it couldn't hurt to try it.
So I am getting the works and he didn't even make me wait a year like a lot of practitioners do. He listened to my concerns, talked my ear off about possibilities and got me started on a plan of action. It just feels good to know that there's something I can do rather than sit and wait.
Oh and on top of it all, I had the chance to help educate a med student who was following my doc. The med student thanked me after and said he learned a lot from our conversation. It feels good to know that there's one less ignorant medical provider out there because I went in today.