PAL - Due September 2012

Hey all, sorry this is late i thought i had actually posted but well must be losing my mind lol we had our scan yesterday morning, tired as hell and went for a sleep after we got home, suffering from morning sickness again :( anyways long story short

scan yesterday went well, the midwife found baby right away didn't even have to look :D the baby was moving its little arm/hand around looked like it was waving and then put its hand near its mouth area was just soooooooo cute :D baby was moving around alot trying to get comfortable or just being little wriggle lol :D anyways all looks pretty good baby did measure 2 days behind my date but said i shouldn't worry about that too much so thats good news only 2 weeks yesterday till i have my booking in appointment and 12week scan so thats not too long to wait before seeing baby again he/she seems to be doing pretty well not counting our chickens but for today baby is doing fantastic

wanted to share some pictures with you all xxx

also i upload my pictures to photobucket then use links unsure if thats possible on ipad
Hey ladies... This thread has been slow, we must all be feeling awful lately :haha:

Nice scan lynne!

I've got a scan in 3 hours and 20 minutes :haha: I'm so nervous!
thanks hun :D

i am beyond livid my mum and her big fat mouth told my grandmother i am pregnant after i told her not to tell anyone and my gran told everyone including my brother i hate and my auntie who me and my partner would rather see in a grave and they out of spit told my dad who is angry now that he heard it 2nd hand never told him right away because my dad's step son just had a baby so didn't want to steal his thunder when pregnancy wasn't set in stone i am beyond angry now and want to disown the whole lot of them. and to top it all off they are blaming me this way is out of hand because of a stupid comment on facebook about my allergries :cry:
Omg Lynne firstly your scan pics are wonderful so so cute!! Congrats!!!

Secondly wat on earth is wrong with your fam .... I mean silly mother should know better and gran well she is just naughty but everyone else really should be happy for you no matter wat!! It's so wrong that people tell on ur behalf web it's your exciting news to share!! Not anyone else's at all.... This is nowhere near the same but SIL told my hairdresser who is one of her close friends due to a comment I made on Facebook (wasn't even bout pregnancy, ppl just assume) anyways web I made an app for my hair she was like Congrats .... I didn't know wat to say so just went with it ... My hubby confronted her bout it and she was just like ... It's not like she is in ur close circle or anything.... I was mortified it doesn't matter how u know someone it's just ur news to share .... You have every right to be angry

On a happy note I'm finally at 12 weeks yay got my scan on 5th march so can't wait as once I've had it im officially announcing!! Yipppeee

Good luck buzzy mama for ur scan hope it goes well

How is everyone else doing?? Hoping very good
thanks hun for your support been crying my heart out feel like i am 15 again not in my 20's i don't even live close to my family and most of them i either hate or just haven't seen for months, i told the people i wanted to but was scared to make it public because of our losses everything is all hateful and angry now which is not the way i want to remember my pregnancy whole thing is an utter mess, i have been very ill recently and this sort of thing is not helping at all.... just ruins it all for me

huge congrats on getting to 12weeks i am soo jealous i am counting the days down now, i am 10weeks in 51mins feel like ages till 12weeks but be glad to get to that milestone.
hey ladies, sorry not been on here much. am still suffering with hyperemesis. Feel very down in the dumps. Dh still away, hopefully home a week on wednesday. Lynne and Cb1 great news about your scans. I was on progesterone cb1 until 9 weeks, dont think i needed it but was given it as a precaution due to history of mc's. Buzzymomma how did your scan go hun? Elyham did you manage to get your 12wk scan appointment? Hope you and oh sorted things out. Ezza congrats on getting to 12weeks, we're all so jealous!!! KT how you doing hun? Sorry if i've missed anyone, too tired to go back through all the posts now, my tablets make me sleepy. take care ladies, enjoy your weekend. 9+4 xx
Yup got my appointment on 13th March :D

So sorry you're still suffering with hyperemesis - I really hope it's not for too much longer :hugs:
Donna I hope you feel better soon!
My scan went amazing! Little baby was measuring right on track and hb was 165! Here's a pic:
i am feeling beyond sorry for myself i feel toooo sick to eat but feeling sick because i am hungry :cry: wish there was something food like i can eat without feeling sooo illl :( tried everything nothing makes me feel even slightly better.
Yay buzzymama so exciting I bet ur proud as punch!!

Lynne try ICECREAM or icy poles (think u guys call them Lollys) maybe that might help always helps me plus I live them haha hope u feel betterxx
it was working but no longer is just forcefeed myself there because i keep gagging when i am eating :'( trying to just sip water and pineapple juice as its only two things i can keep down :cry:
I've been gagging quite a lately too it's nasty but I'm managing some food thankfully just keep trying abd hopefully it will pass xx
i've just been closing my eyes and throwing it down my throat which is not nice feeling :cry:

OH keeps moaning at me for not eating healthily :cry:
So does mine ... All I want is ICECREAM chocolate or mcdonalds I can't help it .... Everything else stinks or I just gag it's not pretty and they will never understand so just do wat u can babe any food is better than none xxx

Omg I'm so excited for a mate who just found out she is preggas after a mc also yay how cool
i am not allowed mcdonalds lol its got cancer causing sweeteners in the food along with many other things like hormones and such so its a nono OH is being very strict

also got a huge nono list myself
I know I haven't posted here much, but I just need to vent! My 12 week appointment is in an hour and 15 minutes and I'm so ridiculously scared to death :( I have no idea if I'll be getting an ultrasound or what, but I'm just so scared of another MMC. I've had two and I just don't know how I could possibly handle another.. Things seem to be going okay but you never know in the case of a MMC. I just want to scream and cry and I want this appointment to be over and done with. I've been having a miserable first trimester but the worst of it all has definitely been this worry.
Mrsmcd - hope your appointment went well x

How's everyone else?

Im scared to death at the moment as I've eaten something that's given me really bad diarrhoea, not once but twice I the past 2 days. It was a tub of hargen dazs, I had some on Monday night and was woken up with it in the night, then last night dh & I finished the tub and within 2 hours we were fighting for the bathroom so I know it was definitely that. A few days before my last mc I was off work for a couple of days with sickness and diarrhoea which I think was food related, and I've always wondered if that was a contributing factor. I don't know if I should contact the epu, or wait until my scan next week - any thoughts?
Cb1 I had the most horrible stomach pains last night after eating ICECREAM.... I was on and off the loo so much then it finally came out and I feel much better ... I too was worried but I think it's all in our head ... Any lil thing that isn't normal will freak us out .... I would call if ur worried but don't ve to scared babe I'm sure ur fine xxx
Mrsmcd I hope ur appointment went well

I have my 12 weeks scan tomoro I'm so excited yet a lil nervous but feeling really good about it yay

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