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Our journeys to baby #2

I've never had my progesterone checked.
I'm pretty sure of my ov date (Sunday 2.5 weeks ago), and we dtd the Fri just before. Didn't dtd again until this week because of my back. So it could only have been then.
But I did a bit of Googling and whilst implantation normally happens between 7-10dpo, it can happen as late as 12dpo.
If that is the case, or even if it happened 10dpo,the numbers could still be within the norm. Feeling a little more positive after working it all out. Will see what the numbers are on Monday. As long as they come back over 400 I'll be happy.
Congrats huggles! Seeing positive tests give the rest of us ladies some hope so I hope you hang around for a while.

AFM, pretty sure the witch is on her way, puts my guesstimated O at the right time with symptoms, just no BD... sigh hopefully this bust of the past few months will be over and we'll start seeing more bfp's like huggles

Aiden's head is healing, he got it infected but I got it all cleaned up and yay for still having hibiscrub and neosporin so looks like it's back to healing, he had his check up on his kidney, I swear watching his ultrasound of his rt kidney was like that moment when you first see bubs on your own ultrasound... I had to do a double take and look down at Aiden and make sure she was scanning the right side! It looks so much better with only minimal swelling, he's gone from grade 3 Hydronephrosis (swelling, fluid retention, and ill formed/immature kidney) at 4 months old to grade 2 last july, to grade 1 this week. I'm overjoyed that he's on the road to growing out of this. His specialist is confident that it'll be fully gone by next sept and will discharge him then. until then, stick with avoiding NSAID's for pain (he can only have otc tylenol at home), keep with the low potassium and protein diet. Hopefully less stress with what's going on with him will help settle my cycles as stress seems to set them off kilter
Thanks disneylovers.

Glad to hear Aiden's head is getting better. Scary that it got infected but really good you were able to clean it up. So exciting that his kidney is improving so well!

Sorry you missed ov this past month but it's always nice to see that you guessed your ov day correctly based on symptoms. Fx'd you're able to bd around ov day this next cycle.
Congratulationssss Huggles :)))
its always nice to hear a success story when you're ltttc.
i am off ttc this month (just made sure we dtd around ov :D) but other than that I wont be testing or thinking about ttc at all.
ftale and fxmummyduck, I hear tons of stories of ladies getting pg just when they're waiting for af to do a round of tests... hope it happens for u next month :D
HCG is 613 (up from 146 on Fri)!!!! :wohoo:
This is really happening!!
Lilac: Hey there! Thank you for coming back to let us know how you are. Cd6 is what I'm dreaming of today at cd2....lol.
I really hope everything gets all worked out so you can actively TTC again.
Are you taking prenatals in the interim?
I mean to but I stopped around O time when I had a bad sinus infection. I didn't want anything in my body cept for water and tea...lol

I will start up again tomorrow at cd3. I think AF will be letting up at that point.

Ok hope everyone else is having a good week and staying safe if you are interested the path of Irma. HUGS

Sorry you've been going through such a tough time lately lilac :hugs:

Thank you ladies so much for the well wishes, it means a lot to me right now :hugs::hugs:

FTale - yes, I am taking my supplements as often as I can remember!

HCG is 613 (up from 146 on Fri)!!!! :wohoo:
This is really happening!!

Hooray! That is wonderful Huggles :happydance:

I thought AF was finally finished as I had nothing except CM yesterday but then today I had a touch of very light pink spotting. AF usually finishes very dark in color, which is what I had this cycle up until yesterday... very strange for me and I don't know what it means :shrug:
Huggles: Good news indeed :) Congrats!!!

Lilac: It's strange but it was that way for me too this AF. Touch of light pink after a day of nothing. Then nothing since. My vitamins have been constipating me so maybe that's why? Do yours do that to you? I'm going to have to change them out..lol

Sorry if you mentioned but what CD do you normally O? Will you be avoiding this time or playing it by ear?
Huggles: Good news indeed :) Congrats!!!

Lilac: It's strange but it was that way for me too this AF. Touch of light pink after a day of nothing. Then nothing since. My vitamins have been constipating me so maybe that's why? Do yours do that to you? I'm going to have to change them out..lol

Sorry if you mentioned but what CD do you normally O? Will you be avoiding this time or playing it by ear?

So weird!
Luckily my vitamins don't constipate me but I specifically went for "gentle" iron tablets because I wanted to avoid that problem :-D
When I still was taking my bbt I know my O day was around CD 11-13 but since I haven't started temping postpartum I'm not sure if I'm still in that range or not... It seems to be a bit later according to OPKs. I don't think we will avoid but I can't think of how we would get the opportunity to really try this cycle - pretty much on the weekend is the only time there's hope for BD right now.
Sorry for quick self involved post, I'll catch up soon.

Went for Ob appointment yesterday to get the ball rolling. Had all the blood tests including ovarian reserve etc internal exam (oh the joys) and have a pelvic ultrasound scheduled for next week. Results back in 3 days, fingers crossed all ok.

Hope you're all doing ok, great to see some others back too!
Glad you've gotten the ball rolling mummyduck. Fx'd the test results give you some answers that help.
Lilac: All it takes is one bd! FX for you!!

This is true, thank you so much!

Sorry for quick self involved post, I'll catch up soon.

Went for Ob appointment yesterday to get the ball rolling. Had all the blood tests including ovarian reserve etc internal exam (oh the joys) and have a pelvic ultrasound scheduled for next week. Results back in 3 days, fingers crossed all ok.

Hope you're all doing ok, great to see some others back too!

Best of luck with your testing!!!

I've been using OPKs quite "sloppily" the past few days and I'm guessing I would have got a positive test this afternoon if I'd remembered to test. I'm CD 13 today and really, really hoping to squeeze in BD tomorrow fx'd.


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That looks a like a good line lilacpetal! Here's to hoping you're able to bd soon!
That looks a like a good line lilacpetal! Here's to hoping you're able to bd soon!

Thank you! I am ecstatic to say we managed to BD today (and I feel a little weird about making an announcement like that... lol) so we might just stand a chance this cycle - woohoo! :happydance:
Still on Vaca. Back tomorrow. Hope you all have a good weekend!!
I am having the same issues. I stumbled upon this site whilst Googling my problems and they seem to match everyone else's. I have very low progesterone which makes me believe I didn't ovulate this cycle. If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it. I started with Provera 5mg since I hadn't had AF in 7 months. Then I got my "withdrawal bleed" from that and I took Clomiphene Citrate 50 mg curing CD 5-9. I had a temp spike that I thought signaled ovulation on CD 12. My temp rose for 3 days afterwards and then dropped very low below the coverline according to my BBT. I don't know what happened, if I did ovulate why my temps dropped. I am believing it has to do with low progesterone. Does anyone know how to fix it? What I can do to remedy the situation? I am TTC #2 right now and got pregnant with my first when I wasn't trying so I know I can get pregnant but for some reason my temps drop and I still haven't gotten my period. All BFN every test! I'm so lost and confused. Thanks in advance for advice or help!
Yay! Holding thumbs!

Thank you!!

Still on Vaca. Back tomorrow. Hope you all have a good weekend!!

Hope you had a fab vaca :D

I am having the same issues. I stumbled upon this site whilst Googling my problems and they seem to match everyone else's. I have very low progesterone which makes me believe I didn't ovulate this cycle. If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it. I started with Provera 5mg since I hadn't had AF in 7 months. Then I got my "withdrawal bleed" from that and I took Clomiphene Citrate 50 mg curing CD 5-9. I had a temp spike that I thought signaled ovulation on CD 12. My temp rose for 3 days afterwards and then dropped very low below the coverline according to my BBT. I don't know what happened, if I did ovulate why my temps dropped. I am believing it has to do with low progesterone. Does anyone know how to fix it? What I can do to remedy the situation? I am TTC #2 right now and got pregnant with my first when I wasn't trying so I know I can get pregnant but for some reason my temps drop and I still haven't gotten my period. All BFN every test! I'm so lost and confused. Thanks in advance for advice or help!

I am sorry I don't know much to advise you very well with. I suspected I had low progesterone while TTC my first so I supplemented with OTC progesterone cream. However, the cycle I did end up conceiving my first I had stopped using the progesterone cream so I don't know if it helped or was necessary or not :/ Will your provider be doing a blood draw or anything to see if you've ovulated?

AFM - today I am about 4DPO based on OPKs and symptoms...I have been having some symptoms since O day so I am hoping that is at least a good sign that I actually O'd! I want to start recording my BBT again once I get a new thermometer because not knowing "for sure" is hard for me to deal with lol. Symptoms include an acute sense of smell (I keep smelling feet everywhere I go), feeling a bit bloated, fatigue (not too unusual I suppose), and lots of twinging a crampy-ness.

Lots of :dust: for everyone!

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