Shortcakes I know how your feeling...
Well took another test today at CD 28 and

Me and OH cant understand it after we have had a scan to track the follicle growth and an injection so there no way there wasn't sperm waiting there for that egg. We are both disappointed and disheartened. Especially now if af shows up I cant take any clomid again

Got wait till Thursday for nurses to call back after speaking to consultant. So if af comes in mean time were knackered.
Thing that bother me is the cycle we got pregnant with Skye we only bed every other day that cycle something like 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,21,25,27,29 and it worked and this time with a scan to confirm the egg was ready on CD 13 and an injection we missed it! We did way more beding than last time so surly that not greaten our chances? We had done this time CD 3,5,7,9,12,13,14,15,16,17,20
Failing just makes it worse cause it makes me think Id be nearly 22 weeks pregnant now if we didn't lose Skye. Something somewhere seriously doesn't want us to have a baby. And with no more clomid as well that makes me more angry because even if they try other things they might not even work, at least we knew clomid did something. Feels like were back to square one again.
A big follicle of 28mm aswell
.. I'm sorry ladies