PCOS Buddies TTC#1

Thanks.. I'm happy to have found this website after finding out I have pcos all which makes it a lil harder to concieve I felt down n not myself.. no one in my life really understand wat I'm goin thru its hard especially not knowing when ur ovulating or if u missed ur period bcuz u Cud b pregnant then get a neg... I no I'm not alone in this n there other women goin thru the same thing.. its gd to have a support system
I totally agree with you there thats exactly how I feel my cycles r long and irregular and it really gets to you! xox
Well I'm finally going to see my doctor tomorrow to find out what's going on with me! I'm CD76 right now and no sign of AF which is totally crazy because my cycles were always 25-35 days before starting Metformin. Can't wait to hear what the doctor has to say!
Well I'm finally going to see my doctor tomorrow to find out what's going on with me! I'm CD76 right now and no sign of AF which is totally crazy because my cycles were always 25-35 days before starting Metformin. Can't wait to hear what the doctor has to say!

Good luck and keep us posted..:thumbup:.!!!
Thanks.. I'm happy to have found this website after finding out I have pcos all which makes it a lil harder to concieve I felt down n not myself.. no one in my life really understand wat I'm goin thru its hard especially not knowing when ur ovulating or if u missed ur period bcuz u Cud b pregnant then get a neg... I no I'm not alone in this n there other women goin thru the same thing.. its gd to have a support system

Welcome hun....We all are here for each other...!!! Stay positive and strong, we all will be blessed soon..!!!
Aww bless you bet it feels like the longest two weeks ever! Try and do happy things and not stress! Easier said than done though!
BABY DUST!!!!!!!

Hey faith..How are you doin hun...???

fm - when are you gonna test..??? Any symptoms yet..??? Fingers crossed for ya..!!!

Afm...CD5, AF reared its ugly head on 26th so here I am on CD 5, started temping this cycle..!!!
Im okay ish thanks! How r u? Hope well?!
Im on CD18!
Im okay ish thanks! How r u? Hope well?!
Im on CD18!

Yep, all well....are you waitin to "O"? do u use opk's? I m on CD 5...!!!

Good luck to u too and loads of baby dust...!!!
No I dont use OPKSs im still not sure if or when im ovulating?
Im taking Vitex? Not sure if its working?
But we shall see how this cycle goes on it?
Then Dr will see me in August and maybe get meds?!
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 years old. I obviously wasn't trying to conceive then, but doctors didn't do anything to treat symptoms and eventually, my periods stopped all together. I might have had one in an entire year. I started TTC back in 2005, but my first RE (who I went to simply because my insurance covered the visits 100%) wouldn't try to help me conceive until he got my periods on track. So we spent a year of nerve racking hormone therapies and pill after pill. It was so horrible, that at one point, I didn't stop bleeding HEAVILY for almost two months. I became anemic and eventually they had to triple dose me with birth control just to get the bleeding to stop.

Eventually, I was able to start on Clomid and went through three cycles of that with no luck. I was also on Metformin. I had a lot of trouble with this RE because he acted as if I was nothing but a paycheck to him and couldn't care less about me as a person, much less, a patient. Eventually, after several procedures, I took a break due to my emotional/mental stress.

Since then, I found a private clinic that my insurance does NOT cover (UGH), but I absolutely LOVE them. Since then, I have made more progress in less than 6 months than I did the entire time I was with the other RE.

Apparently, not only do I have PCOS...but my right fallopian tube was found to be blocked via an HSG. I was heart broken. It just seemed like everything was weighing against me.

I'm currently on my 2nd cycle of Femara with HCG trigger shot. I'm in the two week limbo right now, waiting to see if AF comes this time around or not. I have one more cycle of Femara I can try, and then they want to talk about IVF. I REALLY do not want to go down that route, but hopefully I won't have to cross that bridge.

I completely understand the frustrations and heart aches that everyone has experienced with PCOS. When I had taken my long break, I even halfway convinced myself that I did not even want children. I went out and bought me a motorcycle and moved on with my life. The stress of trying to conceive actually caused my husband and I to divorce in 2008. Since then, I ended up marrying my best friend of many years. (Who would have thought!) So we started TTC since January of this year. My first husband actually REFUSED to have a semen analysis, swearing there was nothing wrong with him. (Yes, he was THAT arrogant)

Luckily, my husband now was ready and willing and he came back PERFECT. They said he had EXCELLENT results. I was very relieved that we didn't have another hurdle to jump, but at the same time, it was kind of heart breaking to realize that everything is my fault. I'm the reason why we can't have children. I'm the one who is broken.

After my Femara cycles, I believe I'm going to hang it up again, if they aren't successful. I can't keep stressing myself out like this, as I don't want to end up like I did last time. So good luck to all of you and send a little luck my way too, please :-D
Well I'm finally going to see my doctor tomorrow to find out what's going on with me! I'm CD76 right now and no sign of AF which is totally crazy because my cycles were always 25-35 days before starting Metformin. Can't wait to hear what the doctor has to say!

Good luck and keep us posted..:thumbup:.!!!

Doctor says its just coincidence that I'm having a really long cycle with the Metformin (I'm still not totally convinced that I'm not pregnant but he did a urine test and it came back neg). He wants me to take Provera for 10 days and then I should spot or bleed 2-3 days later. Then I can either start Clomid or see if my next cycle is around 28 days like it should be. I want to start Clomid but my husband is afraid of having multiples with it. I don't know what to do and I'm so upset and sick of this! :cry: We've been trying for over 7 months now and I think I'm going to lose my mind any day now. I want to try to Provera but I'm afraid that if I am pregnant and just not showing up on a urine test that it would hurt the baby. What do you all think I should do? I'm sitting here crying and I'm so confused :nope:
Hi everyone...I hope you don't mind me jumping in .. but I could use some feedback.

I'm 29 and just found out I have PCOS (thin). I used to have regular cycles until about college when I started cutting back on calories and fat, etc (I was never overweight)...as well as intense running/lifting for my college's running program. I got put on the pill and just stayed on it until last year when DH and I decided we were ready to TTC. We waited until this January to start.. I had been having longer cycles (45-55 days) since stopping the pill but I was still getting AF so I figured it would even out. I got AF in December and then nothing until mid April a week after seeing the gyno. The gyno did bloodwork and diagnosed me with PCOS bc my testosterone was slightly elevated. I was shocked/upset/frustrated/embarrassed, etc and couldn't believe it. I had worked all my life to try to be a healthy eater and fit (I still run quite a bit now) and it seemed like it was all in vain upon the diagnosis. I always thought it was due to my working out/eating habits that I wasn't getting my AF back then, so I figured I once I worked on that..which I have since then...that things would be normal again...especially since my Mom never had any issues with her cycles, etc.

I was about to get put on Provera when like I said, I got AF a few days after my gyno appt. I was thrilled. I didn't want to take any meds. It was incredibly heavy for a day and a half..never had it that heavy before..then got lighter over the next few days..but seemed I was lightly spotting for several days. Finally it stopped completely and now I'm at CD17 and started getting spotting again. Sorry if it's TMI but it's bright red spotting, but more like bleeding since it was more than just when wiping....so sorry if TMI... No cramps or anything..but it has me concerned that I'm totally messed up. I never had midcycle bleeding before...spotting a few days before AF, yes, but never this and never this heavy .. Again, it's not heavy like AF heavy, but heavy for spotting.. I feel like TTC is going to be even harder if I'm constantly spotting...don't want to BD when I'm like this..

Does anyone have anything like this happen to them?? Thanks so much for letting me jump in ... It's nice to find others that understand..
Aww Slicer thats a sad story I really feel for you! Thank you for sharing! I wish you all of the GOOD LUCK AND BABY DUST in the world! It is stressful on your relationship! Hopefully we will all get there!
Chin up Jess125 please dont cry! You have us you arent alone! Have you been prescribed it off Dr? You could talk to Dr about it and get a test? Might put your mind at ease!
Welcome RoadRunner44! I think when you go through this you experience every emotion possible! But we all understand and can relate to each other! BABY DUST AND GOOD LUCK! xox
I can totally understand your frustrations about the testosterone levels. I am also releived to read that you were also embarassed. (not that I'm happy you felt that way) But I was happy to read that because that was exactly how I felt when I got the results back too. I had to go for all sorts of blood work...17OH, progesterone, testosterone...testosterone levels were pretty high, and like you I am extremely fit and have always worked out. I am a personal trainer, I eat well and work out, and lead a healthy lifestyle...I was pissed!!! Everything I thought and believed to be healthy felt like it was working against me.....but I quickly understood that it really didn't have much to do with my lifestyle and more to do with my genetics. My mother never had problems like this and no body in my family that I know of either...

I hope you're feeling better...just know that your healthy lifestyle with help with fertility more than hinder it.

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 years old. I obviously wasn't trying to conceive then, but doctors didn't do anything to treat symptoms and eventually, my periods stopped all together. I might have had one in an entire year. I started TTC back in 2005, but my first RE (who I went to simply because my insurance covered the visits 100%) wouldn't try to help me conceive until he got my periods on track. So we spent a year of nerve racking hormone therapies and pill after pill. It was so horrible, that at one point, I didn't stop bleeding HEAVILY for almost two months. I became anemic and eventually they had to triple dose me with birth control just to get the bleeding to stop.

Eventually, I was able to start on Clomid and went through three cycles of that with no luck. I was also on Metformin. I had a lot of trouble with this RE because he acted as if I was nothing but a paycheck to him and couldn't care less about me as a person, much less, a patient. Eventually, after several procedures, I took a break due to my emotional/mental stress.

Since then, I found a private clinic that my insurance does NOT cover (UGH), but I absolutely LOVE them. Since then, I have made more progress in less than 6 months than I did the entire time I was with the other RE.

Apparently, not only do I have PCOS...but my right fallopian tube was found to be blocked via an HSG. I was heart broken. It just seemed like everything was weighing against me.

I'm currently on my 2nd cycle of Femara with HCG trigger shot. I'm in the two week limbo right now, waiting to see if AF comes this time around or not. I have one more cycle of Femara I can try, and then they want to talk about IVF. I REALLY do not want to go down that route, but hopefully I won't have to cross that bridge.

I completely understand the frustrations and heart aches that everyone has experienced with PCOS. When I had taken my long break, I even halfway convinced myself that I did not even want children. I went out and bought me a motorcycle and moved on with my life. The stress of trying to conceive actually caused my husband and I to divorce in 2008. Since then, I ended up marrying my best friend of many years. (Who would have thought!) So we started TTC since January of this year. My first husband actually REFUSED to have a semen analysis, swearing there was nothing wrong with him. (Yes, he was THAT arrogant)

Luckily, my husband now was ready and willing and he came back PERFECT. They said he had EXCELLENT results. I was very relieved that we didn't have another hurdle to jump, but at the same time, it was kind of heart breaking to realize that everything is my fault. I'm the reason why we can't have children. I'm the one who is broken.

After my Femara cycles, I believe I'm going to hang it up again, if they aren't successful. I can't keep stressing myself out like this, as I don't want to end up like I did last time. So good luck to all of you and send a little luck my way too, please :-D

Dear Slicer...Was touched reading your post..!!! So sorry that you had to go through all this, hope the road ahead is smooth and beautiful for you...!!!

Even I was devastated when I found out that I had PCOS, I had regular periods so it came as a shock to me and that is not all, have hypothyroid as well so its a double bummer for me...:(

Anyways, do not loose hope or get disheartened, there is a road at the end of every tunnel so stay positive and strong hun...!!!

Wishing you the best and hope you be blessed soon..!!!
Doctor says its just coincidence that I'm having a really long cycle with the Metformin (I'm still not totally convinced that I'm not pregnant but he did a urine test and it came back neg). He wants me to take Provera for 10 days and then I should spot or bleed 2-3 days later. Then I can either start Clomid or see if my next cycle is around 28 days like it should be. I want to start Clomid but my husband is afraid of having multiples with it. I don't know what to do and I'm so upset and sick of this! :cry: We've been trying for over 7 months now and I think I'm going to lose my mind any day now. I want to try to Provera but I'm afraid that if I am pregnant and just not showing up on a urine test that it would hurt the baby. What do you all think I should do? I'm sitting here crying and I'm so confused :nope:[/QUOTE]

:hugs:hun...can understand the pain when you are in a limbo...had been in the same situation 2 months back..!!! well would suggest to wait for a couple of days before takin provera, incase you are preggo....!!! Why dont you get your beta done, it would give you a more clear picture..!!!

Chin up lady we all are here for you...do not cry and stress as it affects our health and the baby making process as well...!!! Stay strong and it will happen...!!!

Good luck and loads of baby dust to you..!!!
Hi everyone...I hope you don't mind me jumping in .. but I could use some feedback.

I'm 29 and just found out I have PCOS (thin). I used to have regular cycles until about college when I started cutting back on calories and fat, etc (I was never overweight)...as well as intense running/lifting for my college's running program. I got put on the pill and just stayed on it until last year when DH and I decided we were ready to TTC. We waited until this January to start.. I had been having longer cycles (45-55 days) since stopping the pill but I was still getting AF so I figured it would even out. I got AF in December and then nothing until mid April a week after seeing the gyno. The gyno did bloodwork and diagnosed me with PCOS bc my testosterone was slightly elevated. I was shocked/upset/frustrated/embarrassed, etc and couldn't believe it. I had worked all my life to try to be a healthy eater and fit (I still run quite a bit now) and it seemed like it was all in vain upon the diagnosis. I always thought it was due to my working out/eating habits that I wasn't getting my AF back then, so I figured I once I worked on that..which I have since then...that things would be normal again...especially since my Mom never had any issues with her cycles, etc.

I was about to get put on Provera when like I said, I got AF a few days after my gyno appt. I was thrilled. I didn't want to take any meds. It was incredibly heavy for a day and a half..never had it that heavy before..then got lighter over the next few days..but seemed I was lightly spotting for several days. Finally it stopped completely and now I'm at CD17 and started getting spotting again. Sorry if it's TMI but it's bright red spotting, but more like bleeding since it was more than just when wiping....so sorry if TMI... No cramps or anything..but it has me concerned that I'm totally messed up. I never had midcycle bleeding before...spotting a few days before AF, yes, but never this and never this heavy .. Again, it's not heavy like AF heavy, but heavy for spotting.. I feel like TTC is going to be even harder if I'm constantly spotting...don't want to BD when I'm like this..

Does anyone have anything like this happen to them?? Thanks so much for letting me jump in ... It's nice to find others that understand..

Aww roadrunner...:hugs: Welcome....please relax hun...!!! The doc says that the PCOS is due to hormonal imbalance so you gotta keep them balanced by eating right and exercising...!! Do not stress about it, as it makes it difficult...!!! The spotting issue might be cause of the irregularity, maybe once you are regular it might stop...!!! Stress will add to your woes so stay away from it..!!!

We all are together in this so lets stay strong and fight it out...!!! I am sure we all will succeed soon..!

Good luck and loads of baby dust...!!!

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