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Our journeys to baby #2

Wow ftale, I can't believe they won't montior or medicate you because of your weight! It sounds like you have a wonderful exercise plan in place. I hope it helps with the weight loss you want.

Fx, I don't know much about clomid but perhaps the different days recommended are because you generally of later in your cycle that ftale does?
Told my parents this morning. I wrote a card basically saying sorry I hadn't told them monday, I just couldn't find the words and that I chickened out and needed the reassurance of the scan, but now wanted to let them know that I'm pregnant. Told them how far and when I'm due (technically mid May but hoping to get to mid-April).. Then I put one of the scan pics in the card. I made a little flower posy of bougainvillea flowers from our garden.
Got there and told my mom I'd discovered it was grandparents day this past weekend so "happy belated grandparents day" and handed over the card and flowers. She didn't even know it had been and said thanks and looked like she was about to say goodbye (I was on my way to work, just dropping ds there for the day). I said "you kinda need to open the white one now" (ds had given her a yellow envelope as well with a birthday party invitation in it). She looked confused but said ok and went to the kitchen to put the flowers down. Opened the card, saw the scan and looked up confused saying "and this?". I just said "read the card". She looked close to tears and just kept saying "oh wow. wow. oh wow" over and over. My dad walked in at that moment and she just handed him the card and gave me a big hug and then looked at the scan pic some more. Then said congratulations. My dad also said congratulations and gave me a big hug and they both told me to take it easy. She said she was so surprised. I told her we were kind of too but extremely happy. I think she's still in shock :haha:

Now to tell my boss... Wanting to get that done today. will wait another 2 weeks I think before making a general announcement. Need to tell dh's sister + family this weekend.
FX: UGH. Have you started spotting yet? I looked at my chart and have three different possible O dates....ridiculous. I stopped progesterone on Monday regardless. I should have had a bfp by now no matter when I ovulated.

You can drink parsely tea to bring on your cycle. I forget all the details or just wait. I'm waiting because I figure I do enough to my body with trying to get a good O...LOL. I ususally O on cd12 which is why I start 3-7 on the Clomid. I need time to get as many eggs matured as possible because it happens so fast. With Clomid it makes me O cd14 - cd 16 :) By then I've got some mature follies.

I don't do any trigger shots since I'm not monitored.

I hope we get AF by the weekend so we can move on. I have to schedule 3rd day test for real this time as I also have to do my HSG...no choice. My dh wants to see what my egg quality is like and if my tubes are open before we IUI (now that its been put on hold). I have the Castor oil packs to help with my reproductive organs. Suppose to help detox it. We will see.
Huggles: :haha: I bet you shocked her!! I like surprising my mom like that. Well, catching her off guard with some thing super special that is.
Ftale any sign of af yet? Nothing her and still testing bfn. I thought I had 3 possible O dates but when I looked at my medical notes more closely, my lining was only 5.6mm on cd19 so I must've still been leading up to O a fair while away as I'm pretty sure it needs to be at least double that for an egg to implant. So now I'm thinking the ewcm on cd26 may be my best bet. So I could possibly be 10dpo, but more likely it's been anovulatory.
FX: AF showed up this morning. Very clotty, with old stuff and new stuff. I hope it gets heavier. I'm worried the Clomid killed my lining. Have to figure out how to make it thicker since I will be doing Clomid again.
Plus, I have a hsg scheduled and they won't do it if I'm bleeding or spotting still.

Isn't it crazy? 3 different O dates..lol. I think mine ended up being CD 15 or 16. I'm just glad it's over.

Hope you get a bfp soon!!
Ftale, could EPO maybe help with the lining? It should only be taken before ov when TTC though.
Huggles my Dr told me I couldn't take the epo next cycle with the clomid....?? I don't know if it really does contraindicate or if he's just extra cautious or anti supplements.

Sorry af showed ftale, if it's clotty surely that's a sigh your lining was ok? I thought if it was light/pink it could mean a thin lining?

Anyway here's to moving on!
I didn't know EPO and clomid couldn't go together. Never done clomid so only know what I've read on here from others using it.
Huggles there seems to be conflicting ideas, which makes me think that no one really knows if epo interacts with clomid or not! And of course a Dr is likely just to say, no don't take it. Whereas some people think it's ok. I guess it just becomes a personal decision.

Still waiting for af here....now the longest cycle I have ever had. I can't help thinking I've developed these cysts in the last 18 months or so, never used to have these problems xxx
It's so frustrating when your cycle messes you around. I hope you either get af it a BFP soon fx. Being in limbo just sucks.
Huggles: Thank you for the EPO advice. I had been toying around with that idea but since I won't be able to get any Estrogen to take cd8 I might as well take some EPO. I have some at 1000mg a tab I'll probably take at bedtime.

FX: I hope you can get AF going here soon. Is there some thing you usually do to kick start it if it is late without a bfp? And as far a the EPO is concerned, I've done some research and its trial and era. For some it works and others the side effects are too great.
I'm going to take my chances and hope for the best.:shrug:
Ftale, 1000mg is the perfect dose. Just once a day and only between cd1 and ov day, then stop.
I personally was worried about the mood effects of stopping suddenly so I had one 2 days after ov and 2 days after that and then stopped, (so 48 hours between doses), so kind of weaned off rather than the sudden stop. That was this last cycle when I got my BFP.

I'd done a sudden stop once before and the mood effects were horrific, although to be fair I'd been on it for a solid 12 months at the time and just ran out.

In may this year I had a sudden totally unexpected BFP but it ended almost before it began. I didn't know about not taking EPO after ov and so took it throughout, only stopping a week after getting my BFP (I'd already been spotting for a week at that point). Apparently it can cause mc as it can stimulate contractions! Whether that was the reason my bean didn't stick or if it was one of a host of other things I don't know. But I didn't take it again until my August cycle started, and then took it just the 2 weeks between af and ov. No bad effects when I stopped it that time.
Huggles: Yes, you are right about not taking it past O. I'm so sorry about your loss. EPO is known to do that. So far I took it before bed,and at breakfast then lunch time..shooting for 3000mg a day. I don't feel any different other than 'weeing' alot and feeling kind of 'randy'. I'm only cd4 so that is way strange. I don't have much of a period but I get the perfect amount I think...LOL. So on cd4 I'm spotting and by Friday I will be totally back to normal for my HSG.

I'm so looking forward Friday. :happydance: I can't stop thinking about it!
Scary movies and snuggling with my dh....:cloud9:
Is there a reason you're aiming for 3000? The naturopath that put me on EPO originally (for super bad moods) said no more than 1000mg per day.

We're going to a sleepover at the aquarium.on Saturday, it's been dubbed an 'ascarium sleepover' and we all have to dress up like it's Halloween (we don't really do Halloween in South Africa). My son is super excited.
Hi. Oh that is going to be loads of fun!!! What will you dress as?

I'm thinking 2000mg a day is enough. My bbt has been so nice! And I feel different just after three doses of epo. After the last day of Clomid my temp tends to be higher than 97.4 but not over 97.8 making it so confusing when temping. Usually anything over 97. 5 means I Ovulated.

Hoping the rest of my cycle temps are calm with a clear spike.

Are you feeling any sickness in the morning? Notice if you are growing faster?

HUGS EOE....Got quiet in here.
I have no idea what I'm going dressed as. We don't really have much in the way of dress up clothes. I'm wanting to check if we still have our huge white flat sheet (it got used as a drop cloth for painting at some point so doesn't get used on beds anymore). Then I might just go as a ghost. Original :haha:
Ds wanted to first go as a pumpkin - he has a pumpkin mask. Then he decided a pirate, then a zombie. Then Steve from Minecraft (or maybe zombie and steve were other way around). We'll have to decide soon. At least most of those are fairly easy with what we have. No idea about dh - he's thinking like the Arrow or something (he's big into archery) but we'll see.

Not much sickness here. occasional short bouts of queasiness but they seldom last more than 10 min. Last week there were a few days when I had severe starvation though - like I just couldn't stop eating. I'd eat and 20 min later be majorly starving like I hadn't eaten in 20 hours! Thankfully that seems to have passed. I do feel like my middle is getting bigger. It's not that noticeable to see yet though but I wore my jeans with the button open and zip half down the whole of friday at work :rofl: (I did have a big hoodie over so no one could see). I'm just finding pants in general very tight.
I'm in complete disbelief but I think I got my bfp this morning!!!


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I'm in complete disbelief but I think I got my bfp this morning!!!

WHAAATTT??? WAIT. What did I miss? Because that is a BFP!!! :happydance:

What dpo are you on? Or do you even know....hahah OMG....!!!
I think calling hubby home early from work, my hunch about ovulating late was right!!! That was cd26/27 and I'm now cd40 so *i think* 13 or 14 dpo!!! That's a complete guess and I really don't know, I'd run out of opks so I'm going by the ewcm I got that day.

Cannot believe it!!! I was waiting on af to go and pick up my clomid prescription and it never showed. So I thought what the heck, I hadn't tested for 2 or 3 days so thought I'd try again. I still have a frer in the cupboard, think I'll use tomorrow morning. Was nearly late getting ds to pre school because the line started to show!!! OMG!!!!

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