Something I DID do to increase blood flow to pelvic region was to use heating pad on lower belly. I used it on High though some say low, and really heated up ovaries before bed. Sometimes I fell asleep and woke up sweaty, so time would vary, but usually 1/2 hr... Stopped once we DTD, so as not to cook DH spermies or a developing embie! Also had an orgasm daily. And no, at my age, didn’t always feel like it, but forced myself, thank you Hitachi magic wand. Hey, couldn’t afford acupuncture!
Hi NotTrustyYet,
Thank you for the wonderful post. It's has been very inspiring for me to read. If you don't mind my asking, did you do the heating pad every day in your cycle or just the first part? I know in TCM a "cold uterus" can prevent implantation. But I've also read it can hurt the egg after O. Thanks
I only used it first half of cycle, until we started to BD. I was cautious of not roasting DH little swimmers, once they were inside my uterus.... I also read and re-read like the bible, The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis. I later got Making Babies, which I liked too but didn't read as thoroughly because I got my BFP the month I ordered it.
At my age (43) I had mainly Kidney Yin Def. Spleen Qi def. and maybe some Blood stasis. For that I began drinking hot lemon water, (juice of 1 lemon/day) and sometimes extra around menstruation, really helped make a bright red flow, lessened the brownish/black spotting I started getting once I turned 42 1/2, few days before flow actually began. That was age my cycles changed too, got shorter. The lemon is also a great liver detoxifier, really helped my body with assimilating the DHEA, w/o side effects.
When I got pregnant, I averaged 26 day cycles, O on CD 13, with a flow pattern (by day) of Light/Heavy/Heavy to Med/light/spotting....lighter overall than when I was younger, but still decent, w/5 days of a flow. TCM puts a lot of emphasis on the quality of menstruation being basically a window into your fertility, so I was getting obsessed w/"reading" my period. E.G. if you have problems with lining, you will have a short/light flow, bad lining, no implantation...
Best of luck, and don't lose hope, though I know how depressing it can be month after month seeing only one line on the preg test. You ARE going to wake up one morning, pee on that stick and start shaking with incredible shock and joy because there are 2 lines!