On the road again... a place for women getting into the TTC groove again.

My husband just had appendicitis and he wasn't in that much pain. The only reason he went in was because of the pain's location. Lower right quadrant is classic appendicitis. When the surgeon went in he said that the appendix was only an hour from bursting. Because it didn't burst, he was in and out of the hospital in a day and a half vs. the week stay he would have had. You may NOT have appendicitis but it doesn't hurt to run on the safe side.

AFM: New number is 147. It was 97 so this is at least an increase but not the 200 range I was hoping for. I guess this pregnancy is never going to be easy.
Red... So glad the numbers went up... Praying that they double...

Starry... How are you doing?

Left.. Any news?

Anchor... How are you?
Well... In the middle of the night I had a pinching stabbing pain and then the pressure started easing up... I'm sore today but no where near the pain I was in yesterday. Wow! It wasn't as bad as a kidney stone (about two years ago they thought I had appendicitis and it turned out to be a kidney stone... Now that is some terrible pain) but it hurt quite a bit. I thought about getting it checked out, but when I laid down in bed it got better. So I waited and today it is getting back to normal. For the last two months I've been ovulation on cd21 and yesterday was cd20... So maybe it was ovulation... Can you have that kind of pain with ovulation when you've never had it before? I mean I always can feel pinching and it can be uncomfortable, but not like that... It just downright hurt! But, if it was ovulation we DTD on Saturday night so it would have been good timing.

Anyway, glad I'm feeling better... Just in time to get my tooth cut out tonight!
Hi , no sign of AF today but I am almost certain that ff got my o/v date wrong due to inaccurate temping this month . Thinking AF will show tommrow or Wednesday :)

I liked temping early as it made the last week of the Tww a little easier for me and I'm a lot less anxious about AF turning up so all is good here
Just waiting for next cycle :)
Well, I am hoping the worst is behind me. It wasn't as scary as my other losses but it lasted a whole lot longer! It started at 2am but it really was like a heavy period and I wasn't concerned. But by 8am it was getting worse so DH took me to the hospital where they monitored me. The bleeding has slowed but I am still passing some moderate clots. I have a scan first thing tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure the plan is to give me a d&c if anything is left behind.

At least my cramps are finally going away. Those were BAD. And I'm just so, so relieved to get things going. I'm even looking forward to the TTC break.
Aww Starry I'm so glad that's over. I feel like I might be joining you shortly although I suppose there is still some hope for me, but all I can think about is just wanting to be out of limbo. Take care of you and enjoy the break.
Red...such a hard place to be in right now. Are you going to have another blood test to see how your hcg is progressing? Has the spotting stopped? I'm really hoping for you.

Starry...glad it's almost over, the pain can be so bad! It sounds like you're being well taken care of by husband and doctors. I hope you get to rest a lot in the next few days and weeks.

Cary...ouch! I've never had severe O pain, but sounds like that's what it was. Maybe it's a super-strong egg breaking out...sounds like your timing was good!

Left...I also liked temping in the TWW, gave me something to do, and the early warning that AF was coming was probably a good thing. Sorry it looks like you're out for this cycle, but you sound very positive about moving on to the next one.

Hopefully I didn't miss anyone! I'm doing well, not much to report other than fatigue, which has been my worst and most constant symptom, but I can deal with that. It's motivating me to start exercising more frequently...we'll see how that goes. I like it once I'm out and moving, but it's hard to get up off the couch!
Anchor... I'm so glad to see your ticker moving along...

Starry... I'm glad things are moving along for you. I'm so sorry for your loss but glad to see that you are not sitting in limbo anymore...

Red... I hope that your numbers continue to go up and that this is your sticky bean...

Left... You're always so positive. You are an inspiration to me!

AFM well the pain in my stomach was completely gone as of about four yesterday... I had to have a molar pulled at the oral surgeon yesterday, so I traded one pain for another... He couldn't get it all the way numb so it hurt... But it's out and I am on the way through recovery,,
Red...such a hard place to be in right now. Are you going to have another blood test to see how your hcg is progressing? Has the spotting stopped? I'm really hoping for you.

I am really in a miserable state right now. I feel like such a debbie downer and all I can think about is whether or not I'm going to loose this baby. I can't concentrate and I want to be able to cope with my impending loss but since it's not set in stone, I have to try and stay positive. And I'm failing at that so all in all....this just plain sucks.

I'm not getting my HCG's done again although sometimes I think about calling my midwife and begging for a retest so that I can have a definitive answer but it would more than likely be exactly the same as the last one which was inconclusive.

On a positive note the spotting stopped. It was really just a one day thing that I think was brought on by an intense run in the morning.

I feel like screaming, or crying, or something-anything to get this knot out of my chest.
So sorry red... Honestly I would call the midwife and ask for another HCG
I just can't rationalize spending 60 on a test that is not going to tell me anything. It'll just give me another reason to freak out. I wish I had never tested in the first place because that's largely responsible for the emotional state I'm in now. Grrr.
Hi all :)

Firstly I'm going to moan about the weather , where is our summer its freezing !!!!!
Red hugs for you , it must be so hard to think of anything else , its great the spotting has stopped . I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way for this to be a sticky bean xxx

Cary :) wow that must be some egg ya poped out lol...... Hope your got lots of baby dancing in ;) and as for being positive right back at ya girl :) I do have my moments of negative indulgence but I really don't like being in that place so I try get out of there as soon as possible !!!

AFM : well she arrived bang on time , at least she is punctual lol.. I was expecting her so I'm fine with her arrival , in fact ... On the positive side it now means .... Only 5 days to poas , 13 days to ovulation and 14 days to the next TWW and 28 days to next possible BFP so tis all good :) except for the fact that my bathroom cabinet when I opened it looking for a tampon had bundles of o/v tests, 20 early pg tests , 2 digital tests and three digital themometer not one bloody tampon !!!!! Typical !!
Red - aw, that sounds stressful. But feeling down about your chances won't affect the outcome of your pregnancy. The whole idea that positive thinking is required is just silly superstition. But saying that, it is important for your own sake to keep your anxiety and stress at bay. Is there any thing your midwife is willing to do to look for extra reassurance? When it's so early it just is too hard to tell if a pregnancy is viable or not. In a week or two you could get a better idea of how things are going.

Cary - ouch! I've never had a tooth pulled but DH has and that was nasty. I hope the pain goes away soon!

AFM - well, I did need a d&c after all. I went to the hospital for my scan first thing yesterday and they didn't let me leave. LOL I had tubes and needle pricks all up and down my arms and hands. I wasn't bleeding like some of the horror stories you read in the Miscarriage Forum but I was consistently passing dark clots every hour or so with no sign of abating. I'm not a medical expert but I could see my blood pressure and heart rate were a little on the low side as well.

I was closely monitored, having to show my pads to the nurses and such (yuck, I'm so private and squeamish about these things) and this morning I was told my hemoglobin was continuously dropping throughout the night. It wasn't bad enough to be pushed into an emergency d&C like they kept threatening (I wasn't allowed to eat all day yesterday....just in case). But they did move it up from noon today to 8 this morning.

I wasn't put under with general anaesthetic but they did give me this drug through IV that basically does the same thing. Afterwards, I heard the nurses saying that I had had a lot of haemorrhaging(!!). Must have been on the inside because the bleeding I saw didn't really scare me. I was just frustrated it wasn't stopping.

They weren't going to feed me afterwards but my nurse said she'd go stand up for me because it was the same as if I had just had a baby. I was hungry. And sure enough, after lunch my heart rate and blood pressure jumped back to normal (my vitals had risen after the surgery but not a lot).

I just feel so much better and CLEAN inside. That sickly feeling is gone. As I heal over the next few days I think I can start to let myself properly mourn this baby.
Starry- I feel so relieved for you that you can start moving forward again. I'm sorry you had to go through a D&C but I'm so glad you are ok. I hope you start feeling like yourself again soon.
The D&C really was not bad at all. I was completely out so I knew nothing about the actual procedure and I haven't had any pain at all. Since I feel SO much better now I think this was one of those instances where the benefits of the procedure outweighed the risks.
Starry having had an emergency dnc due to hemoraging I can somewhat empathise xxxx
I am so sorry you have had to endure what you have over the past number of weeks both the physical and emotional impact . It's good you now get to begin to deal with coming to terms with your loss and begin to process it . I hope you begin to physically feel like your "old" self soon and can being the process of healing xxx
Starry, I am so glad to hear this. I really didn't want to have a D&C and was very glad I managed without, but I have heard from others that it can be very helpful -- the finality of knowing that everything is gone must be a relief. I hope you rest and recover well in the next few days...will you now be able to keep your vacation travel plans?
anchor - yes, we are able to keep our plans. It is still 3 weeks away so I think I should have enough time for the bleeding to stop. Right now I'm only spotting to light bleeding. If this is like my natural miscarriages I know the bleeding can pick up again but I'm still hoping for a text-book recovery. My first natural loss ended after 10 days so I have hopes it can happen again. I do think natural miscarriages are better for the body but it could not be helped. I was haemorrhaging and I was not given a choice. Even with the intense amount of blood loss the last time my hemoglobin always stayed steady so the doctors would send me home. It really has been my experience that doctors do everything in their power to prevent a d&c. Even when I first got at the ER the surgeon's assistant told me they wanted to monitor me but were still hopeful it wouldn't need to end with d&C.

What is funny though is all my friends and relatives are convinced and I mean CONVINCED that a d&c is the solution to all of my miscarriage problems. Last time they were all so mad and huffy that I didn't get a d&c. Doctors have always told me they don't do them if they don't have to and one even told me that they happen only 20% of the time due to the potential risks. Yet the non-medical advice I keep getting is "get a d&c. sounds like you need a cleaning out". And I hear all these stories of the mythological friend who had a d&c and now has a baby.
Hmmmm.... I wonder if there is anything to that? Whatever the case may be, I hope that you have a wonderful vacation with your family. I pray that this d&c does lead to the next being a sticky bean and a sister for your ds.... I'm sure that you are a wonderful mother!

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