PAL Summer 2011 Babies - From 1st tri to MC and back again in one go.

Bloody eck. That's come around so fast! I'll be keeping everything crossed for lovely heartbeats :happydance:
Has anyone been watching Eastenders? Its the awful storyline on S.I.D.S but not only that, the child swapping also....Me and Jimmy watched it last night and it disturbed us both. :-(

In other news, i am having some right trouble getting comfy in bed. My back hurts, i can't get comfy and i'm up and down a few times a night. Anyone got any thoughts on how to get more comfortable? I have got 1 something in between my legs (yes, i know this is how i got into this situation!) ;-) and something trying to support my lower back but the normal pillows just are not cutting it!!

Hope everyone is ok today.....anyone heard from LUVMYSOILDER?


Eastenders right now is really getting to me. I have some friends who have lost children to SIDS and it is really upsetting them

I cant sleep either during the night. I just cant get comfy. It hurts to sleep on my tummy now and pillows wont stop me from rolling over. If i find a secret I will let you know, but I remember with Tom i was uncomfortable until he was born.
Caroline from what I've read some women have still got the flu after but I'm definitely getting mine as it's better not to take the risk when so many people have died from it, being pregnant definitely puts you at risk.

Em so glad to see you back!

Meg your scan is so close!

AFM - still dying, had to pull the car over so many times for a 10 min journey to the GPs this morning but she was lovely and has prescribed me a different tablet to try. I'm so gross, I haven't even been able to shower or wash my hair since Saturday :( I just can't, everything makes me sick so I'm trying to use my energy for Saraya. The GP also said something about free temporary nursery placements for mothers in my situation to give them respite so hopefully I'll hear from the HV about that soon.

Take my first tablet tonight, as long as Chris gets to the pharmacy on time!!! :S

How's all my girls?
I normally watch Eastenders but I'm refusing to follow this story line I think it's just plain sick especially for those that have been effected by SIDs. By all means do a SIDs story as that happen and as sad as it is it's life and we can't change that but to swap babies is adding insult to injury I feel. I think it's wrong of them to dramatise it. I'm boycotting it for the foreseeable future. Sorry that probably makes no argument or sense but it does to me. I just feel so incredibly uncomfortable about it all and the fact they think it's ok to make a 'story' out of something so tragic. Serious would you even want someone else's baby? Anyway I'm ranting you can tell how strongly I feel about it.

Soooo changing the subject I told my department today about the pregnancy, my new staff member is bricking it as she thinks I'm leaving her too soon after starting at the school but she's a bit over sensitive bless her (she will have done a full academic year by the time I go :dohh:). Everyone else was over the moon though and it feels so great to tell them. Still waiting to do the big announcement after the scan but it's a bit of a relief as I was worried about it. I heard the HB Sunday and I'm 12 weeks in two days so I felt it was as safe as I could be before the scan. Just have to start training up my second in department so she can hold it all together while I'm away. Weird to think I'm leaving work again in 6 months :shock: :yipee:

Hope the pills work A :yipee:

Embo good to have you back hon and love the signature update :yipee:
Thanks hun. I'm getting into being a positive person rofl !!

Scan tomorrow at 3:30 so I'll hopefully know by then. I'm feeling a little nervous but not a fraction as bad as I thought I'd be !! I think I've come to terms with either option, well as to terms as I possibly can do.
LuvMySoldier - How are you girl? Did you manage to get a scan? Hope you and bubs are ok :hugs:
Em are your symptoms still there? I have a positive feeling about tomorrow and I'll eagerly await for update tomorrow :hug:
Thanks Pip.

Symptoms have kind of gone away again today, or I've got used to them!! Having major food aversions, boobs kind of sore. Little bit nauseous and generally feel shit !! No energy or motivation to do anything what so ever but that could be my general lazyitis rearing it's ugly head :rofl:
That sounds just perfect hon :rofl: :haha:. Feeling grotty is just what I want to here. We don't need our head in a toilet bowl to prove we're pregnant. Thankfully I've never thrown up in pregnancy. Phew (sorry Eve not trying to rub it in :hug:).

I think I'm having TV aversions / cravings :rofl: is that possible :saywhat: I just hunt for CSI, Fringe, Bones or NCIS all the time on sky (or any other similar crappy American thing really), now hating all the soaps (normally watch them all) everything on BBC3 and 4 and just generally not being me. This has to be my most strangest pregnancy thing yet :dohh:

Oh and OMG I watched Inception before I went to bed last night..... THE strangest dreams ever!!!!! Normally dream a lot in pregnancy but I was actually dreaming I was in a dream in a dream :dohh:
^^ See that girls! She "says" she's not trying to rub it in but what do we really think?? :p

S'ok Pip, I know how rare it is - less than 1% of pregnant women suffer HG. I never knew how debilitating it was. Morning sickness has NOTHING on this shit! I'm so fed up. I was reading a HG support forum and got freaked out by how many women terminate their pregnancy because they literally can't cope with it.... terrifying. Women getting depression because they can't leave the house, even for me to go to the GP's today I had to take my sick bowl with me and sit with it on my knee in the car and still had to pull the car over 4 times for a 10min journey... it's unreal. I mean there's NO WAY I could even walk round a garage to get milk let alone go to a grocery store right now.

I'm so glad none of you girls have to go through this, I truly mean that. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Hi all

It's lovely to see some familiar names from the mc support forum.

My story: have a gorgeous son born sept 2008 and started trying June and was preg in aug 2010 but by end of month had spotting and had mc end of aug and bled for 4-5 weeks or so. It was torture and seemed never-ending. Hosp think my period started as my mc bleeding ended so not sure if had a cycle or not. But got my BFP on nov 1st!

Had private scan at 7 weeks all fine then had scan on NHS at 11w 2d but I worry every single day. I'm 13 wks today and due 12 July. I thought I'd relax after 12 wks but I can't! But started using Doppler which I'd helping and started exercising and going gym again last week which is lifting my spirits.

But its so nice having this group cos my husband is getting fed up of me being so negative and constantly thinking something is wrong. Don't think I'll relax for a long while yet!
Hi all

It's lovely to see some familiar names from the mc support forum.

My story: have a gorgeous son born sept 2008 and started trying June and was preg in aug 2010 but by end of month had spotting and had mc end of aug and bled for 4-5 weeks or so. It was torture and seemed never-ending. Hosp think my period started as my mc bleeding ended so not sure if had a cycle or not. But got my BFP on nov 1st!

Had private scan at 7 weeks all fine then had scan on NHS at 11w 2d but I worry every single day. I'm 13 wks today and due 12 July. I thought I'd relax after 12 wks but I can't! But started using Doppler which I'd helping and started exercising and going gym again last week which is lifting my spirits.

But its so nice having this group cos my husband is getting fed up of me being so negative and constantly thinking something is wrong. Don't think I'll relax for a long while yet!

Yay you made it over here hon :yipee: so good to see you and congratulations for being 13 weeks. I'm sure it'll slowly get better and you'll feel confident in this pregnancy and enjoy it. It just takes a while after what we've all been though. You'll be well supported in her though. We're a chatty bunch, a small but perfectly formed group which understands exactly what you're feeling. I have a doppler too and have to try and stop myself using it all day every day. I try to limit myself to once every 2-3 days if I can. Great way to feel confident though and worth every penny I can tell you. I had the same one with Sam and it was wonderful, even in the latter months when movements got slower it was nice to feel 'in touch'.

Welcome hon and I'll put you on the front page :hugs:
^^ See that girls! She "says" she's not trying to rub it in but what do we really think?? :p

S'ok Pip, I know how rare it is - less than 1% of pregnant women suffer HG. I never knew how debilitating it was. Morning sickness has NOTHING on this shit! I'm so fed up. I was reading a HG support forum and got freaked out by how many women terminate their pregnancy because they literally can't cope with it.... terrifying. Women getting depression because they can't leave the house, even for me to go to the GP's today I had to take my sick bowl with me and sit with it on my knee in the car and still had to pull the car over 4 times for a 10min journey... it's unreal. I mean there's NO WAY I could even walk round a garage to get milk let alone go to a grocery store right now.

I'm so glad none of you girls have to go through this, I truly mean that. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

I wish with all my heart I could make you better, I saw a couple of friends go through it and I know how horrid it is. Did you get the tablets in time tonight? Hope you did :hug: If it's any help a friend of mine had it like you but once she hit 13 weeks it went away almost every night, my other friend was a bit later at 14/15 weeks but they both didn't get it back :hugs:

Have you had your official 12 week scan yet Eve?
Just thought I would share my 7w1d picture. Yesterday, my belly grew overnight! Tonight I have had to unbutton my pants, and my belt has moved two slots over.
Hope you ladies are doing well!!!


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Hey ladies just wanted to stop and in and say good by looks like im headed back over to ttc after a loss.

The er said they have never seen a positive as low as mine before and said that they were as confused by everything i've been through as hubby and i are. They told me to make an OB appt to see if they will do tests to find out if its raised or lowered but OB wont see me because according to them my level isn't high enough to be considered a positive... and since i didn't have a positive test done by them before i started bleeding they consider me never to be pregnant and can't help me until i have 3 miscarriages in a row. I hate military healthcare for this reason. Nice that its free but its horrible care because the military wants everything cheaply done.
I just feel extremely hopeless and depressed. I made an appt with my regular dr and am going to beg for a referral to a specialist and if she won't give me one i'm going to call my insurance directly and see if they will allow me to go to a specialist.
Hi all

It's lovely to see some familiar names from the mc support forum.

My story: have a gorgeous son born sept 2008 and started trying June and was preg in aug 2010 but by end of month had spotting and had mc end of aug and bled for 4-5 weeks or so. It was torture and seemed never-ending. Hosp think my period started as my mc bleeding ended so not sure if had a cycle or not. But got my BFP on nov 1st!

Had private scan at 7 weeks all fine then had scan on NHS at 11w 2d but I worry every single day. I'm 13 wks today and due 12 July. I thought I'd relax after 12 wks but I can't! But started using Doppler which I'd helping and started exercising and going gym again last week which is lifting my spirits.

But its so nice having this group cos my husband is getting fed up of me being so negative and constantly thinking something is wrong. Don't think I'll relax for a long while yet!

Yay you came!!! Welcome!! We are only one day apart, mine is due 11th July.

Sorry you are still feeling worried about your loss. Are you feeling better at all since 12 weeks? I think I have relaxed a lot since the 12 week scan, and I can feel the movement too which helps.

Great to see you
Hey ladies just wanted to stop and in and say good by looks like im headed back over to ttc after a loss.

The er said they have never seen a positive as low as mine before and said that they were as confused by everything i've been through as hubby and i are. They told me to make an OB appt to see if they will do tests to find out if its raised or lowered but OB wont see me because according to them my level isn't high enough to be considered a positive... and since i didn't have a positive test done by them before i started bleeding they consider me never to be pregnant and can't help me until i have 3 miscarriages in a row. I hate military healthcare for this reason. Nice that its free but its horrible care because the military wants everything cheaply done.
I just feel extremely hopeless and depressed. I made an appt with my regular dr and am going to beg for a referral to a specialist and if she won't give me one i'm going to call my insurance directly and see if they will allow me to go to a specialist.

So sorry for your loss. I really hope we see you here again soon xx
Hey ladies just wanted to stop and in and say good by looks like im headed back over to ttc after a loss.

The er said they have never seen a positive as low as mine before and said that they were as confused by everything i've been through as hubby and i are. They told me to make an OB appt to see if they will do tests to find out if its raised or lowered but OB wont see me because according to them my level isn't high enough to be considered a positive... and since i didn't have a positive test done by them before i started bleeding they consider me never to be pregnant and can't help me until i have 3 miscarriages in a row. I hate military healthcare for this reason. Nice that its free but its horrible care because the military wants everything cheaply done.
I just feel extremely hopeless and depressed. I made an appt with my regular dr and am going to beg for a referral to a specialist and if she won't give me one i'm going to call my insurance directly and see if they will allow me to go to a specialist.

I'm so sorry :cry:.....hope to see you back here very soon. I will be praying for you. xx
Just thought I would share my 7w1d picture. Yesterday, my belly grew overnight! Tonight I have had to unbutton my pants, and my belt has moved two slots over.
Hope you ladies are doing well!!!

Awwwww, how cute! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

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