Hi there, (long post alert! sorry!)
Would you guys mind if I joined the gang? I'm TTC after an ectopic and feel like I could do with some support/encouragement.. I've just read most of this therad (I think I deserve a medal!) and you lot sound lovely. There are some very strong/inspirational women on here!
Here's my story..
I had my son in Nov 08 after TTC for 5 months and then decided to try for #2 in Dec 09. I fell pregnant immediately although didn't realise it straight away as af came as normal. Unfortunately that af did not stop and after bleeding for about 10 days I thought something was a bit dodgy and took a test. It was strongly + so I presumed I was miscarrying. Luckily I went in to EPAU and they took bloods and did an ultrasound. My HCG climbed steadily, but wasn't quite doubling and they couldn't find anything in the womb for a couple of weeks. Eventually they found an ectopic on my LHS tube right up near my ovary. It wasn't very big so they gave me methotrexate. They told me to expect some pain over the next few days and a week later I woke up with pain in my LHS and nearly ignored it (I hadn't had any pain up to this point). Luckily I was sensible and asked my hubby to take me into casualty. Casualty sent me up to the maternity ward and as I walked up and wasn't in much pain they didn't take much notice of me! Eventually (3 hours later!) they scanned me and found that the tube had ruptured and there was a lot of blood in my abdomen. I was rushed to theatre and they removed the pregnancy, left-hand tube and 2 liters of blood! Apparently I was about 8 weeks pregnant. I was so lucky that I went into hospital to get checked out. I asked the surgeon what would have happened if I hadn't come in and she said that I would probably have fainted and lost conciousness. I had nothing planned that day apart from looking after my 13 month-old son.. It's horrible to think what could have happened..
Anyway, we were advised not to TTC for 3-4 months, so we started again in April and I'm now on cycle #5 and getting a bit worried.. I know it's early days, but it's so hard not to get negative about it all. I also hate not knowing which side I ovulate on. I temp and use OPK sticks so I know when I ovulate, but just don't know which side as I don't get any pain.
I'm hoping I can pick up some positive vibes from you guys and we can have a rush of healthy pregnancies for summer 2011!
Thanks for listening..