fxmummyduck - I feel ur pain. When you see other pregnant relatives, try to think of how much u r free now. Free from all pregnancy upsets and constraints... they will be so tired with pregnancy and kids and u r enjoying life with ur DS, you could just start jumping up and down with him, but they can't
I know this is no concellation but this is what comes to mind when I see my two cousins, each one carrying her newborn #4
AFM, I am having the worst time ovulating this month. I am in the beginning of my fertile window and I got into a fight with DH a couple of days ago. This means no BD-ing and we might just miss ovulation window altogether. I wish I could just pause our fight a little while so we can DTD and have a chance this month.
I know this is no concellation but this is what comes to mind when I see my two cousins, each one carrying her newborn #4
AFM, I am having the worst time ovulating this month. I am in the beginning of my fertile window and I got into a fight with DH a couple of days ago. This means no BD-ing and we might just miss ovulation window altogether. I wish I could just pause our fight a little while so we can DTD and have a chance this month.