Non-practicing pagan mummy/mummy-to-be

I found Paganims back when I was turning 16, ended up running a forum! Although i actually let it slide when I was at uni. I got put off by all the bitchyness and infighting that started to happen in my community, much the same as the old owner did when he handed it over to me.
At uni I met some of the people that I'd known for years on the forum and they were lovely, but then I also had to work and study and my whole faith just slide away from me. Which was a shame.
I still attempt to observe the sabbats, but now as a working mother it's hard!
I'd love to raise Tegan and this baby as Pagan's, my upbringing was a non-practicing Christian one and my OH's mother is a "faddy" pagan but never really pushed her ideals onto him or his brother but kinda made them more aware of the world.
We never got round to doing a naming ceremony for Tegan, we'd always meant to but it just never happened! And now she's a getting older and knows her own mind etc... She'll find her own path to walk when she's older.
I think with this pregnancy (and the fact that I'm currently off work sick with chicken pox!) I've started to think more about Paganism again. Maybe because it's been 10 years since I first started looking in to it, I don't know, or the fact that last week I caught Tegs pulling out one of my books from the depths of the book case (Ritual by Emma Restall Orr).
At the moment I kinda don't know where my beliefs stand, I still believe in the God and Goddess and I definately empathise with the mother aspect of the Goddess now

but apart from that I really don't know where to go!
So hi! I'm Leigh
