I am proud to announce the birth of our son, Rowen Robert, born on Oct. 17 at 11:21 pm. He weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs and 22 in. long and is healthy and beautiful baby.
Rowen arrived nearly two weeks late, much to the consternation of his parents. I began the day on Monday with the midwife trying to jumpstart the labor process, beginning with a third sweep, drinking some herbal concoction every hour, and spending lots of time on the breast pumpand it worked! I started to go into labor around 6:00 pm, and my contractions started at 3 minutes apart so things progressed rather quickly. We arrived at the birthing center by 8:00 and spent most of the time in the birthing pool. I was hoping for a water birth, but it was not destined to be. I ended up pushing for a really long time; he was actually crowning for an hour, but his big head just wasnt coming out, so the midwife ended up having to do an episiotomy, and he was born shortly afterward. But he survived being in the birth canal for so long like a real champ, his heart rate never really dropped, and he only had minimal bruising, and he worked up a real appetite. He nursed quite soon after the birth for nearly an hour. He continues to nurse well and is overall doing great. I am, however, confined to the bed to nurse my war wounds (swelling doesnt want to go down) and am looking forward to being able to sit up and hold my baby properly, though we enjoying lots of cuddles here in bed.
Thanks ladies for all your support. We just past the date of my miscarriage, so this little baby is a double blessing.
kyleigh michelle riegel was born at 901 am this morning 10/22 by emergency c section! Was admitted to hospital for labor and whed doctor came in early this morning to break my water she decided she didnt like having contractions anymore as her heartbeat dropped to 55 and wouldnt come back up!!!! She came into the world weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce and 19 inchs long, but she is beautiful and perfect!!!!
I am proud to announce the birth of our son, Rowen Robert, born on Oct. 17 at 11:21 pm. He weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs and 22 in. long and is healthy and beautiful baby.
Rowen arrived nearly two weeks late, much to the consternation of his parents. I began the day on Monday with the midwife trying to jumpstart the labor process, beginning with a third sweep, drinking some herbal concoction every hour, and spending lots of time on the breast pumpand it worked! I started to go into labor around 6:00 pm, and my contractions started at 3 minutes apart so things progressed rather quickly. We arrived at the birthing center by 8:00 and spent most of the time in the birthing pool. I was hoping for a water birth, but it was not destined to be. I ended up pushing for a really long time; he was actually crowning for an hour, but his big head just wasnt coming out, so the midwife ended up having to do an episiotomy, and he was born shortly afterward. But he survived being in the birth canal for so long like a real champ, his heart rate never really dropped, and he only had minimal bruising, and he worked up a real appetite. He nursed quite soon after the birth for nearly an hour. He continues to nurse well and is overall doing great. I am, however, confined to the bed to nurse my war wounds (swelling doesnt want to go down) and am looking forward to being able to sit up and hold my baby properly, though we enjoying lots of cuddles here in bed.
Thanks ladies for all your support. We just past the date of my miscarriage, so this little baby is a double blessing.
kyleigh michelle riegel was born at 901 am this morning 10/22 by emergency c section! Was admitted to hospital for labor and whed doctor came in early this morning to break my water she decided she didnt like having contractions anymore as her heartbeat dropped to 55 and wouldnt come back up!!!! She came into the world weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce and 19 inchs long, but she is beautiful and perfect!!!!