PAL, due in 6/2012

I had my MFM appt today, and he said so far so good. He wants me to keep taking baby aspirin. He did say that ge wanted to see me at 14, 18 and 20 weeks for sure. My regular OBGYN wants to see me every other week for an ultrasound. With all the extra monitoring, you would think I would he more relaxed!!! I just wish this pregnancy was like my first. I was so excited to go to my doctor appointments. Now, I am terrified-full of anxiety all day! That can't be healthy.
I am so glad I have people here to talk to about what's going on. My husband is very supportive, but he doesn't want to hear my worries all the time! Lol!
Praying for all if you and looking forward to having this journey together!
I wonder why my signature/pregnancy counter isn't showing up? I am new to this forum stuff.
Well, the little dragon had a heartbeat of 140 which is fantastic!! Unfortunately the little dragon is measuring small by 4 days. I know that's nothing in the grand scheme of things but when Lambert and Pooka both measured small and then we went back 1 week later to find out they had passed, it's hard to smile as wide as I'd like. On the other hand, 140 is great! We've never had them just bring the heartbeat up like that! So a bit confused in deciding whether to be scared or happy.
lilmama, that's excellent! Yay for great numbers! :happydance:

I have my first scan the day after yours. So we can be appointment buddies again.

Aw, I wish I knew when the worrying would end. For me, both of my losses happened around the same time, so I am looking to make it past that date. I don't think I'll be super worried the whole 1st tri, but it's hard to know for sure. I think as long as we have things to reassure us, we can keep believing that things are going well. I pray that you are carrying your rainbow baby and you won't have any heartache during this pregnancy! :hugs:

LittleBird, how far did you get along in the past? Thanks for the thoughts and the prayers. I do believe that they are heard. Rooting for you and your bean!:happydance:
Well, the little dragon had a heartbeat of 140 which is fantastic!! Unfortunately the little dragon is measuring small by 4 days. I know that's nothing in the grand scheme of things but when Lambert and Pooka both measured small and then we went back 1 week later to find out they had passed, it's hard to smile as wide as I'd like. On the other hand, 140 is great! We've never had them just bring the heartbeat up like that! So a bit confused in deciding whether to be scared or happy.

That's great news about the HB! You know implantation could have taken longer than the norm, so the smaller size could just be as a result of that. Rooting for you and yours!:happydance:
well ladies I am sorry to say that I had my beta drawn again today and the numbers have gone down to 120, so most likely m/c. :cry:
I long for the day when I call the dr's office and just get good news! I didn't think I would be this upset, gosh this is just awful. Much luck to you ladies, I hope everyone continues to get good news.
well ladies I am sorry to say that I had my beta drawn again today and the numbers have gone down to 120, so most likely m/c. :cry:
I long for the day when I call the dr's office and just get good news! I didn't think I would be this upset, gosh this is just awful. Much luck to you ladies, I hope everyone continues to get good news.

Awwww KmTigg, I am so sorry for your loss! :cry: Of course you're upset, this little represented your deepest hopes! :cry::cry:
lizbif -- sounds like they're going to be taking great care of you! And with all those scans, you'll be able to see your baby plenty of times. I understand what you're saying about stressing beforehand. I have gotten anxious for both of my blood tests so far and I'm not sure when/if I'll be able to go into an appointment with the same excitement from before. :hugs:

About your ticker, if you're using the mobile version of the BnB website, I think it cuts of signatures. There should be a link at the bottom of the page for desktop version if you want to switch back.

Tisiphonie -- I was reading something about the percentages of survival once you see a heartbeat and I think it was something like 93%. I didn't even consider what lilmama said about implantation taking longer, but that would make sense! I know that you have experience with later losses and you can't trust the statistics or let yourself relax quite yet, but I would try to keep thinking that the odds keep increasing in your favor the further through the process you go. I'm so glad you got to see the heartbeat quickly! :happydance:

lilmama -- my first loss was suspected ectopic and I think I got the Methotrexate injection around 7 weeks. The second was earlier, I think it was 6 weeks or so. But this time feels different, more like my pregnancies with my sons. The familiar symptoms are there, and the fact that my blood test results were good makes me believe that things are going to go better this time around. I've still got a couple of weeks to get past that point, but I think seeing the heartbeat will be a big step.
well ladies I am sorry to say that I had my beta drawn again today and the numbers have gone down to 120, so most likely m/c. :cry:
I long for the day when I call the dr's office and just get good news! I didn't think I would be this upset, gosh this is just awful. Much luck to you ladies, I hope everyone continues to get good news.

KmTigg -- I'm so sorry to hear about the latest test results. :hugs:

Aw, hun, I know this is terrible. We've been through it and we are all thinking of you during this hard time. No one should have to go through a loss! Please let us know if you need any support during this! I'll be praying for you and thinking of you! :hugs:
Hi ladies :hi:

Im 6w 4d pregnant with my 3rd little beanie and im due 14th June. Ive suffered two miscarriages at 7w 5d in Dec and at 5w 3d in June. Im on baby aspirin this time so im feeling hopefully [-o<
So I had a terrible nightmare last it, I went to my first scan and the tech found a heartbeat but it was slower...I cried in my sleep :cry: and it felt so terrible. I think I need to not allow myself much time on the forums/posting that are too sad or take my mind to bad places. I confess that I am little jealous of the women who are experiencing the excitement of being pregnant with #1 and have not experienced a loss, so that really it's almost pure excitement.
Hi ladies :hi:

Im 6w 4d pregnant with my 3rd little beanie and im due 14th June. Ive suffered two miscarriages at 7w 5d in Dec and at 5w 3d in June. Im on baby aspirin this time so im feeling hopefully [-o<

Welcome, kaboom, and congratulations! :happydance:

I hope that the baby aspirin helps with this pregnancy. I know a lot of people who are taking it, even if the doctors don't know what's caused their losses, they often recommend it. I am glad you have joined us and I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!
So I had a terrible nightmare last it, I went to my first scan and the tech found a heartbeat but it was slower...I cried in my sleep :cry: and it felt so terrible. I think I need to not allow myself much time on the forums/posting that are too sad or take my mind to bad places. I confess that I am little jealous of the women who are experiencing the excitement of being pregnant with #1 and have not experienced a loss, so that really it's almost pure excitement.

Aw, I'm so sorry you had that nightmare! I have had a few very vivid dreams, but luckily, none have been bad yet. I, too, have noticed that my attitude about the pregnancy goes downhill whenever I'm reading sad threads on BnB, or researching things on Google -- part of me wants to be prepared for what could happen, but the other part of me realizes that worrying will never help the situation. So I try to catch myself and turn it around whenever I start off in that direction.

Yes, it's definitely easier going through a pregnancy without even the hint of worry that something can go wrong. I used to be one of those people, and I look back on those times and wish I could be more like that now, but I wouldn't give up this experience for the world. I want to be pregnant, even though it scares me!
Thanks LittleBird, I am going to remind myself of that...and maybe even make that my mantra..."I want to be pregnant, even though it scares me!" It helps me to know that I am where I want to be...and that it's okay to be scared.
I am 8 weeks and 2 days along. This will be our first child. I miscarried my first pregnancy back in May, at 5 wks 4 days. I had a lot of stress and anxiety over my first pregnancy, I was so very worried that I would have a miscarriage, and then I did :( :cry: With this pregnancy, I am determined to enjoy it (as much as possible as one can with almost-constant nausea!) for as long as it lasts. And hopefully it will end with a healthy baby! :)
hi PitaKat congrats on your pregnancy and fx for a sticky bean xx

I had a dream I miscarried last night :-(
I am so ready to be 6-8 weeks so I can go to the doc and see/hear my baby. Lately I haven't been feeling terrible. Which could be a good thing... Or a bad thing... My hubs and I tried to DTD and about 20 minutes into it I had to stop... I got emotional and started to worry about the baby. What if my cervix isn't closed all the way? What if what if what if? Poor husband... I'll hopefully see the doc and feel 100% better. I should be able to make the appt today. I certainly hope so.
Welcome, PitaKat! And congratulations!

I have started feeling sick myself the past few days. Even though it's not ideal, I hope it is a little reassuring for you, at least!

Kaboom, sorry for your bad dream. :hugs:

I don't think it's a sign of what's to come, I just think our minds play tricks on us from time to time.

Nostress, I have exactly one week until my first scan, and the waiting is so hard! In most cases, unless you have a history of problems with your cervix, it will do the right thing. But, talking to the doctor should make you feel better. Good luck!
hi PitaKat congrats on your pregnancy and fx for a sticky bean xx

I had a dream I miscarried last night :-(

kaboom, I have had some bad dreams like that going to the first scan and finding a super slow heartbeat (my mmc was going in at 9w4d and finding no hb). Oh it was awful. I have read though that it's our subconscious bringing out our fears and worries....and the hormones going through us doesn't help. So I take solace in the fact that very very rarely does anything that I dream about in a crazy crazy dream ever really come true.

I am also Due in June 2012 :happydance:
after months of trying after my ectopic on Feb of 2011

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