One + One = Three

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I know. Bee we should and yeyyyy confirmed: ) whens the wedding. Again?!
So, so, so happy for you both!

I'm still getting BFN, af due later today or tomorrow.
The wedding is in 14 days. April 25th im excited lol I just wanna be all cute and stuff lol thank you ladies for the congratulations. Rose you should private message me we can hang and stuff im off of work til the 21st due to Spring break. When do you guys think I should confirm with the doctor? Fx for you Rabren your temps look good though.
I have a poasa :bfp:


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I know b i come out at 5 and go to the gym but ill let u know :) i wanna c ur tummy grow yeyyyyttt
Yay!!!! Seeing those words are amazing! As to the dr thing, I would say, IF you can wait, til 8 weeks. I say this because they do an ultrasound, and the next one won't be until 16-20th week! I went in at 6 weeks so the only picture I have is my d as a blob....that is if you can wait that long!

Rose: opksssssss?????!
today's afternoons left lighter so maybe I missed it I'm not even sure about this mornings bd I was half asleep and didn't even notice if he finished and if he didn't then all I have a CD 16 to work with I really hope I have an od yet though
Well ladies, looks like I'm out. I had a slight drop in temp this morning so I decided not to test. I just couldn't bring myself to look at another BFN. Af was due today and she is a prompt bitch. Started spotting about an hour ago.

I still plan on checking in here, I want to see updates (u/s pics, growing belly pics, etc)!
yep definitely lighter so now I don't know based off of all the OP K s I would have to say maybe I od CD 16 or 17 and possibly missed my surge who knows girls this morning I woke up having trouble with my thermometer right now I don't even know if half my temps are correct bummer but we'll see
UPDATE the . Lines are back -____- now what grrr


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Still waiting patiently to ovulate

I'm feeling a little down in the dumps tonight. Just broody I guess. Just watching all the ladies I started TTC with now having babies over the age of one and some trying for their second already. I know we've had a lot of breaks and really don't have any reason to whine, but if is have known this was how it was going to go when we had our very first donation back in February 2012 I don't know if I would have bothered. I guess I'm just worried. I've seem so many on here be diagnosed with scary things, then I think about the months we tried with no success and I wonder if I'm in that position too. Is there something wrong? Sounds silly because we haven't actually tried once since we started TTC again. I just don't know.
I know that moment when the bfp shows up is going to be amazing and gorgeous and so, so worth it. And that moment we hold our baby for the first time will be worth the heartache already had and any to come, but jeez. I wish it would happen soon.
It's odd to me that if my first bfp hadn't been a chemical pregnancy, we would have an eighteen month old child. They would be two in October. Yet instead we have no children. We have a gorgeous god daughter and I love our life, but I wonder what it would have been like had that little bean stuck?

Sorry ladies. I feel like such a dick for whining when some of you have been actually trying for longer than me
Laura, I totally understand what you are going through. I've been feeling that way too today. Two same sex couples I've connected to through different forums have fallen pregnant the last month. As much as I am genuinely happy for them, it stirs up a jealousy that I'm not proud of. And we are only on our fourth month ttc so that adds a level of guilt. I worry that my age is playing a factor and maybe I've missed my chance. I never imagined that each time af shows I'd have a meltdown, sobbing on my wife's shoulder like this morning. But I thought today, I can't wait to show the child we will eventually have all the pages of opk and hpt sticks I've accumulated so they can see just how much we wanted them. That moment will be priceless :)
Rabren: I understood the jealousy for a long time. It's human. That's all it means. You aren't going to offend me, and I'm assuming most ppl on the forum. We all want the same goal here, and more than half know the struggle.

Rose: maybe it's your fluid intake? Like maybe you've been drinking lots of water or whatever and it's diluting it? Water is good, but the point of the test is to see its highest concentration. Also less movement will affect LH. That's why you use second morning urine instead of first morning. You need to wake up and get moving for peak LH. So maybe test right after you workout? And maybe cut back on fluids, a bit. See if that helps?

I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks in July of 2012, and I think everyday, that they would be __months/years.
He or she would be 15 months tomorrow
Laura it's understandable me at my age I see everyone around me getting pregnant or having even unwanted pregnancies and it breaks my heart I wonder why God why this is so difficult sometimes for some of us who really want a baby to conceive the jealousy is human experience it myself although I don't want to but its just they need us was wanting to have our own already is it just timing thathas made it difficult for you? How long r your usual cycles
Ruben:temping and opks is all i can recommend and about your age dont worry if its meant to be you will have ur baby

Penny: i dont use fmu and i always try to hold. It in for the 4 hours sometimes i gatta just run to the bathroom lol its the first time i see my temps in a rise so who knows i may have od already?
Laura: What kinds of doctors have you seen? Where are you located like what state?

Penny: I see you are 15 weeks oh yeah that baby is growing how do you feel?

Rose: I thought using the clear blue digital it was fmu and then again at 2pm? Maybe that's only for clear blue digital advance.

Rabren: Are you doing home insemination?

_*Today according to my app I am 4 weeks and 4 days. I have morning sickness so bad :( I'm trying to get it controlled but it's hard. From what other say to me I'm to early to have morning sickness so it makes me scared. Also I have been cramping like AF is coming and a lot of CM lots of it! Plus sex drive is HIGH :sex: lol is all i wanna do but I'm scared I my bleed
although instructions do say you using fmu is safe a lot of girls have advised me not to therefore I usually test around 3 p.m. and 9 or 10 p.m.
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