PAL SUMMER BABIES (winter down south) 2011 ;) - Being updated again!

Glad all is well, Starry. :hugs: Babies like to be naughty prior to birth it seems. I find that if drink a Sprite then lay down it gets baby moving.
Kess - fab news on double digits. Keep positive and follow the advice you've been given. Any excuse to relax and take things easy has to be good. :hugs:

Starry - Chip plays this game with me a lot. I think it's worse now as I'm on Easter holidays and really notice the moments; whereas when I was at school I only noticed when it was a BIG one! lol Usually when I go to bed "he" wakes up and lets us know I'm here Mummy and Daddy!

ASM: Had a rubbish day! We'd planned to go and meet friends this afternoon. I'd had the best nights sleep in ages and was really looking forward to it; however Chip decided it would be more fun to make me feel sick, give me BH (never had them before) and make me feel even mroe sleepy. So I sent OH out saying I'm sorry - to which he very sweetly replied "Don't be silly you're nearly 8 months pregnant and are doing a wonderful job carrying my baby" Cue tears!!! (Bloody hormones!)

We've agreed not to plan anything else as when we plan things it seems Chip doesn't seem to agree with what we want to do lol!

So home alone, bored with heart burn and boiling hot and crying watching Britatins got talent - what a way to spend a Saturday night! :nope:

Hope you're all ok ladies :friends:

Note to self: it will be soooooo worth it in the end!
Kess - congrats on the double digits. I was told i proberly had an irritable uterus at 28 weeks after period type cramps and painful contrations for a week. as you say there is a blurly line between bh and iu was told not to worry too and to make sure i rested. I'm now almost 35 weeks, i stayed rested up until 34, and have now started doing more. I know its hard not too worry as i did too. Rest really helped, and baths did too. :hugs:

Starry great news on the hopsital front. Sorry little cuddle bug gave you a scare! Good news that all is well xx

Congrats on 3rd Tri MrsW

Orna sorry your not feeling too great today, bless your OH. Hope your feeling a little better xx

Felt sick and been having cramps and pains again today. Seemed to have settled down now, so hopeforly get nice nights sleep. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend xx
Thanks all for the congrats.

Kess - congrats on the double digits. I was told i proberly had an irritable uterus at 28 weeks after period type cramps and painful contrations for a week. as you say there is a blurly line between bh and iu was told not to worry too and to make sure i rested. I'm now almost 35 weeks, i stayed rested up until 34, and have now started doing more. I know its hard not too worry as i did too. Rest really helped, and baths did too. :hugs:

That's the current plan, to rest until 34 weeks and then gradually increase activity. I'm not on bed rest or anything, but at the worst (when I rang the MW because the tightenings were coming multiple times every hour, lasting a while and were very intense) I had had a couple of days where I'd walked briskly for about 2 hours with the dogs and walking to the village shop, then buzzed around the house doing housework and playing in the garden with one of the dogs too. So I have just cut it down, and it seems to have helped - they're now only happening once every couple of hours and are milder.

Felt sick and been having cramps and pains again today. Seemed to have settled down now, so hopeforly get nice nights sleep. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend xx

Hope you're feeling better Cutelou :flower:.
Hi kess, yeah i wasn't told bed rest either, but just kept it slow and easy. Any day i did housework or walked the dog they got worse too. In the end i did what your planning to do and just cut it down, DH walked the dog for me so i just had to play with him, and did little bits of housework, rather than the whole lot!

Thanks still had cramps yesterday the moment i woke up, with some back pain too. Feel little better today so need to start moving around as need to try and turn the baby to head down. Silly thing is still sitting bottom first! Thinking unless i have a show or waters go, then it must just be the IU and carry on as normal. Will be referred next week to a consultant if it does not turn.
Hi ladies,

How are we all doing?

The sickness and nausea has all gone. Last night however I slept really badly due to trapped wind - my chest was really hurting - several loud belches :blush: later I managed to go to bed lol! You certainly don't see women in the soaps / films behaving in such an unladylike fashion when they're pregnant lol.

So I'm going to go and have a little :sleep: before my OH comes home.

Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine. :thumbup:
Glad all is well, Orna.

I'm having a great day so far. I am just really really hungry. Must get off couch to get food.
How's everyone doing?

My DH was playing "morse code" with Dinky the other evening. We were snuggled together with his hand on my bump, and Dinky was kicking, so DH prodded gently back, and Dinky was kicking in response to the prodding. They carried on like that for a while. DH said later how nice it'd been to feel like they were communicating. :cloud9:
Hi ladies & Happy Easter!

Just checking in, sorry I haven't posted here for a while, hope your all well?!

Time is really cracking on now, baby is very active and loving kicking me in the ribs as it has been head down since 24 weeks so far, must be comfortable.

Orna glad your sickness has settled hope it's still staying away for you, sorry not read back through all the posts.

Has Lucy been about? don't seem to have seen her about for a long time :shrug:

Hope you had a good weekend and enjoy the rest of the holidays xx
Hope you are doing well.

I get to see baby Jonathan in only 2 days. I'm so excited. I am doing great. Passed my 3 hour GTT. Had a bit of illness for a couple days but I'm better today. Cervix is holding up great.
Must be today you see him Mrs Wez, how exciting! Great news on your gtt and your cervix and you are feeling better :thumbup:

Make sure you post some pics x

Someone was a bit uncooperative and has his foot and hand near or on his face but we managed to get some good pictures.

His profile

His foot in front of his face. You can see his little toes.

His cute little face. He has my nose!

His first facepalm! He has his daddy's hands

Playing with his foot. I think he was trying to suck his toes. He has DH's feet and legs.
Hi, just wanted to pop in and say hi to you all, I haven't been around for a while. Amazing pics Mrs Wez, and Foxie, can't believe you are 31 weeks now! I am ready to pop, just waiting impatiently now to meet our little girl. Hope all the ladies here are doing ok, I must go and read back about 100 pages to catch up with everyone lol:flower::hugs::kiss:
Great pics Mrs Wez,you have met your lil boy!! :D

Hey Lucy good to see you hope your struggling too much can't believe you are full term wow how time flies!! Hope your all organised and ready, you didn't find out the sex did you? :shrug: Can't wait to see your lil baby :cloud9:
Hi Foxie, yes I did, I am afraid I was too impatient it's a girl! Just waiting now, could be any time, am so ready for it to happen! Hope your next 2 months aren't too uncomfortable! I can't wait to see all the babies start popping out on here too! :cloud9::hugs:
Hey ladies I have not been around for a while but 3rd tri ! Not feeling much movement due to a anterior placenta and have a growth scan next week!
I've not been here for a while either due to my internet being broke :dohh: I'm the opposite with a posterior placenta so feel him moving very easy. He flipped to head down the other day and I got a nice kick a good few inches above my belly button but he's flipped back to breech now :haha:
Naughty babys.

My little girl shifts from transverse to head down!

I had my growth scan yesterday and all is looking good estimated weight is 2 lb 8!
Naughty babys.

My little girl shifts from transverse to head down!

I had my growth scan yesterday and all is looking good estimated weight is 2 lb 8!

Aw yay!!

I'm having my next scan at 28+4, to check on the fluid but... do you think they might give me an estimated weight then?
They should do hun and mark it on your growth chart! Thats what they did with me yesterday! Mine should have been next tuesday and 28 + 3. But I was in hospital due to lack of movement again so they did it early!

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