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Our journeys to baby #2

I need your help/thoughts ladies. I just went for a wee, nothing out of the ordinary noticed.

Literally 20 seconds later I felt a small gush, so I run back into the bathroom to find a bright red bleed, maybe a teaspoons worth in my underwear. No cramps, but boobs still sore. Do I start crying or get excited it could be an implantation bleed?

It seems to be stopping already. I'm 10/11 dpo. Urghh why is this happening. Going to be so disappointed if my luteal phase is screwed up again.
FX: Whuuahh???? Is this normal? Is it slightly more than spotting? I'm nervous for you. How long is your LP usually? Mine went from 10 days to 14 but not until after a few pregnancies and a fullterm one.

Did you test? (my answer for everything :dohh: )

Sending you :dust:
Hmmm, I hate the not knowing! I'm really hoping it is implantation bleeding for you fx! Holding thumbs like mad!
I had very early spotting with my last pg (which mc at 4.5wk). But that started majorly early, like 7dpo - I first thought it was af that was early then boobs got sore then I tested and got a strong positive. Spotting went on daily though, starting and stopping sporadically. Everything ended about 2 weeks later.
BUT, you're already 10/11dpo which is a MUCH better time, so really just hoping it's all good news for you. Unfortunately FTale's answer of testing testing testing is the only sure fire way to know. Although if it is implantation you'd need to wait at least 48 hours for the levels to rise enough to show on a test.

As for the weekend - ds's one school friend is coming to sleep over tonight. They are both SO excited, and must have been talking about it at school because apparently another 2 boys said they also want to come! I told ds one at a time :haha:
Thanks both, I woke up and my boobs are no longer sore, this is a sure sign af is on her way. No more spotting/bleeding but it's just a matter of time. Oh and tested bfn this morning, so yeh definitely out.

My lp is 12-13 days normally but I went through a terrible 6 months after moving last year where it was only 10 days and I was having really short cycles. Maybe all the travel recently has messed me up again.

At this point I'm wondering about next steps 😢😢😢
So sorry fx :( sore boobs that suddenly stop hurting are often a sign things aren't as we want them :hugs:
FX: :hugs: Sorry about the rotten bfn. I am wondering the same. Where to go from here? I have more questions that only labs can answer.

Have you had labs done on your ovarian reserve? I know mine is a good size but no idea about the quality of the egss. I think I will try and look at the bright side of this upcoming cycle as a way to get some questions answered. I'm going to do the 3rd day test fsh, lh, tsh..ie. And from there I am going to schedule my HSG.

I am really sad we got bfns this cycle. Actually I am going to take a crying nap. :cry: And then start prep for didn't as we eat early around here.

FX for us who are still waiting and those of us moving on to a new cycle.

Oh, and this weekend, we will be doing yard work. Cool to watch our new seedlings grow in our front yard..so cute.
Pretty sure af is here, so my lp is not great again 😢 I hear you on the crying nap, have done a lot of that today. Sorry about our bfns too ftale, hugs.

I've not had any tests done yet, I really didn't expect to get this far. This morning has been spent researching fertility clinics, but am very new to the US system so trying to figure it all out. Any advice?

The weekend we're meant to be out with friends on their boat on the Chesapeake bay.
FX: I tried researching before my nap but all I found was places too far away.


That place has a discount program and other ways to afford care.

Do you have a regular OB that you see? If so, tell them you want to do a 3rd day panel on your hormones. It looks at the levels in your body during the time your eggs are suppose to be maturing. It gives a great insight on the quality of your eggs. If you are older like me, 40, you need that and an AMH to see how much reserve you have and the quality of them.

I don't seem to be ovulating to well. And I'm curious what I'm even putting out. My eggs may be done for it.

Only time will tell. I'm quitting my progesterone suppositories so I should get my period on Monday. :cry:

I hope you have fun out there!! Hugs
You're too sweet ftale, thank you for looking. I'm wondering if I see an on first or just go straight to an RE?

I don't have a regular, we've been here 18 months ish but I just haven't sorted it yet. I had a pap smear etc just before we moved so didn't feel a need to see the ob.

Great info on the tests though, thanks for that.

Hugs to you too, hope af is kind on you.
FX: You are very welcome and Thank you.

I would see OB first see what they recommend as they will be cheaper. They can prescribe Clomid , Femera , progesterone...ie. RE will be more expensive but if you need IUI or IVF it's the only route to go really. Best of luck either route.

Right now Im hurting pretty bad and nothing has happened bleeding wise. I was just thinking this AF is going to be bad. The previous two were not much at all. My lower back feels like I've been twirking something awful...lol..but seriously I hope the cramps are super light.

Ok back to vegging.
Great advice, I'll look into finding an ob. I've also decided to give acupuncture a go, so I at least feel like I'm doing something and it's not too medical to start with.

Urghh sorry about all the back pain, sometimes the cramps ease up once things get started, after a bit anyway.

I'm making my way through a bottle of wine dh went out and bought me some, I don't care one bit ha ha!
FX: Wine !!! Some one got spoiled!!! Nice...lol. I tried to have a drink but it didn't taste to good to me. Hit or miss around AF time. My taste buds and nose fail me right when I want to indulge in bad stuff hehehe.

I wanted to try acupuncture but wasn't sure where to go. I did find one place that was fertility really near where I work that I might try. Meanwhile, just trying to enjoy the weekend without stressing about baby making.

AND this time when ovulate I will be out of town so no being for me unless it happens on the night we return home. Either way we decided we need help hands done and it's just a matter of where we need the help. IUI or IVF?

Time will tell. Ok better finish giving the little one her bath.
I'm back and once again completely missed the window to ttc this cycle :( I swear my body hates me to not ovulate at a predictable time. I spent the week with my friend last week and then to Disneyland...The charity walk went well though, we tie dyed shirts so at least I know I wasn't potentially hurting a bubs with the chemicals. Got home on Sunday and DS spiked a random unexplained fever for 3 days then the morning he finally didn't have a fever he threw himself around on our bed and cut his head open in the shelves in our headboard. So I spent Thursday morning taking him by ambulance to the ER and spent 4hrs there for glueing his head and observation, I swear with the heat and humidity in SoCal, this has not been my week. I am determined to get my ttc game back on track, I have my citizenship interview and test on the 22nd, should have AF in the next week or so.. ttc may help my nerves on remembering these 100 questions :o
Omg disneylovers, so glad your DH is ok! Sounds like you've had a hectic time the past few days.
So, af was due yesterday, I was expecting her in the morning. It's now lunch time Monday and so far nothing...
Disney: Glad Aiden is getting better. What an awful scare! Is he sleeping ok now?

Huggles: Same here! No show. FX!!
Thanks ftale. As we weren't really trying this month I totally haven't been obsessing about things, but then some time last week (Thurs maybe?) I crossed my arms and they brushed my nipples and they were sensitive. Suddenly wondered if maybe but didn't think more about it. Then today I've been totally obsessed, totally convinced I am pregnant, so much so I even created a new ticker! (Haven't added it yet). Was so convinced I nearly even phoned gyne to make first app. Was going to wait til we'd to test but then it's been so in my head today I just tested now. Had only held my urine for 2 hours though, but that's because I've been pee'ing every 2 hours cos I'm bursting by then. Even woke up to wee in the early hours of the morning last 2 nights.
But no, the test is negative :( feeling somewhat shattered because I'd built it up with such certainty in my mind.

Although, I don't know, there might be the faintest shadow, but I might be imagining it. Argh, I should have waited to test. Will just have to wait and if still no af will test wed like originally planned.
Had a look again, more time than they say to wait, and opened it up (yes I'm desperate) and I'm now convinced that there is a shadow. I've used this brand of test multiple times and never had a shadow even the next day.

(Next to the blue)

That is definitely a line Huggles, fingers crossed for great progression tomorrow!
Thanks disneylovers. I felt devastated when I thought it was a definite negative, but I feel terrified at the thought that this might actually be happening!

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