OT (a little) - Christening Advice? Anybody NOT and why? POLL

We aren;t having one. I am not religious and I would feel like a hypocrite saying things I don;t mean in Church. I want to leave it to my son to decide what if any religion he wants to follow.

Exactly this xx
Baptisim is needed as the reception of the other sacraments depend on it. My son would struggle to progress through the Catholic church without it and would not be able to go to a Catholic school. Also, since baptism removes both the guilt and the punishment due to Original Sin, delaying baptism until a child can understand the sacrament may put the child's salvation in danger, should he die unbaptized.

Don't believe any of that, sorry. Where does it say any of that in the bible?

what is it you dont believe? Why are you so offhand in the face of what others believe in exactly, is it becuase it does not fit in with what you believe?

Baptisim IS needed in for the other sacraments to take place.
The bit in bold is a BELIEF which has grown from the need of some kind of ceremony for children to enter the Chruch as there always has been, in the times of Jesus it was circumcision and still is for Jewish people

I struggle with this issue, just because christening isn't based on biblical teachings. For religious bodies to shout so loudly about certain issues being 'against the bible', but then feel free to make up what they want to fit in with what they desire religion to be is hypocritical at best. My issue isn't really with parents who choose to get a baby christened (although it isn't a decision I feel makes much sense), but more with the stance of the church overall.
We're having one but mostly for his family, I'm not religious nor am I an atheist. It's incredibly important to OH and I feel as I don't have an opinion either way, I see no harm. If anything, for some people (like my father, for instance) it's a chance for everyone to see the baby. OH explained the ceremony and it's not really a 'christening' as such as neither of us are baptised, it's more of a blessing, which sounds lovely to me.

So I can't really answer the poll because none of the answers apply to me :rofl:
We won't be christening but Dedicating. Which will be saying we are putting our lo in the hands of God and asking God to guide us in raising the lo. Baptism is about repentance and accepting Jesus Christ
Lo can not do that until old enough to understand and choose.

We won't be christening but Dedicating. Which will be saying we are putting our lo in the hands of God and asking God to guide us in raising the lo. Baptism is about repentance and accepting Jesus Christ
Lo can not do that until old enough to understand and choose.


This is why people have godparents to make those promises for LO until they are old enough to make them again at confirmation.

Each to their own :) x
Havent read aLl the other posts but i am christian and we dont believe in christening as we believe that baptising should happen when you are of an age to understand and decide that being a Christian is what you want. I dont see the point in christening a child if they grow up and decide no way to the church, what was the point? I think a lot of uk ppl do it because its just 'the done thing' not because they plan on attending church every sunday and bringing up lo in a christian lifestyle which is the whole purpose of it. ( not always, just my opinion)

Some even say well its to be sure that lo will be 'saved' or go to heaven should the worst happen prior to growing into a child, but come on, those of us who 'know' God, who would think He would NOT allow a baba into heaven with open arms? :dohh:
Baptisim is needed as the reception of the other sacraments depend on it. My son would struggle to progress through the Catholic church without it and would not be able to go to a Catholic school. Also, since baptism removes both the guilt and the punishment due to Original Sin, delaying baptism until a child can understand the sacrament may put the child's salvation in danger, should he die unbaptized.

Don't believe any of that, sorry. Where does it say any of that in the bible?

Can you quote the scripture you have taken this idea from? Not arguing or being confrontational but never heard this anywhere in bible?:shrug: ps please be careful with your response as many who have lost babies on here may be slightly offended if you are to propose that their babas are not with God because they have not followed a man-written rule. X
I don't like the idea in Christian mythology that babies who aren't baptized go to limbo. That's just a horrible thought to me!
I don't like the idea in Christian mythology that babies who aren't baptized go to limbo. That's just a horrible thought to me!

But it isn't mentioned anywhere in the bible, so is it really a christian teaching? And if it isn't a christian teaching, then why is it being taught by the church?

I absolutely agree, though. I can't comprehend how people who believe that God is loving could accept the thought that babies who died would just be left stranded in an inbetween world. It doesn't tie up with any of the ideas of compassion, loving and faithfulness that are in the bible :shrug:
Baptisim is needed as the reception of the other sacraments depend on it. My son would struggle to progress through the Catholic church without it and would not be able to go to a Catholic school. Also, since baptism removes both the guilt and the punishment due to Original Sin, delaying baptism until a child can understand the sacrament may put the child's salvation in danger, should he die unbaptized.

Don't believe any of that, sorry. Where does it say any of that in the bible?

Can you quote the scripture you have taken this idea from? Not arguing or being confrontational but never heard this anywhere in bible?:shrug: ps please be careful with your response as many who have lost babies on here may be slightly offended if you are to propose that their babas are not with God because they have not followed a man-written rule. X

If you had read my last response you would know where I got this from.
Im not going to apologise or be backed into a corner bacause of my and millions of others beleifs. People are easily offended on here so there is no need to be condescending and tell me to be careful.
There are many religions out there with laws and requirements about children, I dont see why Christianity should be torn to bits as it is in every other form of media. but i digress.
I will be Christening my daughter in 2 weeks time and do not care what any of you think about it!! I am fed up of hearing people rip into others for their beliefs or the way they chose to bring up their child. Its new mummys choice what she decides to do and shouldn't have to justify her beliefs with giving you all quotes from the bible.

I just like how a lot of the time people say they are not religious and therefore wouldn't christen their child as it would be hypocritical but the amount of people that get married in a church and think thats not hypocritical!

As I said above, I dont care what you all have to say to my comments and certainly wont be coming back to check your response because I will be busy playing with my daughter and family and not worrying about you guys or your opinions
Roman Catholicism is merely a version of Christianity - it has many rituals and traditions that aren't laid out in the Bible, mostly because what was in the Gospels happened long before the Roman Catholic church was established (about 300 years or so if memory serves correctly). So to dismiss someone's Roman Catholic beliefs just because they're not in the Bible is somewhat ill-informed.

My son is going to be christened - I was brought up as a Roman Catholic, OH is not in the slightest little bit religious - in the local C of E church. It's a lovely church that will look good on the photos (we also go to their baby and toddler group, which is great fun), we're having a do afterwards in the local pub, and I'm not bothered who thinks we're hypocrites. For us, it's a chance to introduce Niall to friends and family who haven't met him yet and I tradition that I like. The church has no issue with him getting christened there, even though we're not really members of the congregation.
I haven't read all the responses but I just want to reply to the OP.

Me and my OH were Christened as babies and were married in a church. I had a lot to do with the church as a child but unfortunately have had less to do with it recently. I do enjoy going to church and don't go as often as I should. We had LO Christened (in the church where we got married) when she was 8 months old. Probably a bit later than I would have preferred as she did rip a couple of tiny holes in the very delicate 60 year old Christening gown (that used to be my nanna's wedding dress but she made it into a christening gown in the 50s)! Both of the schools she might go to are tiny village C of E schools and they have a lot to do with the church and the vicar goes in very regularly to talk to the children. I want to start taking her to the family service once a month when she is a little bit older. Right now she has her morning nap at 10 which is when the service starts.
We won't be having Izzy christened, though we might have a blessing or naming ceremony. OH has never been christened, and neither of us go to church. It's personal choice though, and at the end of the day no one should ever be slated because of their beliefs and choices.
Not doing it. Neither husband or I are religous, so what's the point?

Been told to get it done, because otherwise if Sophie wants to marry someone in church who does believe she would have difficulties as she wouldn't be baptized.

I figured if she later on does become religious (which is perfectly fine by me) and chooses to be baptized, she can make this decision herself.

My little sister had herself baptized a couple of years ago and has become religious. She was in her early 20s though and I thought it was wonderful she could make this choice herself!
Thanks to everybody -- I'm going to speak to our local Church of Ireland minister on Sunday and see what his response is -- to be honest, tho -- I am starting to lean towards not baptising at all and just having a blessing/dedication (so we can celebrate with family, as I said my parents and brother are coming over at the end of July (my OH is soooooooooo delighted)) and then exposing LO to various mass/services as he gets older. The Church of Ireland here has started a Sunday school and that's one of the questions I'll ask the minister here, e.g. can he attend even if not baptised? I like the idea of baby deciding when he's older (I did regarding confirmation as an adult)....but let's see what the practicalities are! (and whether OH agrees!- his latest suggestion is that we have two baptisms....growl!)

Thanks to everybody

best wishes
Baptisim is needed as the reception of the other sacraments depend on it. My son would struggle to progress through the Catholic church without it and would not be able to go to a Catholic school. Also, since baptism removes both the guilt and the punishment due to Original Sin, delaying baptism until a child can understand the sacrament may put the child's salvation in danger, should he die unbaptized.

Don't believe any of that, sorry. Where does it say any of that in the bible?

Can you quote the scripture you have taken this idea from? Not arguing or being confrontational but never heard this anywhere in bible?:shrug: ps please
be careful with your response as many who have lost babies on here may be slightly offended if you are to propose that their babas are not with God because they have not followed a man-written rule. X

If you had read my last response you would know where I got this from.
Im not going to apologise or be backed into a corner bacause of my and millions of others beleifs. People are easily offended on here so there is no need to be condescending and tell me to be careful.
There are many religions out there with laws and requirements about children, I dont see why Christianity should be torn to bits as it is in every other form of media. but i digress.

Im not tearing Christianity to bits, as i am a Christian and not-so-much into being masochistic, rather questioning secular views that base their beliefs on man made ideas and rules, not the bible. Anyhow you digressed and so, thankfully, shall we all. Live and let live i do believe. :winkwink:
Im a christian but definitely no infant baptism here for us.

To claim you are a christian means you follow the teachings and example of Christ.

So infant baptism in theory is not a christian teaching as its not in the bible nor commanded..... hence why i think a few on here have an issue with it.

Its important to acknowledge what baptism actually represents.

The bible makes it clear whom baptism is for and what it is to accomplish. Its only adults that are recorded as being baptised and for good reason. Jesus himself wasnt baptised until he was 29.

▪ Christian baptism involves complete immersion in water, not just sprinkling.—Matthew 3:16.

▪ Steps leading to baptism begin with taking in knowledge and showing faith followed by repentance, conversion, and the dedicating of oneself to God.—John 17:3; Acts 3:19; 18:8.

▪ To make a dedication to God, you must disown yourself, even as people disowned themselves to follow Jesus.—Mark 8:34.

▪ Baptism symbolizes dying to one’s former way of life and becoming alive to do God’s will.—1 Peter 4:2.

In the Bible, only believers who had placed their faith in Christ were baptized - as a public testimony of their faith and identification with Him (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3-4)

An infant cannot do any of these things. Nor does infant baptism agree with the biblical definition of baptism in any way.

The bible says that children are identified as “holy” by reason of a believing parent, not infant baptism. Minor children are too young to have the ability to make such a decision would come under a form of merit because of the believing parent, not because of any so-called sacramental baptism, imparting independent merit. If infants could properly be baptized, they would not need to have the merit of the believing parent extended to them.—1Co 7:14.

Anyway not trying to start a debate or anything but presenting more information to back the views of a few mums on here who i absolutely agree with!

Baptisim is needed as the reception of the other sacraments depend on it. My son would struggle to progress through the Catholic church without it and would not be able to go to a Catholic school. Also, since baptism removes both the guilt and the punishment due to Original Sin, delaying baptism until a child can understand the sacrament may put the child's salvation in danger, should he die unbaptized.

Don't believe any of that, sorry. Where does it say any of that in the bible?

Can you quote the scripture you have taken this idea from? Not arguing or being confrontational but never heard this anywhere in bible?:shrug: ps please be careful with your response as many who have lost babies on here may be slightly offended if you are to propose that their babas are not with God because they have not followed a man-written rule. X

If you had read my last response you would know where I got this from.
Im not going to apologise or be backed into a corner bacause of my and millions of others beleifs. People are easily offended on here so there is no need to be condescending and tell me to be careful.
There are many religions out there with laws and requirements about children, I dont see why Christianity should be torn to bits as it is in every other form of media. but i digress.

I knew a family whose 2 month old child died after having spent his entire life in a hospital. The church refused to perform a religious funeral due to the fact that he wasn't baptized. It was years ago and it was the first time I started to question my church. Church is a cruel unforgiving institution, I am amazed people still flock to it.

That said, we did just have a baptism for our son. We would never hear the end of it from our families if we didn't. We chose a Godfather we adore and while we went through the motions in our hearts we knew it was just an enjoyable service where our LO was the center of attention, we honored our good friend and godfather, and had a really fantastic party and through the gifts we received were able to start LO's college fund. It is what it is.

My full intent is to support my son throughout his life. Should he choose another religion or no religion at all it will be fine by me.

The idea of original sin sickens me. A made up story in a patriarchal religion that promotes the idea of hating women.

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