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Our journeys to baby #2

Good luck for the test results FTale.

I'm so over being bed-bound. Had to have 2 weeks bedrest after having my stitch put in when pg with my son (14wk pg). I'm only on day 3 of slipped disc bedrest and I'm Soooo over it. No idea how I'd survive 2 weeks again (would need another stitch if I get pg again). I do wonder how my body will cope with another pregnancy...
Huggles: Bedrest is the pits. I was on bedrest from 22 wks until 37 weeks with my daughter. However, I was allowed to go to my doc appts. That was the only time I had freedom. Otherwise, I was stuck in a lazy boy or bed. I had a incompetent cervix. And a stitch in it to keep her in.

I really hope your back isn't effected too badly by getting pregnant again. Sending you well prayers.
Wow ftale, that's a long time to be in bedrest! I'm assuming the stitch was placed late and that's why you needed bedrest? Will you get it placed earlier next time?
Huggles: With my first pregnancy, I lost my daughter because they didn't know I needed one. With my last pregnancy they were watching me and meant to do it at 12 or 16 weeks but kept pushing it. And at 20 or 22 weeks her lil hand started pushing out still in the amniotic sac. It was an emergency cerclage and with my next pregnancy I will get it at 12 weeks hands down. It does mean having to be watched closely for labor signs in order to remove scar tissue that forms so I can actually deliver though. Last time it was so thick that my lil one ripped right out of me. Not a pleasant recovery but I was glad it kept her in there till she was done baking.
Oh wow, I'm really glad they were able to get it done. Sounds like it was just in time. I also lost my first son at 24 weeks because they didn't know about my IC, but then they placed the cerclage at 14 weeks with my second son so all was good. No bed rest needed other than the two weeks immediately post surgery. He still made an appearance 4 days before the stitch was due to be removed though, but thankfully I was already 36 weeks at that point.
Huggles: Same here, she came at 37 weeks. I was eating a burger at a fast food restaurant and realized have way through I couldn't fit into the booth. My belly was tight and pointed..lol..she was tending up to come out...I got to the hospital so fast...had her after 5 hours of labor.

I hope you heal up soon. Will you have the same docs for your next pregnancy?
Yes, I will use the same dr. There's a part of me tempted to try a dr at the hospital closer to my house (4 Min away, it's where my first was born), but DH is adamant we rather use the same dr as he knows the history. He did both my previous pg but he initially practiced at both hospitals, but stopped practicing at the one closest to my house the year I fell pg with my second son so we used the hospital further away (15 Min) that time and will use it again in future.
How's everyone doing? 8dpo here and about now I start to feel like if I'm not getting symptoms then I'm not pregnant. I much prefer the first week of the tww!!
FX: I agree. I'm 8dpo tomorrow and I have not felt anything significant except the desire to sleep which can be blamed on progesterone.

two more days and FRER should be singing positive, right? Ugh. I feel like hope starts to drain away in the 2nd week too if no major symptoms start.

I have 3 OSOM and one FRER to use.

Ok truth be told I had 4 OSOM but went pee on one earlier without holding or even not drinking for a spell. Just gave into the urge. I'm good now. I just hope I haven't started the bfn train :dohh:
Yes been feeling really sleepy and my left boob is sore on and off. I've had a few v minor cramps and a bubbly feeling, but I've had all those before so doesn't mean anything. Oh and also have broken out in spots but that's progesterone.With ds I spotted the whole tww so if she don't get that I usually count myself out while simultaneously telling myself every pregnancy is different. You can't win!!

I have quite a few ics and one new curvy style frer, but too scared to touch them.
Holding thumbs for you fx. It seems the three of us are pretty much on par with our cycles. I was also 8dpo yesterday.
I also feel like the second week in the tww should magically bring about major pg symptoms, otherwise how could we possibly be pregnant. But then I remember that with my son I had absolutely NO symptoms and in fact was convinced I hadn't even ovulated that month! (with my first pg I had major sore boobs and some cramping). So each pregnancy really is different and no symptoms doesn't necessarily mean no pregnancy. The last few days leading up to af are so hard mentally though.
Huggles: Wow, that is quite a difference. I don't know what to look for anymore. I'm 8dpo and tested negative today (light heartedly) Tomorrow I get serious and will use FMU. I will flip if I get a positive because I don't really feel much today aside from crampy.

How is everyone feeling?

FX: So you think you might be preggy? I don't know how you haven't caved and tested...heheh
Hey, well honestly I'm not feeling hopeful at all. I thought about testing this morning but then went for a wee so I won't test now lol!

This cycle is a bit off for me though, my cm dried up quite quickly after O, I'm usually bloated and I'm not at all, no headaches yet either. So no symptoms other than slightly sore boobs which is normal for me :(
I keep reading this:

" Believe it or not, many doctors say that having no symptoms is actually a good thing. Symptoms usually mean that AF (Aunt Flow) is on the way. So, don’t stress if you’re not feeling anything. Many women claim to have known or felt something the moment they conceived, but most doctors just attribute that to wishful thinking. Wait until after your missed period, and take a pregnancy test. In the meantime, forget about symptoms. Sometimes, we try so hard to look for symptoms that we actually create them".

This is helping me stay calm 🙂
Very wise words and always good to remember.
Hi all

What a day for doing nothing if we could, eh? Well, I'm 10dpo and still bfn. I know its 'early' but its my normal bfp dpo and nada. Maybe I'll get lucky tonight or tomorrow. My temps went up for 3 days then back down to were they were. So i guess a spark tried to happen then went out?

FX for some to get that elusive positive line.
Sorry about the bfn ftale 🙁 Really hoping you get lucky tonight or tomorrow.

I haven't tested yet, I just don't want to see a bfn. I've been having mild cramps since yesterday, did a lot of housework which seemed to start it off.
FX: be glad that you are waiting. That way you can see a strong bfp :D

I've lost my noodles. I just want to keep testing until I start my flow like that will some how help.

Huggles: Thank you.
I can't remember what one of those looks like, it's been too long 😂

If that's what gets you through, then keep testing, no judgement here!

Anyway, to distract us a bit, what are everyone's plans for the weekend?

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