PAL SUMMER BABIES (winter down south) 2011 ;) - Being updated again!

They should do hun and mark it on your growth chart! Thats what they did with me yesterday! Mine should have been next tuesday and 28 + 3. But I was in hospital due to lack of movement again so they did it early!

Oh no naughty baby!!

I have a growth chart in my notes and thought my midwife would measure the fundal height at 24 weeks but she didn't. I'm seeing her next Thursday so I'm assuming she'll start doing it then... at least I hope she will.

Well Thomas is up and about, I guess he likes cheese and onion pastys :rofl:
Jonathan always seems to be moving! He does seem to be quiet during the day which is fine because that's when I'm working. But he loves to bounce around in the morning and evening. I love to feel him kicking and squirming.
So my blood tests have shown my haemoglobin is a little low, but we're going to try and manage it with diet rather than iron supplements since I have IBS and iron supplements end up with me in a fair amount of pain. Also because of the IBS, I can't eat things high in fat, so I've got to try eating low fat, high in iron stuff (so beef and lamb are out). So the current plan is an order with an alternative meats company of venison, goat, camel, ostrich and bison, and snacking on dried apricots! Yum! Might stick some wild boar in there too, no idea if it's high in iron but it tastes sooooo goooood. The dogs'll be happy too as the company sells trimmings from their butchery as pet food at a very reasonable price, and it's mostly proper British freedom food endorsed rosé veal, with a bit of random other meats thrown in. No, my dogs aren't spoiled, why do you ask? :haha:
Lovely pics mrs wez!

Hi lucy - not long now for you! you must be excited!

Lawa glad the growth scan went well x

Sequeena they didn't start doing my fundal height until 28 weeks.

Kess is spatone any good for you with your IBS? I'm using it rather than the iron tablets i got given, and also upping the high iron meat too! ooo sounds yummy for your dogs, they deserve a good spoiling!

Well baby is still breech, so i am now booked in for a c section dead on 39 weeks. So less than 2 weeks now until i meet LO. Bit scared about having a c section and the recovery, but just trying to focus on meeting LO.

Hope everyone else is well x
Cutelou not long for you now! You might have your baby before me! :hugs:

I am using spatone as the iron tabs were awful, and I don't have any side effects from the spatone, but then I don't have IBS? :shrug:

Sequeena I didn't get fundal height measured until 28 weeks too. :flower:

Hope everyone is feeling ok today. :hugs:
Well ladies I have another kidney infection and 24 hours in shospital under my belt!

Little one had been given steriods to help her lungs as well just in case!

As it looks like I will be going in again today for another trace since she has basically stopped moving even though scan all looks good and traces come back fine!
Lovely pics mrs wez!

Hi lucy - not long now for you! you must be excited!

Lawa glad the growth scan went well x

Sequeena they didn't start doing my fundal height until 28 weeks.

Kess is spatone any good for you with your IBS? I'm using it rather than the iron tablets i got given, and also upping the high iron meat too! ooo sounds yummy for your dogs, they deserve a good spoiling!

Well baby is still breech, so i am now booked in for a c section dead on 39 weeks. So less than 2 weeks now until i meet LO. Bit scared about having a c section and the recovery, but just trying to focus on meeting LO.

Hope everyone else is well x

Never heard of Spatone before, just googled it and it sounds good! MW said if we needed to supplement, she'd suggest Floradix as a gentler supplement than traditional supplements. I'll mention Spatone to her next time she calls, I'm sure she'd like to know there's another option.

Less than two weeks, how exciting!
Eww, Lawa. Hope you get better soon. :hugs:

Cutelou, I bet you are so excited!!
Thanks girls, guess I'll get the fundal height measured on Thursday then :happydance:

Lawa I hope everything is on xxx
Hi ladies

Hope you had a good weekend x

Cutelou sorry to hear baby is breech, not long now at all until you will meet your lo that will get you through the c-section, I'm sure it will be fine just have to take it easier after

Oh Lawla hope your ok hun, that must be painful sepite everything else. Hope your feeling better soon

Sequeena I didn't get my fundal measured until 28 weeks also.

I'm at mw tomorrow morning, hopefully discuss some delivery related things as she hasn't mentioned the labour yet :shrug:
Hi ladies,

Hope you all had a good weekend

Lawa hope your ok and feeling better :hugs:

Lucy any signs yet?

Kess my OH got it for me from Boots, i'll be using it after the c section too rather than their iron supplements as they just don't agree with me. Think it is all natural.

Fox hope you get to speak to midwife about labour and bits tomorrow, i never did mine as baby never turned. I was booked in for a home birth!

Thanks ladies, pre op is on wednesday! Just over a week to go now!
Hi Cutelou, apart from vague period pains on and off and feeling incredibly heavy down below, nothing going on yet! Hope its not another almost 3 weeks, I am so ready now! :wacko:

So exciting that you can know the exact date you will meet your baby, no hanging around.....can't wait to see pics! :baby:

Foxie, hope you are doing ok, I didn't do a birth plan with MW until 35 weeks! It was all a bit vague.....we agreed I would start with water pool if poss and add in other painkillers when's just a see how it goes first time round I guess......eeekkkk :dohh:

Lawa hope you feel better and baby starts to really kick you soon! :hugs:

4 days to go, I am hoping.......:wacko:
Hope you don't have to wait too long lucy! Looking forward to pics!! Hopeforly it will be really close to your due date! x

Strangly i feel bit disappointed that i will miss out on the waiting and wondering if today will be the day, though suppose it could happen anytime now! Had contractions every 20 minutes on saturday evening, but all just tappered off by sunday evening.
You ladies are so close!! I hope you both have safe and easy deliveries.
Thanks Mrs Wez! I feel things are starting to happen, feels like baby is totally engaged now, so heavy and painful down there.....I will see what MW says on Thursday, also going no 2 once and twice a day another sign :blush:.....also lots of Braxton hicks, I am hoping it's a few more days, but who knows? :shrug:
Hi, just a quick message, with photo! Baby arrived yesterday at 11.50, weighed 8 pounds 4 and called Matilda. Everything is fine, very tired though, sphoto (4).jpgo will catch up with everything soon. Hope everyone is well.

Congratulations Lucy! She is beautiful! :hugs: looking forward to your birth story xxx
Oh Lucy, she's absolutely STUNNING! So purdy! Congratulations!
Congratulations Lucy wow gorgeous lil girl, well done to you :hugs: :dance: Hope it all went smoothly!

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