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PAL Summer 2011 Babies - From 1st tri to MC and back again in one go.

Hello ladies, can I join you? I am a little farther behind some of you as I am just 5 weeks today.
Pip-we were in August Mommy's club together-my little guy was born on Aug. 26, '09.
I found out this past Oct. that my baby didn't have a heartbeat. I had a D&C a few weeks later. I had one cycle pass, and I fell pregnant again. I am anxiously awaiting my scan at 8.5 weeks. I really hope this baby sticks!

:hi: hon so good to see you again and congratulations. So hope this one is a sticky one for you. So far so good in this thread so maybe it's a lucky one. I'll add you to the front, let me know if it's wrong my maths isn't too great since pregnant brain hit once again! :hugs:

I'm hoping to join too... I'm ever FURTHER behind. I'm 3+6 today... but feeling very hopeful! Due Aug 30!

I had blighted ovum in both Dec 2009 and May 2010. Then, I ended up in IVF/ICSI treatment! After surgery to remove polyps, I finally got started and just found out today that I'm pregnant with 13dpo betas of 95! I couldn't be happier if I tried!

Congratulations hon, funnily enough I stumbled on your journal last week when I was looking for someone else's. I really hope this one sticks for you, PMA all the way. Great news on the betas.
dimplesmagee just realised your due date is the same as Sam's was. He started coming day before his due date but finally arrived on the 25th. Wonder when your new little one will arrive. Maybe they'll all share birthdays hehehehe
OMG just found babies heartbeat on the doppler!!! TWICE!! Could hear mine as well so I know which was mine and which one was theres....... SO HAPPY :headspin: Wooohooooooo :wohoo: god that has put my mind at ease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dimplesmagee and Megg - WELCOME!!!


I really want to hear our baby's HB....still waiting for our letter to say when the scan is.....everything is delayed cos of the weather!!!!!!

Felt really ill yesterday, spent most of the day in bed...got up and went food shopping and then threw up and got back in bed when i got home! Feeling much better today though, so happy about that!

Pippin - How many weeks do you need to be to use a doppler? My sister has one from her pregnancies but as much as i want to use it i don't want it to be too soon so i don't hear anything and then panic thats something is wrong, even before we have had the proper scan where we will know for sure!!!.....God, i hate waiting!!!!!
Pip, YAAAAAAAAAAY for the heartbeat! My own heart actually skipped a beat when I read that, you must be soooo relieved!
Lol megg !! I bet you bloody did !! Hope Kevin was there witha big hug !! How did he take the news?

He just hugged me and said he loved me... I think he was a little teary, but he'd never admit it! :haha:

OMG just found babies heartbeat on the doppler!!! TWICE!! Could hear mine as well so I know which was mine and which one was theres....... SO HAPPY :headspin: Wooohooooooo :wohoo: god that has put my mind at ease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woohoo! That's bloody fantastic!

Just found out our scan in 20th January at 1:30pm!!!!!!

Not long now, honey! Yay!
:blush: I listened again and timed it, 168-174 bpm which is sooo much faster than Sam's ever was. That was 140-150 so I'm guess I could have my little girly in there :haha: Hope so.

Fab news about scan date LittleGriffin I've left a message now with the MW as they haven't answered their phone all day so we shall see if they return it. Maybe it's closed because of the snow :shrug: I'll put your scan date onto your stats. xxx

Amygdala you and me both. I was so excited to hear it the first time I think mine stopped so I could hear it better :rofl: I feel so much better now. Who needs a midwife huh!!1 :haha:

Megg when will you have your first early scan hon, did I miss this? Bet you can't wait to find out if it's two or not.

Oh and the doppler is a crappy cheap one from ebay. None of the well known brands just a small hand help one. I'll see if I can fine a picture of it. Works just as well it seems.

Emmea not long now hon.... exciting.:wedding:
:blush: I listened again and timed it, 168-174 bpm which is sooo much faster than Sam's ever was. That was 140-150 so I'm guess I could have my little girly in there :haha: Hope so.

Fab news about scan date LittleGriffin I've left a message now with the MW as they haven't answered their phone all day so we shall see if they return it. Maybe it's closed because of the snow :shrug: I'll put your scan date onto your stats. xxx

Amygdala you and me both. I was so excited to hear it the first time I think mine stopped so I could hear it better :rofl: I feel so much better now. Who needs a midwife huh!!1 :haha:

Megg when will you have your first early scan hon, did I miss this? Bet you can't wait to find out if it's two or not.

Oh and the doppler is a crappy cheap one from ebay. None of the well known brands just a small hand help one. I'll see if I can fine a picture of it. Works just as well it seems.

Emmea not long now hon.... exciting.:wedding:

You didn't miss it. The thing is, I found out before my FS did. I got my lab results from the hospital directly, and my FS was out of town. So, I won't know until tomorrow... ya know... when the clinic calls to "tell me" I'm pregnant! LOL
Okay so I only missed a day and there's pages going on!!! What'd I miss???

That's great about he Doppler ive been dying to try mine but it's at MILs house and she keeps forgetting to look for it for me!!!! Hopefully I'll get to hear hb on thurs at my booking in :)

My bum is still killing me!!! Damn pregnancy bowels!! I'm guessing noone is ready to do the fb thing yet??

Hope you're all well :) think I'm gonna to stick some potatoes on (mmmmmm mash, just about the only thing I've craved so far aside from 'real' food which is a bit general!!
The FB thing? Announcing? Mine is done... I posted my entire IVF journey on FB, so it was only natural that I would post my success on there too. Losing my 2nd didn't hurt less because people didn't know... in fact, it was worse. So, I've already announced! LOL
Oh I announced already, my fb is pretty much clOse friends and family with a few bnb girls so I would rather have the support of my friends there should anything happen.

It was more adding each other as support etc :)

Eugh I'm feeling rotten chris can't even grow balls to ask work for time off to come with me to my booking in!! He's like "if it bothers you that much you ask them" FFS can you say YOU DON'T FUCKING GET THIS.
Oh! I'm up for adding people! You can find me if you like! Megan Eli ([email protected]) Just let me know your username when you send the request!
I'll pm you who I remember had fb with mine. If I forget anyone pm me can't look back no time before best starts. Megg be careful putting your email up here hon just in case hon. Prob best to delete lots of people can read this. x
I'll pm you who I remember had fb with mine. If I forget anyone pm me can't look back no time before best starts. Megg be careful putting your email up here hon just in case hon. Prob best to delete lots of people can read this. x

Haha! I've posted my full name, address, and phone number publicly on here before. My email isn't too concerning to me. I'm not a secretive person. If someone really wants to find me, I'm pretty sure they will anyway. And, most of my enemies are people who already know where I live! I'm a bit strange like that. No worries!
Like your style Megg!!!

I've added you Megg and Pip and i've sent Eve my name xx

If anybody else wants to add me, just let me know.

Don't mention me being preggers tho as I haven't told a lot of close family yet
I'll pm you who I remember had fb with mine. If I forget anyone pm me can't look back no time before best starts. Megg be careful putting your email up here hon just in case hon. Prob best to delete lots of people can read this. x

Haha! I've posted my full name, address, and phone number publicly on here before. My email isn't too concerning to me. I'm not a secretive person. If someone really wants to find me, I'm pretty sure they will anyway. And, most of my enemies are people who already know where I live! I'm a bit strange like that. No worries!

Fair enough hon, I'm so worried about these things so ignore me I think I'm a bit paranoid at time :haha:
Ohh yes I haven't said anything yet on FB so same goes for me. I have students on there who I'm going to hide even when I announce at 12 weeks. Nice to know what we all look like though :haha:

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