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Our journeys to baby #2

LilacPetal, Thanks for the feedback I thought to myself it'll be to early for IB however if I happened to ovulate sooner than the mobile app says it's possible but highly unlikely cause it almost never happens. Also only one Boob is sore this morning me and DH BD Last night & it magically stopped hurting.. Idk what my body is going through.

FTALE, I'm hoping there's enough because we're so ready to have a baby and I'm a twin so I'm hoping this time around I get two bundle of joys at once.

Huggles, 4 years wow, that makes me wonder maybe I should've gotten off of it sooner. I hate that the doctor doesn't tell you everything you need to know about those shots.

But update on today, one Boob sore, have gas, stomach a little crampy. Maybe bc I ate spaghetti with a bit too much cheese. Who knows.
Also DH & I Didn't BD Everyday this time we did every other day to days.
11 Days Til AF shows.
Thank you ladies for the encouragement :hug: I have short LPs and I woke up to the :witch: this morning so it's CD1 again for me. I hate cycles with crazy/uncomfortable symptoms throughout the whole TWW :cry:
Lilac: Booo...Sorry AF showed. :hugs: Well, maybe you two can plan out stealing away some weekend hours to bd next cycle if O falls on the right date. Please stick around even if you just lurk. I want to know how you are doing and cheer when you get that bfp. :happydance:
Hi ladies, how are you all doing?

I'm having a weird day. Cd29 and I woke up to really watery gush of cm, now it's turned to ewcm. After all the bad news and other diagnoses this month I stopped using opks I don't remember which day, but I still hadn't seen a really dark positive, a few were pretty close. I assumed with the pcos that I'm not really ovulating and you can't trust them as lh levels are often high with pcos.
I can't believe I'm Oing now, if I am then this is THE most screwed cycle I've ever had. Guess it could be possible that all the upset and stress has delayed O :(

Also my cervix is high soft and medium to open.

Do I get dh to come home now?!!
Omg mummyduck, it all sounds very confusing!
Huggles: 4 years is a long time indeed. I don't know if that is my fate. I hope not but it is what it is an you adapt anyway you can. How are you feeling? When is your scan?

FX: Girl, this has been one screwed up cycle for both of us. I'm waiting for AF or a bfp. I'm ready to be done with wondering 'wth is going on.:hugs:
Jump on DH though. That is never a bad idea :thumbup:

AFM: I have an IUI planned to take place next month. It was a spur of the moment thing that just happen to fall in place financially. I am going to do it and pray for the best.
I think I'm going with a possible gear up to O, I may not actually O...hence the cysts. Either way I msgd dh to come home from work while ds was still napping ha ha!! So we managed to bd! Loved to have seen his face at work.

Wow an iui next month ftale! That's a development, im SO hopeful for you. Everything crossed x
FX: HAHAHAH...I bet looked very happy!! I really hope you caught it right in time.
Ftale I really hope the iui does the trick! Keeping everything crossed for you.

Mummyduck, your hubs must have been so happy getting a call to dtd :haha: always holding thumbs for you.

AFM, I have my scan on wed. I'm excited for the scan but the thought of telling people is really stressing me out. I keep having nightmares about it.
The matter gets complicated by the fact that so many facets of my life are interconnected, so people I'm not ready to tell might find out via other channels before I want them to. So it tends to be a tell everyone or tell no one scenario. But that now gets complicated too because ds is coming with to the scan on wed (that's how we plan to tell him the news - 'i think there's a baby growing in my tummy so we're going to ask the doctor to take a look and check') and so because of that I'm feeling more pressure to tell everyone this week.
It's school holidays this week and he's spending it with my mom. So no doubt Thurs morning he'll blurt out to her that there's a baby in my tummy. And I kind of feel like I should be the one to tell her, not let her find out via the grapevine so to speak. But then my brother also works there a fair bit with my dad so I'm worried ds will blurt to him as well. He'll tell his wife who'll tell her mother who will tell my work and blahblah blah.
And I just don't actually feel ready to share the news yet.
I'm sleeping over at my mom's on Monday, with ds, and so more or less decided that would be the best time to tell her, after ds is asleep. But it's before the scan which isn't ideal. But still, timing is probably good. But the closer monday gets the more I'm freaking out about it.

My original plan was to only get first scan at 10 weeks. That would have given me another 2 weeks before needing to tell. But I confused my months when booking my appointment and secretary said gyne was out of town at that time. Anyway, I then somehow landed up with an 8 week appointment instead.

I'm just an extremely private person by nature (and 99% introvert which doesn't help either), and I don't find it easy sharing things with people face to face. I even struggle to tell DH things that matter. So ya, announcing this is just really stressing me out
Huggles would you get another scan a bit later? If it was really stressing you out could you wait and take your ds with you to a later scan? It might give you a bit of breathing space. It's crazy how fast news travels!
I will definitely be getting more scans, but I need to take him with to this one as the only person I could leave him with would be my mom and that would be really suspicious not giving her a proper reason .
Have an appointment at the paed for him the hour before at the same hospital so it's just too awkward not to take him.
So I'm here at my mom's and just spent the last 2 hours chatting after ds went to sleep. Didn't find the right moment to share the news and also feeling nervous about the pg again and needing reassurance of scan so will wait until Thurs. It'll be a rush with dropping ds off before work but I have a cute idea (scan pic inside card with a note) so hoping that'll work ok.
Came home from work today and was sitting on the couch with ds and told him tomorrow we can do anything in the morning, then in the afternoon we're going to a special childrens doctor to ask her why you're getting so many headaches, then after that we're going to another doctor to look in my tummy.
L: why?
M: because I haven't had a period in 2 months so I want to see if there's a baby in there.
L: if there is I'm gonna cry.
M: cry from happiness or sadness?
L: happiness, because I've been wanting one so badly!
<3 :cloud9: <3 :cloud9: <3
One perfect little baby. Heartbeat 173bpm (he said it should be anything above 140). Measuring just 2 days behind which is awesome.
Ds was so excited and did a happy dance on the way back to the car :haha:
Gyne does a gender prediction using dates and ages etc and guessed girl. I also feel girl. We both guessed right last time so we'll see.

Congratulations Huggles!! Great scan picture! So glad your ds was happy about it having (maybe) a little sister.
Congrats Huggles!! :happydance: Perfect scan of your lil bean too.

I'm looking forward to seeing scans too but I have to get pregnant first...:haha:

I posted this in my October tww group as an update to my IUI situation:

Well My AF has not started but bfns still. I was expecting it today but looks like Friday will be it.
I saw the RE and she told me I was 40lbs too fat for them to do give me medicines/monitored IUI. I still can go some place else who will do an unmonitored IUI but I feel I need Clomid and properly time trigger shot so I am working on dropping the weight. :cry:

Meanwhile, I'm going to be taking 100mg of Clomid ( cd3-7), Vitamin D3 and Super B Complex (every day), Herbal Tea, and Castor oil packs (once my cycle ends up to Ovulation day). Progesterone after I ovulate.

Excercise is cardio 60 minutes each evening with Strength training 3 days a week in the mornings.

I guess nothing is a guarantee in life. So my hubby and I are going to keep trying on our own and work out to get healthier. Its up in the air if we will do IUI with RE in December but it would be great to loose the weight. :happydance:

How is everyone else doing?
I'm in a similar boat to you ftale, cd35 no sign of af and bfns yesterday. I think I Od late though so I probably shouldn't expect Af yet anyway. I want it to show up so I can start clomid too, although I was told days 5-9?? I wonder why that's different to you ftale? Maybe because I don't have a trigger shot? Will be given progesterone too and have a blood test cd23. Really wish af would hurry up so I can start this clomid cycle!!

Sorry about the comments on your weight, good luck with the healthy changes. I've been really bad recently about getting to the gym, you've inspired me to go!! We can do this together ftale!

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