Our donor journey

Got treatment plan today, gotta start bcp this wk, never done a cycle with bcp b4? They've planned ec for 2nd wk in dec, and 3 or 5 day et. Will mean we'll find out over Xmas if it's worked. Not sure if this is good timing but I do have 2 wks off work and I guess Xmas will take my mind off 2ww?

This time last yr was when our last cycle using own eggs went wrong so little nervous but I think this new donor is a really good match and fx for a better result this time.

Drugs arriving tomorrow. Start bcp thurs. Here we go again.... Xx
Starting down regs tomorrow. Gotta wait for af and donor af but so far on schedule for ec 12 dec. xx
So glad you are back on the roller-coaster ride so soon.

Fingers crossed
How exciting! I hope you get the best Christmas present ever xxxx
Sorry for being a crap journal keeper!!
So, start of dec, it all got too much, cycle was being pushed on due to af no show, dh would've been away for part of 2ww and test day would've been over Xmas.... I was so stressed out and had a horrible virus so decided to postpone cycle. Luckily our donor was happy to stick with us and it's all systems go now!!
Have been on dregs and just waiting for donor af, but ec looking like week of 21st jan! Starting to let myself get a little excited....
Sorry didn't reply.
24 weeks???! Seriously where did that go?? How are you feeling?
So, donor cd 1 was a couple of days later than planned but should be all go now. Upping progynova today and donor has scan tommorrow, if all ok she'll start stims.
Great news, how exciting! Sorry not replied sooner, having problems with the site it keeps redirecting me to some crappy promotional site for losing belly fat :sigh:

I know, my pregnancy is flying by, although it is harder physically than first time around. I am just older I guess, and can't rest as much with DS around.

Are you going to transfer one or two this time, or wait and see how many there are and what the quality is like? Xx
I keep getting redirected too, weight loss pills!!

Can't decide on how many. Always had 2 b4. Dd was one of 2, fet was 2 and previous donor was 2 but they weren't great quality and wouldn't of frozen. Really not sure about twins.... Guess we'll just see what we get on the day, if they're good quality and maybe go to blast I'd prob say 1...

So have you found out what you're having?

I think that's a good plan. I always transferred two but several of my friends have twins and they are really hard work. I always took the view that I could pay for help but preference was just for one.

We had the 20 week scan in early December but didn't find out. We really don't care what it is and enjoyed the surprise last time. This pregnancy is so different to my other that I am thinking maybe girl. But everyone else says my bump is so low it must be a boy. Problem with that theory is my bump always looks low as I've got a long body!! Xx
So donor had dsy10 scan today. She has 18 follies!! 2 are too big and 1 small but the rest all good size and growing evenly. Amazing! Never got anywhere near these numbers! Next scan wed and if all ok ec will be confirmed for fri. We'll know fertilisation report sat and also whether it'll be 3 day ET Monday or 5 day Wednesday.

Fab news! I got numbers like that on my first ivf, shame it got worse from then on!

how exciting, in around 3 weeks you could have your bfp! Keeping everything crossed xxx
Donor had scan yesterday and she still has a good group (13) growing together. 2 are way too big, there are 3 more a little small but with potential! But they want her to have a couple more days stims so another scan tomorrow and if all ok, ec Monday. Only a couple of days wait but feels like forever!!
Scan today good. Ec booked for Monday, et provisionally for thurs but may change to sat if fert report good. So close.....
Great news! Is DH going to do his stuff on Monday then, or are they using frozen? Let me know how many eggs she has for you and how many fertilise! Keeping everything crossed xxxx👍
So ec today..... Had a momentary panic when clinic rang to say donor had only produced 3 eggs....... They don't continue treatment with less than 4.....
But they had another donor who had produced 20....and would we like half of hers? They haven't really said about the other couple, were they expecting 20?? All the nurse said was they wouldn't normally offer that many to 1 couple, they'd usually share or freeze but wouldn't tells me much. So felt a little guilty but they still have a good number right?
Anyway, characteristic match is good, eye colour actually better, she had2 children of her own plus 2 donor successes so (obviously) we said yes! After cleaning etc 1 egg was no good but we still have 9 which were treated with icsi this afternoon.
Fert report in the morning and poss et thurs, or blast sat.
What a day!!
8 eggs injected, 7 have fertilised. :happydance: day 5 transfer booked for sat! All positive vibes this way!
Amazing news! just came on and saw both of your messages at once, what a rollercoaster! I wouldn't read too much into the circumstances, I know from my own experience that OHSS can be a big issue for some people that comes up at the last minute, and also with the first lady, you can have lots of empty follicles unfortunately. I had that in my own last fresh cycle - looked to be at least 15 good follies but then I only got 4 eggs and only 3 fertilised - only one remained on day 3 and it was rubbish quality.

So assuming it is a blasto transfer, are you doing one or two?! how exciting! you could have amazing news for valentines day :)

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