Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


Glad you had a good time with your friends. Were the ones who came round in the evening equally supportive? We managed to get the ikea stuff done - hurrah! I saw my little niece too who kept asking if my boob was where baby was - I know they've grown but...! MIL didn't pass on anything else for baby, so that was good. DH's aunt had left a card & toy for baby, which was sweet. Baby has had so many presents already!

We went round to my parents for tea & they said they've booked our favourite cottage in Boscastle, Cornwall for a week in June & we're invited to go with them! So we'll spend a long weekend with them! I'm so excited! We've been to this cottage with my parents, my little brother & Tal the dog almost every year since 2006. We last went April 2012 for mums birthday. It's a 3 storey former captains house & we get the top floor where there's a bedroom & our own bathroom. (The first time we went, we'd been going out for 18months but weren't living together & my dad felt uncomfortable with us sharing a room! But mum convinced him). The house is right by the river that goes to the harbour, on the costal path & 2 mins walk from lovely little gift shops & pubs. We all love it there. Tal gets very excited when he realises where he is. He always goes sniffing round a spot where one year he found the remains of a pasty! He still expects it to be there!!

Did the drs say you could try this cycle or will you have to wait til the next? Will you be checking for ovulation this month? Are you going to temp? We still haven't DTD since baby was conceived! I'm a bit scared now. We tried once & it hurt so I don't really want to try again. DH says he's happy with what we're doing, so I'm lucky he's not putting pressure in me.

Off to see midwife at 3:30 today - feeling a mixture of excitement & worry! Hope I can find the sample pot to pee in!

Good luck at midwife appointment. Let me know how it all goes and what happens.
Thats lovely that u are going away with your parents. Sounds like a nice place. Just imagine when u have the baby with u too! Will be lovely.

Im glad u got the ikea job finished! We still have lots of work to do at my mums house. We havent done anything in April while all this has been happening! Going to commence work there again soon.

The friends who came round last night are supportive too. She is due in June! That will be difficult for me but DH always reminds me that i need to focus on us and not what other people are doing. Im very happy for them, just sad for us.
No body told me how long to wait until ttc. My bleeding is getting a lot lighter now so im hoping it stops soon. Then we will start having sex but i dont have much hope of getting bfp coz i need clomid. Ive still got some clomid, so will take that when i get my next real period and ttc like crazy lol. Im planning on temping again from 1st May so i can see whats happening and it will make me feel like im preparing and doing something towards ttc. I hope i can get a bfp by October!!

Just a quick message to let you know that midwife appointment went well. We heard the heartbeat & my urine tests and BP were fine. The midwife took ages finding the heartbeat (well it felt like ages, was probably really a minute!!) & both DH & I were getting worried, but then we heard it clearly. She'd told us before that even if she couldn't find a heartbeat, we'd still have to wait for 20 week scan, she wouldn't have looked again or anything, so that would have been awful. But all was good. And I got my Bounty pack at last lol!

Aww im so glad u got to hear the heartbeat. It would of been such a worry if she couldnt find it. Even though baby could be perfectly fine, u would of worried like crazy. Im glad all is well. Im very happy for u and your DH.

Ive felt more positive today. Ive felt happier. Its been a week since the baby was born so im pleased that the time is passing quite quickly. The soon my real AF comes the sooner i can get another BFP

Yes, that week has gone quickly. I wonder how long it will take for AF to arrive? Will it be a usual cycle length? How long are your cycles usually? Don't put too much pressure on yourself to get a BFP before oct, will you? It's ages away, so you've got a really good chance, but putting pressure on yourself doesn't help does it? I really wanted a BFP by Christmas & I was so upset when I got my AF before Christmas. I spent days crying. I was even crying in a cafe with my mum in front of everyone! V embarassing! I felt like giving up but then booked my fertility testing & 2 cycles later baby was made.

It's lovely and sunny here again today. It was nice yesterday. I spent the day sewing quilt for baby from kit I bought at show on Sat. I've got loads more to do, but I loved using my sewing machine again - it felt like an old friend lol! I haven't be enable to use it while feeling so sick.

Have you heard what happened to the mum from your classes who your saw crying in the maternity department? Did she have bad news?

Are you working today? I really can't remember what I'm meant to be doing at work today! I usually have an idea what I will face when I get there, but not today! Oops!

The lady from dancing still brings her child but we havent spoke about it. I expect her baby will be ok but i dont know.
My cycles are usually irregular and quite long - maybe 35 days or more! I expect to be waiting for AF for ages! When i took clomid my cycle was 29 days which was amazing for me!
Id love a bfp by Oct or Christmas and so would DH. Dont worry if i dont. Im very used to that disappointment! I used to cry when AF came too. Ive given myself a goal of being pregnant by Christmas since 2011. I hate getting the tree out and not being pregnant. I obviously thought this year would be different but nevermind. I like to give myself goals but i can always move them lol.
Is it your birthday in June? What date? Mine is 3rd and DH is 10th. We know so many people with their birthday in June its a crazy month of eating too much cake lol.

Well done with starting a quilt. It sounds great. U could upload a pic when you are finished :)
Hopefully u work out what to do at work today! Im having a day off.

Glad you're flexible with your targets! I think that's definitely a good plan. My cycle was 24 days, which I used to think was annoyingly frequent, but then when TTC I was v grateful! I hope the clomid shorten your proper cycle again. How many cycles were you on clomid before you conceived?

My birthday is 6th, so almost exactly between you and you DH lol! I share my bday with my aunt & 2 of my 2nd cousins share the 3rd. Do you and DH share the celebrations or do you each have your own? At least you both have to look for presents or each other at the same time. My DH hates this time of year as he has to buy an anniversary present for May (we buy little presents based on the traditional themes each year) & then my bday present! He says I'm really hard to buy for, as I never really want anything. I like surprises & I'm not the sort of person who always has a list of material things I would like. Do you have something you would like? This year I have actually requested something. There is this glass ornament I have wanted since I was 21 & I have dropped hints about it so many times. This year I have just shown him the website & said I'd like this please! I thought this will be last year I get a chance of getting it, as next year I expect money will only be spent on baby, so I might as well just ask for it. I think I might ask my parents if they'd like to buy me a spa treatment or afternoon tea or something. (I sound like I am materialistic! But the is first year I've had any ideas!)

Do you have time off for your bday? DH has taken the Thurs & Fri off, so we were thinking f going away, but now with Boscastle we might just go out on day trips. We've got our week off booked for end of month, so it might be too much going away for one month!

Better go to work!

For anniversaries we have been getting little presents that represent each year too, like paper, cotton etc.. and we usually go away for a night or so. For our birthdays we usually have a big BBQ in our garden with lots of family & friends. Last year we made it a Jubilee Garden Party and i hired a big bouncy castle! It was brilliant. Dont know what we will do this year. DH will still want the big BBQ but i dont feel like it yet...we will see. As for presents, we might buy each other a little something but i dont like spending our money lol. Sometimes we buy something foe the house & say thats joint for our birthdays, especially if its a lot of money. We usually spend more at Christmas.
My friends boy is 2 on 6th June.

The first time i took clomid, we didnt dtd as DH was really ill with a bad neck. Thats when my cycle was 29 days. The second time i did clomid but the first time we actually had sex we got our BFP!! So clomid worked miracles for us :)

Have a nice day xxx
That's what we do, paper etc. It's leather this year. We got mixed up & did paper for 1 & cotton for 2, ie the American way. For 1 I got him (but also me!) an anniversary book where we put in a pic each year & write a little bit about what we've done for anniversary & during the year. It should be a good memory book one day. I also go him a map of where we live cos we moved in 5 days before the anniversary! For cotton I got him a tshirt from his favourite show (Game of Thrones) & made him a personalised washbag. I won't say what I'm doing for leather in case he reads this! What have you bought?

Work was ok, there wasn't anything hanging over from last week so that's why I couldn't remember lol! The lady who delivers our stationery arrived & told me she's pregnant & due on 8th Oct. She had a lovely bump, I had bump envy! Mine just looks like I'm a bit fat, whereas she had a clear bump. She was smaller framed than me so maybe she had less room to put baby.

How are you spending your day off? xxx
Maybe we are doing tour anniversaries the American way? We did paper 1st which we moved into out home 2 days afterwards so the house deeds etc.. count towards this! DH got me a paper list of all the anniversary materials so we could follow that each year, it is presented nicely. I wrote DH a poem.
For our 2nd which was cotton, we bought new bedding and curtains for our bedroom.
I don't know what we will do for leather? I havent got any ideas yet! Sounds a bit kinky lol. DH bought me a leather jacket for Christmas, that would of been a good gift!

Ive spent the morning with DH. Then we went to buy new dog bedding as Hollie had diarrhea all over hers last night! Id rather just throw it away and buy new than clean it...yuck! She still has a bad tummy now!
DH has gone to work now. It is his day off but as he has had time off lately with what we were going through, he needs to catch up on things. Ive done letters for dancing and now (can't believe im admitting this) im watching Jeremy Kyle lol. I usually give it 2mins and turn it off but they aren't shouting too much today lol.

It's my SIL's 40th Birthday soon. I really dont know what to buy her. Any ideas?
I hope poor Hollie is feeling better today?

That's tricky about your SIL cos I'm guessing it has to be something a bit more meaningful fir her 40th? How much do you want to spend? There are the usual things like jewellery, photo frame, spa treatments, cream tea at a nice hotel, a dressy scarf. Is she in to her garden/flowers at all? How about a rose bush? Then she'd think of her birthday each time it flowered. You can get ones with meaningful names. Hmmm, that's all my ideas for the moment....

Oh dear that you were watching Jeremy Kyle!! That programme makes me angry - I don't like watching all the people shouting at each other, I don't think they should be on tv! I don't think Jeremy Kyle sets a good example either when he shouts back, but I suppose they wouldn't listen if they didnt.

We had a DIY disaster evening last night. My DH is wonderful in lots of ways, but DIY is not his strong point. We had an outside tap put in last year & when we tried it this year it didn't work. DH decided it was a valve, so he removed that (at force) fiddled with it & put it back (using even more force!). The tap worked but 30 mins later we found a huge puddle on the floor in the room where the tap goes out from & water gushing out of the pipes! Oops! After turning the water off, DH got a crow bar (it's always going to go well when he gets a crow bar!!) & started attacking the wood that encloses the pipes that make it look neat. After about 20mins of attacking it, I convinced him to check the leak wasn't somewhere visible. And funnily enough, yes it was! It just needed a bolt above the woodwork tightening! Luckily he hadn't had much success with attacking the wood, so it only looks a bit like he's bashed it! Oh dear!

Are you working today? I'm going to do some more of my quilt I think, after I've cleaned for the cleaner!! It look sunny again, hurrah!

It looks a lovely day here too! Hollie is ok now thank u and enjoying her new bedding.

Oh no about your leek and crow barring! It actually sounds a funny story when u tell it but im sure it wasnt at the time. At least u have it fixed now, thanks to u :) DIY genius!
Thanks for the ideas fir SIL. I was thinking of sending a lovely bunch of flowers and getting her something special as well. I will look into getting a rose bush and i might look for jewellery for her. We will prob spend about £60 ish but i dont mind spending a bit more. They always spend lots on us, so im kind of forced into it!

Im working in my shop today. Ive starting temping again as well and keeping track on FF. Back to all that!

How are u feeling today? It might not be long until u can feel the baby move. That will be exciting! Whats the date of your 20 week scan again?

I'm feeling ok thanks. I've lost track of how many days its been since I was sick (about 10) so that must be a good sign, although I'm still taking it day by day.

I think I may have felt baby move already, although I'm not 100% sure as its not very often. On Sat eve I had a curry that was slightly hotter than my usual korma (I don't really do spicey food & def haven't since being preg). Straight afterwards I felt a weird fluttery feeling below my tummy button, a bit like when underneath your eye twitches or spasms. I think either baby thought "what on earth is that mum?" or loved it & was having a party! I've felt it a few other times too, like when I've sat in a crunched up position. But not every day, so I'm not 100% sure, but it definitely feels different from usual feelings. The midwife found the top of my uterus on Mon & that's where I feel the movements, so it's convinced me a bit more. (Sometimes I sit crunched up deliberately for a minute to see if I can make him poke me, but it doesn't work!) I am looking forward to feeling it everyday & being more sure (although then I'll probably want baby to I've me a break!!)

My 20 week scan is 2 weeks tmr, the 16th May.

Did I tell you my niece is having a fairy princess/pirate party for her 5th birthday? We got the invite on Sat & it said fancy dress optional, so I've decided I'm going to dress up as a fairy! It's mainly cos I want an excuse to wear my wedding tiara again! So I'm going to wear that, a skirt & top if I can find one in my wardrobe that still fits, my wedding shoes which have now been dyed purple for when I was a bridesmaid for my best friend & some fairy wings I've bought off eBay! I'm hoping I still have glittery makeup & nail varnish so I can be a bit sparkly. The party is in less than 2 weeks, so I wonder how big my bump will be. I wonder what the kids will make of a pregnant fairy! I might make a sparkly badge with a pic of a baby fairy on saying "baby fairy on board" so the adults don't just think I'm fat!! I hope I will have the nerve to go through with ths & won't look like a complete muppet! I'm trying to convince DH to dress a bit piratey so I won't be the only one!

As you can see, my cleaning is going well!! I'd better get on! Hope you have a goid day at the shop!

The party sounds fun. Children love it when adults join in and dress up too. I love fancy dress. When i do parties at work i like to dress up because it makes the children laugh. I was planning on having a new years eve fancy dress party at home for family/friends as i thought i wouldnt want to go out and leave my baby. But now all thats changed but i might get to do it next year instead.
Being a fairy will be fun. U need a wand too!
I bet those feelings that u had are the baby. Ive heard people describe them similar to u. At first they are irregular and can easily be missed and when they get stronger u will be certain its baby.
Ive set up a thread in 'ttc after a loss' (never thought id end up in that forum). Its called 'bfp by oct' and ive found people who have also just lost babies who were due in oct. Just thought id let u know so u can look in from time to time. Dont want to cheat on u lol.
Hope u have a nice day xxx
BFP by October sounds nice for both of us :hugs:

Sunny again! Can't believe it! I haven't been watching the weather, so each time I wake up & it's sunny, it seems like a little miracle! So nice to see sun after so long!

I'm really glad you've found other people in the same position who can offer you support. I had a little peek yesterday - you've stopped bleeding! Yey! At least that didn't last too long.

I hadn't thought of a wand, I will have to get one, thank you! I've rethought my fairy on board badge as that would imply a girl baby (or be a bit harsh on a boy baby!). I have a tshirt I wore on honeymoon that says Mrs F####(suddenly thought I'd better not put surname on here as anyone can read!) in diamanté, I might wear that cos that's sort of sparkly. (That looks like I'm wearing a tshirt with a swear word on it - that would be slightly inappropriate!!)

Continuing the water disasters theme, I managed to throw my glass of water into my underwear drawer in the middle of the night! All of my underwear is now damp! I've no idea what I'm going to wear to work - maybe have to try to hair dry it!

Did you have a first dance song at your wedding? We took ages deciding & in the end went with one that no one knows but we liked the words of. It was When I look into your eyes by Firehouse ( Neither of us know how to do ballroom dancing, but we taught ourselves some steps from YouTube videos - I think it was a waltz so we did a few steps at the start & a twirl. I loved practicing in the weeks coming up to the wedding. I bet you didn't have any problems dancing! Did you have a disco in the eve? We had a barn dance, which everyone loved. I couldn't dance in my big wedding dress, so a few weeks before the wedding I bought a second cheap wedding dress, so I'd be able to enjoy the evening! (Kate Middleton copied me again - not only has she nicked my badge, but she had 2 wedding dresses too!)

I love reminiscing about the wedding - I'm thinking of it loads at the moment with the anniversary coming up! I love hearing about other people's weddings too.

Hope you have a good day. xxx
Kiki04 come join the thread in 'ttc after a loss'. I hope u get a bfp before oct xxxx
Oops, didnt realise I'd put the video there like that!
Hi Catherine.

I didnt see your post earlier. We must of been typing at the same time as my last post is between yours.
I thought your top had a swear word on, lol that would of been a very unforunate surname!
Our first dance song was 'amazed' by lone star. I didnt really want to do a first dance, as its my job. Why is it a first 'dance' if it was a first 'brick lay' then builders wouldnt want to do it or a first 'hair style' then hairdressers would find it u know what i mean? Ha! :)
We just did the usual sway together as i didnt want to dance and look like i was showing off.
We had a disco and casino on the evening. We had an ice-cream van there too which was brilliant! DH and i got to go inside and serve ice-creams! It was such a hot day as well.
I only had one wedding dress. Ive still got it. Have u kept yours?
Your barn dance sounds fun. Id love that!

Yes ive stopped bleeding but we had sex twice yesterday and i was bleeding a little after so maybe its a bit quick for sex. I dont know how long to wait.
Ive been meaning to tell u tgat over the last week i have received so many bouquets of flowers off friends/family. My house is full of flowers! Its so nice and thoughtful of people.

I hope u have a nice day in your wet underwear lol.
Lol at the idea of a bride & groom laying a brick - I think they should do that! How cool that you had an ice cream van - we could have done with that too, it was so hot on our wedding day. I was convinced it would rain as it rained when DH proposed. We were on holiday at lake Garda & Venice for 2 weeks & had sun every day. On the last day we went round Venice & literally the moment DH showed me the ring, it started to tip it down! It was quite funny! Luckily I only took it as an omen fr the wedding day & not the whole marriage! But then on the day itself it was boiling & perfect blue skies. My bridesmaid even got burnt! My SIL now says it was too hot, but on the day everyone seemed v happy to be in the sun. I think it was perfect!

What colour scheme did you have? I had kingfisher blue. I had 2 adult bridesmaids & my niece who was just 2 as flower girl. I made all the stationery etc myself. They had blue paper flowers on them, the same shiney blue. My DH cut all the flowers out with a punch & I assembled them, sometimes with help from my little brother. My mum made the cake & we iced it together. I made sugarcraft roses, orchids & freesias to decorate it to match my bouquets. (White roses & freesia, bright pink/crimson orchids) When I look back on it now, I have no idea how I did it all!

That's lovely that so many people are sending you flowers! It must be lovely in your house. How kind of everyone.

If you've only just stopped bleeding, it's probably quite a while before you ovulate isn't it? Or are you just DTD for fun - I'd forgotten people do that lol! What are your temps up to? Do you take them at exactly the same time? I was always a bit naughty & took them at the same time +/- 30mins! I don't sleep very soundly at the best of times (now I'm so uncomfortable I wake up every hour) so I could never guarantee the right number of sleeping hours before taking it. I still got pretty patterns tho.

Are you working today? I'm going to buy some wading for my quilt & do some more sewing. It has little owl pictures on 20 of the 40 patches, so I have to sew them all on by hand now. DH has invited his mum & my parents over for a meal tomorrow night, so I might do kore tidying. I'm still not keen on eating in front of people ESP in eve, so I'm not really looking forward to it. But I haven't been sick for nearly 2 weeks now! (Touch wood)

Hope you have a good day. xxx

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