Veryblue- I just wanted to welcome you back!

We all missed your presence here. I just want to lend my condolences to you for the passing of your uncle. Someone passing is always hard, but even harder when it was an accident. I am also sorry to hear about how difficult your family is being. I can't imagine how hard it is to have to make a decision about your niece. I will keep you in my thoughts about the whole situation. I don't have personal experience on the exact situation, however my husband has a half brother and sister who he had a relationship with as a child then over the years they have basically shunned him no matter how hard he has tried to reach out. He has nieces and nephews who will be adults and he has never met. They blame him for things that he was not involved with and have even tried to sue his dad. It has taken him a long time to accept that they are no longer in his life. Sometimes family members get so selfish they don't realize the hurt that they put on others. It is such a shame.
I hope that despite you not feeling well things work out this month or in the near future for that bfp! I commend you for powering through the sickness!
Hopefully- Good luck this week with all of the testing. I hope you get some answers so you can find that right thing to help you.
Sarah- That sounds like things are going nicely, how exciting!I hope that they are ready to go the next time you go in.
Shortcakes- I am sorry af still hasn't arrived. I hope things go well at your appt and they can get things resolved quickly. I haven't heard of that in particular, but I am sure that they have antibiotics that will clear it up. Let us know how things go!
AFM: At the fertility appt. on Friday they saw 2 good follicles and called to say that my lh was right where it should be. I believed them, but was still not trying to get too excited . However on Sat. for the first time ever I got a strong positive OPK. I also had strong pain in my sides along with a strong headache so I knew something was happening. We bd every day over the weekend and this morning my temp spiked. I don't have the side pain anymore either. I don't want to jinx it, but I am pretty sure I ovulated on my own!

I am cautiously putting myself in the 2WW. I go in on Friday to do some bloodwork to confirm O then my blood pregnancy test is on the 15th. Now as much as I want to wait for the bloodwork, I know I wont. lol