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Our journeys to baby #2

I am having the same issues. I stumbled upon this site whilst Googling my problems and they seem to match everyone else's. I have very low progesterone which makes me believe I didn't ovulate this cycle. If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it. I started with Provera 5mg since I hadn't had AF in 7 months. Then I got my "withdrawal bleed" from that and I took Clomiphene Citrate 50 mg curing CD 5-9. I had a temp spike that I thought signaled ovulation on CD 12. My temp rose for 3 days afterwards and then dropped very low below the coverline according to my BBT. I don't know what happened, if I did ovulate why my temps dropped. I am believing it has to do with low progesterone. Does anyone know how to fix it? What I can do to remedy the situation? I am TTC #2 right now and got pregnant with my first when I wasn't trying so I know I can get pregnant but for some reason my temps drop and I still haven't gotten my period. All BFN every test! I'm so lost and confused. Thanks in advance for advice or help!

Anything that helps you ovulate will cause a rise in temp that wouldn't normally be there. Your temp should drop again just before you. Typically after the last day of clomid you count 5 to 8 days till you actually ovulate. All opks will read positive for a while. At least that is my experience. But a sustained temp will show you have ovulated.

Hang in there as the body can go through an adjustment period that is so annoying.
Lilac: 4dpo already??? Oh, yay, I hope you your bding caught the eggy. I am hoping to O tonight or within the next few days. FX for us!!

Disney: I hope all is well. I miss you. HUGS

Huggles: How are things going? Did you take anymore tests.
All's good here so far. Didn't do more tests. Nearly went back for a third HCG test last Thurs as I had no symptoms all of a sudden for the first half of the week, but then certain banking issues required me to use my lunch break to sort those out instead of getting more blood drawn. Symptoms came back on Fri so I feel better and since yesterday (Tues) morning my nipples are mega sore (tmi) and super hard. Every time my arm brushes across my chest it's just really sore. Also getting the odd random bouts of nausea, but nothing bad. Exhasution also hit me again on the a weekend resulting in an 11 a hour sleep saturday night, followed by a nap on sunday (and yet here I lie at 2:50am unable to sleep after waking up at 12;45am...). Lower abdomen also feels slightly bigger/fuller?

Got my first scan in 2 weeks! (4 Oct)
Hey ladies, sorry I've been so rubbish at commenting on people's updates, but please know I'm reading a long and supporting you all.

Results are in and feeling a bit shocked.

On the surface bloods all came back in normal range but I do have a hormonal imbalance, not sure which yet waiting on a call from the Dr.

And I have a bicornuate uterus which has never been noticed before, hopefully it doesn't cause a conception problem but can cause other problems down the line.

Hoping to get the ball rolling balancing my hormones out. We're still trying this month but it's cd20 for me and I'm yet to see a positive opk so definitely feel like things are not working right. Trying to be optimistic that the dr thinks the hormone thing is an 'easy fix'.
Huggles: That is awesome news. I know how it can be with hcg fluctuatations. Keeping you in my prayers.

FX: How was your uterus misses? I figured it was some thing you were born with not obtained through giving birth for instance... I really hope they can get your hormones in balance. I wonder what they are though. Hope its nothing too troubling to fix as far as meds. FX for trying this month with an O soon.
I have no idea how it was missed! Yes it is something I was born with and hopefully as things were ok with ds it won't be too much of a problem. But I'm intrigued to find out which hormones are up the creek.
FTale: thank you! Much baby dust to you!!

Huggles: oh man I sooo remember the exhaustion, basically if I wasn't at work I was sleeping lol. That's so exciting to have a scan soon :-D

FX: I hope you get your results very soon, I find it so nerve wracking to wait on test results :|

AFM - I'm afraid I might be coming down with something :-( I've been totally drained and exhausted today. I've got some sinus pressure and dizziness which I think are related. Then I took a 2 hour nap with the baby today and was still completely exhausted when we woke up :/ At dinner I was hungry but then nauseated once I started eating. I was telling my sister how I was feeling and she said a nurse at her work said a flu is already starting to go around so now I'm anxious I've caught it :p Yesterday I was thinking I might have a UTI because I had frequent urination but not much when I went to the bathroom but that's better today. I'm really not a hypochondriac lol...just anxious! OH! And I've been FREEZING, my hands and feet have been so cold. That could be the recent change in the weather but it's also a distinct PMS symptom for me.
Fx - sorry to hear they've picked up a hormonal imbalance but also good in a way as it might help them treat it so you can fall pg again soon. I hope it's an easily treatable imbalance - will be interesting to hear the proper results.
What is a bicornuate uterus?
Scary that they missed it in the past, especially with you having gone through an entire pregnancy where they should have been looking at things like your uterus!

lilac - so sorry to hear you're feeling so rotten. I hope you feel better soon :hugs:
Lilac: I'm so sorry you are feeling bad. We can only hope its your body preparing for pregnancy and not the Flu. Feel better, HUGS
Hey ladies, having a rough day feeling like all the air has been knocked from me. The Dr has come back to me saying I have Polycystic ovaries, I'm not sure if it's just that or the syndrome apparently there is a difference. Suddenly feeling like my ds is a miracle baby, and don't know if we'll get that lucky again.
So sorry to hear that fx. :hugs:
I didn't know there was a difference.
Has he discussed options like metformin etc?
My sil had/has PCOS - they tried unsuccessfully for a baby for I think about 5 years. Finally went on metformin and fell pg fairly quickly. With second kid she stopped breastfeeding, went on metformin and was pregnant one month later!

Obviously it doesn't always work for everyone, but it does seem to help.

I really hope he has some options for you to try.
Next appointment is Monday to go through options.

Thanks for the hugs and positive story about the Metformin Huggles.
FX: I'm sorry. Cystic ovaries suck. I don't remember exactly but years ago an RE mentioned it to me but I've never taken anything for it and no one has said anything since. I mean I've had them both scrutinized like crazy. Maybe they were wrong but I do have trouble ovulating. I only ovulated this cycle because I was on 50mg of Clomid.

I really hope your doctor provides good options on Monday.

Huggles: Hi :flower: Hope all is going well.

AFM: I ovulated at some point this month. I had a progesterone of 31 either 4dpo or 2dpo. My temps didn't coincide with my ovulation pain at all. I'm seriously in limbo as to when it happened and if we inseminated on the right days. My husband agreed with me that I should take my progesterone suppositories anyway. Praying for a miracle.
Holding thumbs for you FTale. That's great that you did ovulate. Hopefully there were some swimmers around at the right time.
Thanks ftale, feeling like the other Dr sucked a bit not speaking with me personally and then it felt like fate she no openings so seeing someone different on Monday. I just need to know there are next steps from here, dr google is not helpful in the slightest!

Praying for you too! I've found just recently opks, ewcm and pains have not really matched up either. I really hope you have good timing though.
Hi I'm New to the site and looking for feedback advice & anything else I can get lol. Well just to sum up my story I'm ttc for baby#2 Son will be 7 Years old in a month & was on depo for about two years, I got off depo in October (last shot was July 2016). Started having AF in December 2016 (cycle days are about 25-27 days, it fluctuates) So last month DH & I started ttc & bought OPK tests & Preseed well I guess we did something wrong & AF Still came to visit. This month we didn't use anything no OPK or Any Type of fertile aids & today im 3 dpo according to 3 different mobile apps I use to keep track of my AF & I have very sore boobs like the side bottom & Nipples are extremely sore to touch (something of which I've never experienced before) & They hurt when i get up from laying down or when I take my bra off and my bras Aren't tight. I have 12 days Til AF shows & My CM is thick but wet slippery kinda and white with no smell (sorry if this) My Back hurts like hell and earlier today while using the reStrom I seen some light pinkish color when I wiped. I then went "up there" & checked & seen it in my CM.. When I took a shower later tonight I checked again & nothing back to the clear almost off White color. I'm not trying to psych myself out because last month was a disappointment but has anyone experienced anything like this
Huggles: thank you so much for the well-wishes :hugs:

FTale: thank you so much :hugs: Fx'd that you caught that eggy!! :dust:

fx: I'm so sorry your results are so stressful for you and obviously not what you were hoping for :-(:-(:-( I really hope the other Dr. is more helpful than the first :hugs::flower:

Hello CaliCali! I'm sorry you're having some frustration - I am also a bit confused about what my body is doing this cycle. I had a bit of pink streaking in almost EWCM this evening but nothing since. I can't recall if I've every had this before for sure or not so I'm not sure what to think. I didn't have any type of IB with my first and I imagine it might be a bit early to be IB for you? My boobs hardly ever get sore so I can't say much there either, sorry :(

AFM - I am 11DPO today and expecting AF tomorrow or so, but I'm still feeling a little irregular so I could be wrong/off. Thankfully I never ended up getting sick so I don't know what all that was about! All this last week I've been very crampy. Sunday, Monday and today all felt like AF was coming on and I had to keep checking in the bathroom but aside from a tiny amount of pink streaking in a bit of EWCM this evening she hasn't shown yet. I am a POAS addict through and through but they've all been stark white BFN :(

:dust: to everyone!
Lilac, sorry you've been getting bfns. Holding thumbs it might still turn positive. I tested for the first time at 14dpo and only got a super mega faint line after the full 5 Min was up. Holding thumbs it's still just too early for you.
Welcome Cali:flower:

I was on deposit back in 2015 only had two shots. Spotted the entire time. Hated the stuff. I didn't get a regular AF til December 2015. When I didn't my boobs about fell off they were so painful. That shot will do a job on your hormones. I've been trying since August 2016 to get pregnant and no dice. Some women have no issues after Depo though.

You sound like there is plenty of progesterone in your body. Hopefully you caught the eggy.

Lilac: I am super sorry about the bfns. Rotten sticks. You still have 4 more days of testing, right? I know I'll be testing until i get a bfp or AF shows. Hope is contagious. :)
Yeah, depo really does do weird things. I was on it for about 4.5 years, got my first attempt at a period 9 months later, with first proper period 12 months after I stopped the injection. Fell pg in second month of trying.
Went on again 6 weeks after my son was born. Was only on it for 15 months roughly, spotted the whole time, and now it's taken me 4 years to fall pregnant this time.

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