Over 30 and Fabulous!

:hugs: msj on your dad's anniversary

Soleil he's getting it now but not much.. During pregnancy we didn't DTD even ONCE after my fertile time that month we conceived Penny! I had a massive hormone jump a couple of weeks after I stopped bf'ing & I was so horny! But sigh, it didn't last once my hormones settled & I'm now back to not wanting it much...

Hakuna I tried softcups but didn't work for me. Interestingly though I think orgasms brought on my labour, DH not involved though, day of my due date I was horny he he :blush:

Hi ladies just dropping in!


Congrats on number2 FinallReady!

@Soleil omg you are getting close! The time flew! Also beautiful bump pic :) Sorry about the GD. Hope you are managing well.
@Mrspttc congrats on Penny rolling over. Milestones! Also thanks for checking in on me.
@MrsJMouse hope the anni over your father's passing was filled with more fond memories than sadness. May he rest in peace.
@MrsMax how is work coming along?
@Ready sorry that you and hubby are apart so often but praying bfp #2 comes soon.
@Hakuna congrats on team blue again! :)
@Rosa and @Jogu hope you both are doing well


Dh and,I started a new clinic a month or so back.

We love it so far. Dh had hormone testing. His levels came back too high.
Doc prescribed meds. Now ladies, if you remember he didnt want to take vits at first. You can imagine his anxiety about taking meds. Any how, our insurance denied the claim to pay for the meds. So he still hasnt got them. We will pay out of pocket when he can committ to taking. He's been very secretive about the med name. Sigh. No fun at all.

He also went in for genetic testing. All result came back good. Very happy about that.

The doc has referred us for IUI. We will start some time in fall. The doc wants dh to get his levels down and healthy sperm count up. Even though it is not necessary for treament he wants us to have the best chances. I will also go in to see a female fert doc to get tested. I will go in next month.

That is about it.

Glad everyone is doing well. Cant believe the fall is almost here!
So frustrating he won't take that med! :hugs: Like you said, you want your best chances for IUI. Great that you got the referral for it! :dance:

Hoping for an autumn :bfp: for you!!!
Hakuna is having a boy!?! Whoo hooo!! Girrrrl, you go! :happydance: Best wishes for a healthy, bouncy boy and a smooth rest of this pregnancy!

Regal - what does it mean that his hormones are high? Too much testosterone? Or is he keeping his silence on that information, too? You are very patient. I want to wring his neck and I don't even know him! Did he at least start taking vitamins? (E.g. I swear by FertilAid for guys!).

Going to a breastfeeding class tonight. God knows why. I feel like I am in information overload as it is, and they'll be a lactation consultant on hand after delivery.

Baby girl has something that keeps jamming up under my ribcage. Not pleasant. I am hoping it is no longer her head and that she has turned back to the birthing position. I still can't believe that she did a 180 on me without me feeling it!

Good God. My ticker says 30-something days. SCARY!!!!

Haven't heard from some of the gals in a while. Hope everyone is doing well! :flower:
Thanks SB! Not much longer for you! Glad she's in launch ready position!
Did I know hakuna is having a boy? Don't know if its my memory but don't recall you announcing it hakuna, congrats! Lovely 1 of each! :cloud9:

Regal I too could ring your DH's neck! :growlmad: You've been TTC so long surely he must be sick of all this! I know the first year of TTC DH thought I was a bit mad getting upset it not happening but there came a point he felt exactly like me & I was having to comfort him! Your DH has GOT to have reached that point already surely?! But at least things are progressing, roll on autumn/fall for your IUI :happydance:

Eeek Soleil not long now! I too found it weird the baby could go head down & engage without feeling it!

Thanks MrsPTTC! No I didn't announce it here, just in my journal - only had it confirmed yesterday! :)
Regal, I hope your husband lets you in soon. Although thankfully it never came to it, I really do feel like I can relate somewhat. If we had not been so lucky as to conceive Angelo when we did, I guarantee that nothing short of knocking him unconscious would have got my husband to have any testing done, take any meds or vitamins, or talk about his feelings.
@Hakuna thanks so much! I hope so too! Praying so hard this will finally be our time! [-o<

@Soleil not testosterone but the other...sex/gender oriented hormone we all know so well...if you get what I am saying. He does not want me to say online or anywhere.:blush: He is entirely upset by it which I totally understand. The doc assured him that this is much more often with men in his age group but he's not having it. That's one of the reasons they sent him to genetic testing. So he has to get those levels down. The doc believes that's one of the reasons he is making poor sperm. That and he has a varicocele, supposedly.

Girl, now you see why we had to go to counseling. I literally was going crazy. I felt on one had he was giving lip service about wanting a baby but actions wise he was completely stubborn. He's currently taking a gnc male blend and COQ10.
This is what the doc recommended. SO finally.... This man.:dohh:

@MrsPttc I knoowww! It's weird because it seems like he can live like this forever!
I almost was convinced again that he didn't want a child until Father's Day this year. He was totally depressed. He stayed in the room all day. He refused to wish anyone even his father ...a happy father's day.:shrug: At first I thought he was sick then I remembered the symptoms. That was me two/three years ago consecutively on Mother's day. I couldn't believe it finally hit home for him. But the next day he was back to his regular self. Weird. He would not admit it to me but I knew what I was seeing.

And thanks. Yes I really hope this is it! PLEEEAASEE! lol Because my poor little heart can only take but so much. [-o< [-o< [-o<

@Ready thanks for sharing that! So glad you guys didn't have to go that far. Angelo is suck a cutie little blessing.:kiss: Very happy for you guys. To be honest I do think at least some of it is cultural. There's this idea that either you are 210% maculine or you are not a man at all. There's this idea that if you get all emo with your woman you are not a man at all. Men don't let things bother them. Men don't outwardly express their concerns. ANd surely men don't go messing around with their man parts because things might end up worse.

That last part is the bulk of it I think. Fear.

But anyhow I am very thankful he went to the docs and took all the tests. The counselor made me realize that many men would not have gone that far.

I think he is just as tired as me he just shows it very differently. I am just praying for the best despite ourselves.

Thanks for listening ladies.:flower: I truly am at my last straw but still hanging on.:hugs:
Excellent news hakuna & what a beautiful new avatar of Arianna :thumbup: x
Yep you hang in there regal, so excited for your next TTC steps, I've got everything crossed x
Congrats on the boy Hakuna. Your avatar is gorgeous.

Regal - yay for the upcoming iui. I can imagine how frustrating it is that your dh won't take his meds. My dh can be like that. He wouldnt take his vitamins to help TTC but now he is riding his bicycle and trying to stay fit he takes them religiously.
Loving you avatar too - love sea horses.

SB can't believe your so close now. Can't wait to pics once your little girl arrives.

Don't get on bnb much lately as so busy with work etc. Dads anniversary went well. Amelia has her 2 front bottom teeth. We had her baptised last weekend and she looked beautiful. She is keeping us up at night and we think it might be more teeth. So I am pretty exhausted.

Hope everyone else is doing well
Hey MrsJ, Ani was 7 months or so when she got baptized too! Bet it was a lovely ceremony!
MSJ - So sorry to hear about your dad. I am a firm believer that babies are sensitive to that kind of things, so if you find your little girls smiling or laughing at 'nothing' know your dad is with you!

Soliel - Ever since I got my period back after having DD, We never used protection. I also wasn't tracking my cycle. TBH, we kinda fell in a bit of a rut when I went back to work. Working Full time and being a new momma wore me out and sex was the last thing on my mind. So we were only Bding like 3 x a month if that and so it was pretty much not gonna happen at that rate. Anyways, just this summer, I told DH that I was ready for another and wanted to actively start trying. I told him after I get my period we are going for it. Well, lucky for me, I got a really strong BFP the day after AF was supposed to show. So I feel truly blessed....but still a little on edge. I don't ever believe it until I see HB on an ultrasound.

REGAL - To me it sounds like you are finally making some progress! You have some answers and that is such a huge advantage. Think of the first couple years going by with no answers. I think you should reset your TTC start date. Keep up the faith! Its been a long journey but please hang in there. You guys now have a plan in place and IUI is going to be a huge game changer for you, I just know it. All the best to you and DH!!! :hugs:
Msj when you say Amelia is keeping you up is she just crying to be soothed from you? Penny been crying for her dummy a lot last few nights & I've been in & out her room every 1-2 hours. I think she might be teething. Will take some gel up to her room with me tonight & see if it helps. She's been crabby during the days too, well more crabby than usual he he.

Finally how old is your LO now? And how far along is your pregnancy again? You need a ticker :winkwink:

MrsP she's been screaming for hours some nights. Other nights she has been waking almost 2hrly. Or the last few days its been waking for the day at 5am. Its been exhausting. I don't think I've ever been so tired in my life, add in work and life is constantly busy.
Also she has started crying when I walk away from her - even if I only walk from the dining room to the kitchen (open plan area so essentially the same room). And if dh gets up to her overnight she screams louder rather than calming down. :dohh:

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