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PAL Summer 2011 Babies - From 1st tri to MC and back again in one go.

This is what I'd like my fb status to actually be ..... Emily is counting the days til her scan when she can see her lil bubs' heartbeat. Praying for that heartbeat!

Don't know about you girls but I feel like my loss has ruined all my future scans. I associate scans now with grief and loss and disappointment. When I had to have a scan last week I almost had a panic attack waiting to hear what the nurse had to say. I hate that the nhs scan they keep the screen away from you so all you hear is deafening silence. I just kept saying "can you see anything?" I'm gonna be even worse next week cos if there's nothing there then I'll know it's all over :(
Awww Embo I thought I feel that too but when I got there I just knew it was going to be fine and got all excited. I so thought I'd go to pieces. Well I did in a way but happy pieces. Just had that feeling it was ok and you mentioned this as well so it'll be fine :hugs: Do understand though. xxxx
As you'll notice, my FB is all about it right now. Feel free to say what you like. I never mention anything about anything until someone says it themselves! LOL It very nice to see what people look like though. Most of my FB is BnB! So, you could see lots of people if you look at my friends' list!
Em I hate that too, the screen away thing!!! Last week after the whole hospital thing when she turned the screen around and pointed stuff out I cried so much she showed me out the back door!!!!!

I've announced as I said so feel free to talk on there :) I feel so much better having announced!
Added you meg :) do you remember our copious conversations about charting lol
I really want to announce on FB over Christmas but I'm just going to have to wait because of the students on there. I don't have current students only 6th formers that have left but I teach some of their daughters and I got such grief for leaving them before I'm dreading telling them I'm doing it again. They make me feel like I abandon them to die or something :rofl:, they get very possessive over their teachers bless them. It's sweet really if I think about it. All the students are on limited profile so might hide my status and wall from them till 20 weeks. I'll get grief for that too. :haha:
Lol pip they'll maybe not notice?? Tell them you aren't using fb as much because of all the privacy issues on the news recently then block your wall/status and they won't realise!!
I totally remember you, Aaisrie!!! I totally had a short freak out when I saw your + on your FF ticker in the chart stalking thread and there was no one to jump up and down with! LOL
Wow, ladies it was busy in here! I think I just read 5 pages worth of stuff! Thank you for the warm welcome!
Embo-I totally understand what you mean about scans being associated with saddness and disappointment. Everytime I pass the women's health center I cry remembering how awful that day was when I found out I lost my little one. I've only known a week now that I am pregnant, but I can honestly say that I feel the innocense of pregnancy has been stripped from me. With Joey, my first, I did not worry. I enjoyed every moment, even the puking! Haha. This time, when I have a good day and feel fine (only exhausted) I worry. I have my scan on January 13...I was able to move it up from 10 wks to 8.5 weeks along.

I am on facebook too if anyone is interested :)

My OH and I are annoucing to our family and close friends...but not the facebook world yet. I agree, its nice having the support from friends and family...last time it was not cool telling our family that we were expecting, and now we are not. We told my OHs family this past weekend...my mother-in-law cried. :)

How's everyone feeling?
I'm not announcing anything of FB either for a while, still waiting for first scan so definitely not until after that.
Last time, 4 days after my miscarriage, my DH's niece (she's 19) put on FB 'when do we find out if its a boy or a girl?' DH was absolutely fuming, he had let his family know that we'd lost our baby, his sisters response when he said what she'd put 'well I thought I'd told her'. Needless to say DH was really upset. I hadn't announced anything on facebook so obviously then had to explain what had happened to friends who were congratulating me on being pregnant!!!

I'm now friends with Pippin and Meg on FB my name is Sarah and the picture is me and two of my boys with a snowman if anyone would like to find and add me that way. Just let me know you BNB username with your request please xxxxxxxx
Wow that's awful :( so sorry you had to go through that. I'll go and look for you now :) I can't send my name as I only have iPhone ATM so it doesn't give me the option of msg! My names eve though
Eve - I've just found you on FB and sent a request.
Sarah xxx
Oh my god......i feel so ill, no energy, sick, tired and headache.

I really don't want to feel like this over xmas! we have friends coming over tomorrow, going to the pub xmas eve, then xmas day is just the 2 (or is that 3?!) of us, so can rest if i need to, but then boxing day is a full meal with my family.....i'm really looking forward to it all but as no-one knows i'm pregnant i have to pretend i feel great when i really feel like poo!!

OMG - i sound like a right moaning minny!!!
You guys are the only ones that know though, so i have to moan to you!!!

I'm making myself feel better by thinking 'if i feel this bad, then the baby must be doing some good stuff in there!'
Oh my god......i feel so ill, no energy, sick, tired and headache.

I really don't want to feel like this over xmas! we have friends coming over tomorrow, going to the pub xmas eve, then xmas day is just the 2 (or is that 3?!) of us, so can rest if i need to, but then boxing day is a full meal with my family.....i'm really looking forward to it all but as no-one knows i'm pregnant i have to pretend i feel great when i really feel like poo!!

Tell them you are hung over and feel like crap so you don't have to pretend :winkwink:

As for us not much to report had a nice early christmas dinner with my MIL and my BIL and my nephew (SIL working). Sam loved getting his presents and he managed to keep going the whole day on excitement and not get upset until he fell asleep in the car. Good practice for Xmas day. I'm dying to get back on my doppler but I heard it's not good to use it everyday so I'm resisting. I have to admit it's addictive once you here it. By the way this is the one I have.....https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FDA-Fetal-Do...lthCare_RL&hash=item255fbc95b3#ht_5971wt_1141

OMG I just realised isn't Emmea getting married today? :yipee:
Is it today. Wow how exciting. Hope she's having a wonderful day.

Glad you got some Christmas day practice in Pip.

Sorry you're feeling shitty Caroline.

I've had a HORRIBLE day today. Talk about exhausted. I've never felt so tired. I've literally laid on my couch all day with pj's on. Then I felt guilty cos I have so much to do for Christmas day. Took it out on DF again. Bless him!

Feel a bit better now cos I've had yet another good cry !! Now I'm eating pringles and watching Gladiator!
Caroline tell them you aren't well I swear half the population have the flu or some virus right now so noone would realise if you say you think you're coming down with it!! It also explains why you aren't drinking as you're trying to keep hydrated if youve been sick??

Afm I just got home, Christmas shopping is complete! I swear we went to town to get 4 little gifts and arrived in town at 4:30 and only got home at 22:30!!!! WTF! Although we did nip into the Disney store and chris bought me the jack skellington cookie jar for Christmas!! And I got a couple of the reusable NMBC bags too!! I'm a big fan :)

Just sitting down to a cup of tea before we crash and burn!

Hope you had a lovely day emmea!!!

I've only had 2 really bad experiences like that SassyLou... One was last Xmas... I had just lost my 1st on Dec 15. My cousin's daughter apparently didn't get the memo and ran up to me on Dec 23 to hug my tummy and ask if I wanted a boy or girl! :cry: I didn't have the heart to tell her what a miscarriage was at Xmas, so I just answered her and swallowed the lump in my throat and choked back the tears. The other was about 2 months ago from my neighbor (who we don't speak with often at all): "OMG! When did you have the baby?" Me: "Uhmmm... I didn't?"
Freaking out!! Got my booking in today, even though ive seen noodles heartbeat on the scan I'm half convinced im gonna go in there today and they're gonna have bad news... I was hoping to have a liein so have less time to think but chris' alarm woke me.
*deep breaths*
Hi everyone,

Long story...but the short of it is i ended up at the doctors and then the hospital yesterday as i had pain in my right side. I was examined internally and it hurt like hell so i have a scan today @ 10:40.

Please pray for us.....I'm so very scared.....i really really really want everything to be ok....i've even prayed which is not something i do all the time.

Will update you once we are back....fingers crossed!!!! x

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