Hi everyone. Mind if I join you?
I'm due October 8th according to the perinatologist, though our IUI procedure in our opinion the numbers put us at October 13th. Either way it's a week.
I have tried to avoid this whole forum like the plague. I guess I wasn't really ready to be in here though in my mind I was ready to ttc. I'm 11wks this week and it seems to me that I need this thread. There are concerns I have that most others who've never been there just don't understand.
I had a horrifying experience with my first pregnancy. I lost my mucus plug and though I mentioned it they ignored it. I had chronic BV and it wreaked havoc later since my cervix was compromised I gave birth to my son at 22wks. The hospital stay was even worse. That night I was found to be 3cm dialated and was told nicu wouldn't intervene. I was given two options, 1. to go home and wait it out or 2. stay at the hospital with my legs up in the air with hopes baby would go back down the canal. Either way they refused to give me any meds until the morning Dr.'s came in. 23 hours lapsed without meds to try to get rid of the BV so we could stitch the cervix and maybe hold our son in until viability.
Needless to say I'm on EDGE this time. I have THE SAME perinatal center that was negligent with our son. They are the only perinatal center here in 14 counties. I also only have the last hospital as my option because it's the only high risk in our area.
After last fridays appointment, we're going to travel over 2 hours for a second opinion and may stay with the new Dr.s there as well as their hospital.
I'm almost past the first trimester milestone and am hoping to get through the second trimester without a hitch.
So far I'm being prescribed 17P at 16-36wks and am fighting for a preventative cerclage which is what the second opinion is because the origional perinatologist wants to wait until my cervix length is less than 2cm's at 16 to 20wks before doing anything at all.
So, hopefully I didn't go overboard with the introduction. I look forward to getting to know everyone.