PAL Summer 2011 Babies - From 1st tri to MC and back again in one go.

:hi: so pleased my skin is much better after using E45 recommended by the chemist :happydance: don't feel quite so unattractive tonight. Hoping in a week I might be back to normal fingers crossed.

Busy work today but actually feeling ok tonight, although I have popped even more. Kids are looking but not saying anything to me :dohh: they can be slow sometimes!!!!

Happy 23 weeks to me today, one week till V day :yipee:
Emma really sorry to hear about your GD, at least you'll be able to take more control and eat what you fancy sometimes now you've got the insulin (cold comfort I'm sure).

I really think you need to talk to someone about your delivery with Tom, I can sort of understand where you're coming from but for different reasons not as traumatic as yours. With Harry they thought I might be getting pre-eclampsia again and tried to keep me in for monitoring, they put me in the same room I'd been in before and after my c-section with Daniel (c-section at 34 weeks due to pre-eclampsia, in hospital from 30 weeks). When I had Daniel as well as only being 17 and really frightened (you all know how unsupportive my mother is) I was dealing with all the emotions surrounding my relationship with his father. Anyway when they tried to put me in that room I completely went to pieces, Rob ended up agreeing to monitor me so I could go home!!! Anyway I really think you should go and talk it over, remember nobody can make you do anything you don't want to. But, if you talk it over and come to an agreement that you're comfortable with whilst ensuring yours and your babies safety. xxx

Pip lovely bump picture and beautiful top. Happy 23 weeks, pleased your skin is better. xxx

Sequeena lovely bump picture, and gorgeous dog xxx

Heyyady fantastic news that the girls are doing well xxx
:hi: so pleased my skin is much better after using E45 recommended by the chemist :happydance: don't feel quite so unattractive tonight. Hoping in a week I might be back to normal fingers crossed.

Busy work today but actually feeling ok tonight, although I have popped even more. Kids are looking but not saying anything to me :dohh: they can be slow sometimes!!!!

Happy 23 weeks to me today, one week till V day :yipee:

yay! yay! and yay!!

I popped yesturday! I swear I was this big when I was 35 weeks last time! I am MAHOOOOOOOOOOSIVE! Bump pic tofollow one day soon lol!
Thanks Sassy. I spoke to the birth afterthoughts midwife about it all and went through all my notes from my previous labour and did work out exactly what went wrong. It is just trauma.

First of all I was induced because I was hypertensive due to stress. I knew my son would be born any day and that he may be paralysed, brain damaged or even 'not viable'. I found this hard to deal with. So when I went into labour all i thought about was him. I could see his heart rate was dipping like crazy and this went on for 48 hours whilst they faffed around as theatre was too busy. The was meconium in the waters and he had an open cyst on his spine leading into his spinal colum - i knew this meant he could die of menningitus.

Then when they faffed and paniced further I thought about how the ventricals in his head were swollen and how the trauma of an emergency delivery could cause him brain damage. I gave upa long time before he was wrenched out with foreceps. I didnt think he stood a chance and I wanted to die. No one considered him. I was treated like any other mother on a busy day. He was very lucky.

All that trauma I went through wont leave me. I know it wont happen again, but I guess it is like stepping onto a battle field where I one got shot. I know there are no guns, but I cant help but feel the fear as If it were happening for the first time.

Anyway, I have agreed to go and visit the labour ward as there are two new 'home from home' rooms I might be able to emerce myself in. The counsellor is going with me.

On the plus side, I have not started my insulin yet as my blood sugar levels have been amazing these last two days and I have been eating well!
Hi everyone,

I have not been on in a while!

Happy 22 weeks to me, god the week has gone so fast!
Baby Girl Griff is kicking hard now, so Jimmy can feel her from the outside, it's a lovely feeling.
We have ordered our cot's and a newborn highchair from the same place as our pram and have been stocking up on nappies and wipes when ever we go shopping so our spare room is filled with the things!

Emmea - I'm really sorry about the hospital, i hope the councillor can help.

Pip - Loving the bump, i am getting massive!!!!

Heyyady - I can't believe your girls will be here soon, i am so excited for you!

Sorry to anyone i have missed, i cant go all the way back to read but i hope you are all doing ok.

Caroline. Xx

P.s- Next has a sale starting again today!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Emmea so glad you are getting help love it sounds like a really good idea to go and have a good look around. It really helped me seeing where I'd be and how things worked :hugs:

LittleGriffin happy 22 weeks, we need that bump picture please!!! You are much more organised than me I've only bought a few clothes for her leaving everything else just in case. I'll be sending dh out for nappies I reckon :dohh:

How is everyone else? Happy Saturday to you all. x
Hello everyone. Well my amazing days slowly deteriorated into my feeling sick again. So yesterday I was feeling really rough, went round to Patricia's she made me breakfast and I lay in her bed and died while on FB on my phone then my alarm on my phone started going off at 1:50... huh??? SHIT... My consultant appt. at 2pm!!!!!!!!! Major panic [it's about 25min drive to the hospital from Patricia's house!!] jump in the car feeling like shit, drive like a super maniac while phoning them telling them I'm stuck in traffic. There's roadworks on the way which held me up too, then the carpark queue was another 10mins... so I arrive 15mins late [told you I drove like a maniac!!] and go to the waiting room... 1.5hrs later... After nearly killing some insensitive bitch in the waiting room. The waiting room is REALLY full and this whore sits opposite me [I'm already trying not to puke on the floor and am sure my skin is probably green I'm so sick] and opens a HUGE bag of totally smelly crisps. Then as if that wasn't enough she sends her OH to the cafe at the end of the corridor who brings her a jacket potato with loads of smelly sauce on it - I'm sitting holding my nose and giving her evil glares... She just continued gobbing her face...
So I eventually go in for my appt and was only in there for about 10mins! Fortunately because I'm under consultant care I get a scan to check babies size rather than have my bump measured. So I got to see Atticus again, I said something about "he blah blah" and she asked oh you know it's a boy and I explained that I'd seen it on other scans so then she puts the scanner between his legs and points at his willy LOL So he is STILL a he. And to think Dr's say you can't tell at 14w, that's when I first saw he was a HE!
Glad the appointment went well Aaisrie but I think they should ban food in hospital waiting rooms unless it's medically needed!!! I think that even when I am not pregnant! It's just so unfriendly like eating fried food on a train :sick: Even when I'm really hungry I feel embarrassed eating a sandwich in case it smells. last time I went to the hospital I also sat next to a woman listening to her ipod at full blast everyone was giving her evils but she didn't care, I was about to move when she was called in. She must be deaf!!!! That annoys me too. x
Oh yea that's annoying! The thing is the cafe is literally at the end of the corridor so why didn't she just wait until after her appt and then go down and get food then!!!
Luckily my Dr's office has a strict no food or drink clause- there's a coffee cart in the lobby if you need a snack- but you can't bring it it!

Glad to hear Atticus still has his boy parts :) I hope you're feeling better!

Pip- What's up with your skin???

Has anyone heard from Heava?
Gah... I am not going to say much today as I have another infection and it has wiped me out:(

Glad your scan went well eve - I had an appt like that last week. SO frustrating in every way! Glad you got to see Atticus at the end.

Glad to see everyone else is ok - I am going to crawl back to bed! Night night
Thanks Emma, the funny thing was as well - he's gone back to measuring big again!! The ONLY scan he's measured small was my 20w so they put my dates back a day, yesterday by the 20w scan date I was 23 +3 but he measured 24 +1!! FFS! LOL
Emmea so sorry you have an infection get well soon hun oh and yay for bump explosion!!

Speaking of which I never heard back about the viral infection thing so must assume I do not have one. Whee!!

Eve yuck so sorry you had to deal with that food whore's ignorance. I was in ante natal at Cardiff UHW waiting for fetal medicine to call me through and can you believe they have a café IN the ante natal waiting room. WTF!! Imagine all those poor women who still have MS or hyperemesis like you, why can't people have food before or just bloody wait!!

Caroline congrats on 22 weeks hun xxxx

AFM I'm good, bought a lovely top today. Will model it off soon :lol:
Thanks Emma, the funny thing was as well - he's gone back to measuring big again!! The ONLY scan he's measured small was my 20w so they put my dates back a day, yesterday by the 20w scan date I was 23 +3 but he measured 24 +1!! FFS! LOL

Jealous!! Thomas is bang on for my dates, at 20+4 he was measuring exactly that. Wish he was bigger so they could have put me forward lol
Sequeena my dates won't be changed though!! Even though EVERY scan [except my 20w] Atticus has measured big... I wanted to be put forward!!!
I spent the day in hospital today as I woke up so ill and had max ketones in urine for the 7 day running. The first few days I wasn't eating enough so tried to eat more but three ago I was eating lots and they weren't going away. I called the hospital and they asked me to go in. After five hours the doctor said - you have a uti, I think, but your urine isn't showing one. I told him I knew that and was on antibios, but came in for my keytones. He said he wasn't concerned about those and went. I told the mw I was asked to come in because of ketones and she called the duty reg who said I need to see the diabetic team on Wednesday. Why the heck did I need to go in then?! Grrrrrr
Ohhh Emmea what a waste of time so sorry :hug: Hope you feel better soon. Are you drinking plenty of water?

Sam was ill yesterday, throwing up all the time think he's better now but I've seen enough vomit now for a while. I started to understand what you are going through Aaisrie :hugs:

Completely for to do the census so need to do that tonight now :dohh:
Sorry Emmea :hugs2: isn't the keytone thing more about how much you drink than eat? they've never explained that to me...

Pip- sorry Sam has been Ill- seems like a stomach bug has been going around over there- I've heard of quite a few little ones coming down with it.

It's 1:30 AM and I can't sleep- of course- I have a horrible pinced nerve in my neck that no matter how I lie in my chair it is killing me- and I'm starting to get really nervous about the girls coming and all- it's so soon!
Ketones are affected by food and drink. Drink dilutes them whereas food [carbs particularly] get rid of them. Ketones are caused when the body breaks down it's own fat because there isn't enough food [carbs, long lasting energy] in the body. E.G. the atkins diet causes ketones in the body to make you lose weight.

Hope you're feeling better today Emma

Pip I hope Sam is better!! I feel for you!!

AFM just put Saraya down for her nap before she goes to nursery, she gave me a lie-in this morning - 9am!! w00t! Especially as Chris kept me up late last night DtD LOL My nipples have that major hypersensitive pain/pleasure thing right now - is that TMI?? LOL
I wish my tablet would kick in...

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