what up? I'm ttc #2 and I see this thread has had a good fair of baby dust being spread, mind if I join?
Good luck FTale!
are you charting? opks?
I live on the border of Halloween town. It's a giant cornerstone around these parts.
so tons of Halloween festivities. I've been to three pumpkin patches this month already and hitting up the final one this weekend. Halloween is also my favorite holiday so I've been pretty distracted as well.
Hi can I join??
My dd is 2 in 6 weeks. First time around took 10 months and this is cycle 6 starting today. Stupid witch. We don't do opks or temping and with a bed sharing toddler makes dtd awkward so I guess it's more ntnp but we are hoping by the time winter ends I'll be preggers. I'd like a 3-4 year age gap anyway to help with the competition and give me more one on one time with each. I'll be 33 next month and dh is 35
Hi! Can I join? We just started very casually ttc for #2. Our daughter is 17 months. I'm
Very nervous for a second!