Our Baby Boy (Our Rainbow) Jason William Was Born June 13th at 12:43pm weighting 7lbs 10ozs and 19 1/2 inches long
Went in for inducton at 7:00am
They gave me meds through the IV for group b strep
Then I was checked for dilation. I was 4cm and 75%-80% effaced
They stared piticon at 8:50am
They checked for dilation I don't know the time I was 6cm
They only had to turn the piticon up to 5 because mt contractions were 3-4 min. apart
They rechecked for dilation I was 9cm
They broke my water and in 4-5 pushes Baby Jason William Was Here!!!!!!!
Here's Picture of Our Beautiful Baby Boy!!!!!!
https://i552.photobucket.com/albums/jj359/kat1996_photo/Our rainbow baby/013.jpg
https://i552.photobucket.com/albums/jj359/kat1996_photo/Our rainbow baby/016.jpg
https://i552.photobucket.com/albums/jj359/kat1996_photo/Our rainbow baby/019-1.jpg
We all are absolutely in love with him!!!!!!!