PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Sach-my love & prayers to you, just so glad hubby is ok!

My hubs put together the crib today! Upside down (of course) so he had to change over the sides but all is well now. Tried to rest this weekend but ended up running errands & cooking (today is my husband bday) so wanted to make sure he had a nice Sunday dinner. Now I'm off to bed for my work week. A little bird told me my office is throwing a baby shower for me Thursday so I'm looking forward to that. Been getting bh like crazy & madam here is moving like she is crazy so probably all related. @ Kellie I'm glad the clots are nothing...for now...
Iesha- happy birthday to DH :cake: yay for your shower and getting your crib together!! my DH is notorious for putting things together wrong and having to take them apart (sometimes more than once) to fix them. heaven forbid I comment that he read the instructions for every step :haha: :roll:
Hello again ladies, it's nice to be somewhere I feel I can belong. Pottering around in first try is a touch boring and I'm not sure where else to chat.
Since I'm in aus we are on school holidays so the kids are driving me crazy as it's to hot to be outside playing but there isn't enough room inside for the 4 of then not to annoy each other and fight.

Oh well only 2 more weeks untill school starts again. I had a scan on the 9th which showed a beautiful bubs measuring exactly 7 weeks lining up with my edd of 28th August. I have my first appointment with the OB next week so that should go well.
Congrats aussie on your pregnancy and good news about your scan xx

Melissa I think all men must do that lmao, with the not reading instructions thing lol, my hubby in the past has even drilled new holes in items purchased whilst cursing the shop for not doing it correctly, then discovering about an hour later that he had a piece back to front or up side down or something lol, but will he listen?? Nope and has a selective memory when it s comes to these things too, will not accept that he had ever needed to revert back to instructions or has ever made a mistake lol haha.

He is doing well now though, has moved onto the hall for decorating now, going to buy new flooring at end of the month when I get paid, he is painting all the doors and frames and banister. Great thing about planning the home birth, he has become fiercely house proud and wants every thing nice and fresh haha, I just wish he would tidy up after himself lol.

I went to aquanatal with my midwife today, was so fab- hope I don't feel too sore ! There were only four of us attending, which made it nice to be able to get to know everyone a little bit. Strange thing though, we are all team yellow!! How weird is that? , I have not come across any one else yet IRL that it's team yellow lol. I was not huge in comparison to them at all!!! Think so many people have said I am huge that I started to really believe it and I was worried I was going to look like a whale beside them. Was reassuring to see we were all more or less the same size, and I am the furthest on in my pregnancy, they are all 29/30 weeks :) xxx
Hey ladies!
Had my gender scan on Saturday and can report I am evening out my brood... 3-all now :happydance:

I'm having my third little boy. :happydance::thumbup:
Iesha - Thanks lovely!! We will get through it. My GF is lending us her spare vehicle, so that he can at least get to and from work everyday still. I am just very very very scared that the truck is totalled and we can't afford another truck that we will have to sell our trailer. :sad2:

Happy birthday to your DH :cake:. I hope that you have a restful week at the office and have a beautiful baby shower!!

You ladies are talking about men that put them together wrong…. well if mine starts too I have to seriously calm him down if things go wrong other wise he will destroy it with a bigger hammer. He is a farm boy who grew up if it doesn't work the first time get a bigger hammer. He just don't do thing gently it is just not his way LOL :nope:

Donna - wow your DH is on a roll. That is awesome! Oh your water birthing class sounds lovely! I wish I could do that. They say only the MW will use the tubs at the hospital. BOooooo. But each room does have its own bathroom with a regular tub so i may just spend time in there. You are worried about being huge? Girl check this out. Only a one week difference here. I am shocked!!

Sacha - my DH is suffering the same motivational problems as yours. He started some work helping me get Christmas decorations down, but then... disappeared to watch tv the rest of the weekend! And I thought he was at least doing laundry, but nope - I had to search around this morning and struggled to put together clean outfits for all 3 kids.

Donna - That is awesome that he's finishing up those projects! Hope everything comes together in time for baby day :) Also love the idea of the aquanatal class. Wish I had seen something like that around here, although my maternity swim suit lost its elastic last month, so not sure what I'd wear ;)

Iesha - happy bday to your DH! Hope you did get enough rest last night and are doing well back at work. Can't wait to hear how the shower goes!

Aussie - hooray for good scans! Are you going to find out gender when the time comes or stay team :yellow:?

Miss - congratz on team :blue: :) Glad to hear everything going well so far for you!

AFM, my DH is the same way about putting things together wrong, having to start over, and never remembering that that had ever happened to him before. I made the great mistake once of pointing that out and providing detailed descriptions of his past failings, and he went on strike for over 6 months. So I try hard to just bite my tongue, and let him do his own thing. I only intervene if it is going to be expensive to fix! lol

Still do not have a car seat. Went to Target yesterday to check some out, and the selection was crap. I really like to see things in person before buying them, since colors and whatnot can end up being so different in real life than in pictures, but I think I'm going to either have to hope Babies R Us has a better selection or order direct online this time. I'm not completely panicked if we end up not having one before LO is born though, because we do have enough convertible seats that unless this LO is born tomorrow and significantly smaller than my others, would be able to fit. But I really do want the infant seat. Also discovered DD1 has worn holes in the heals of both of her winter boots. She had 2 pairs (one new, one hand me down), and the new ones are the ones that wore out! It is much too late in the season for me to think about new snow boots, so I'm considering rain boots for her instead. Plus it has been a wet but warm winter for us with more rain than I ever remember but almost no snow, so rain boots make more sense. Ok, enough of my rambling!

Have a great day everyone!
Impressive bump Sacha, looking gorgeous a as ever, I love my bump just hate the fat thighs bum and else where lol.

Congrats on your boy miss406 how lovely!

Off to get my birthing pool now, excited yay!!
it must just be the way men are! think its so funny they all do it. I used to get frustrated, but hey he is the one that will have to take it apart and put it back together the right way lol.

congrats miss :blue:

Donna- hope you are not too sore! my DH seems to have a nesting phase at the end of my pregnancies. he is pretty active and helpful at home anyways, but he always does a lot of deep cleaning before a baby comes. maybe your DH is the same? :)

Sacha- love that bump! I agree w/donna. I love my bump, but could do without the extra thighs, arms, butt, etc lol

Melissa- isn that always the way with kids things?!
iesha how exciting a surprise baby shower wish we did things like that and happy bday to your dh!!

sacha your bump looks lovely but a definite change in size!

congrats miss on your baby boy!!
congrats aussie on your scan! I hope your kiddies don't drive you too mad!

donna wow you guys will have decorated the entire house before babies here lol im glad your dh is so on the ball!! and your aqua class sounds lovely!! so how will your home birth work will the kids be with you through it or will they go out? very exciting you are braver than me!!xx

lucky my dh is quite good at putting things together yet he is another one who doesn't use the instructions this is def a man thing lol
I got some bargains I got a brand new avent sterliser with a bottle and 1m+ teats and 3+ teats all new still in its box for a whooping £4.99!!!! got to love ebay!! also someone was selling a maxi=cosi carseat a carry one for £5!! so im picking them up tomorrow I figured with the carseat if its not 100% to my satisfaction il just give it to my friend who is also pregnant! bargain!!!
Great deals Claire! Hope the carseat works out :)

Miss - I spent all of first tri wondering the same thing. Still not really sure how I made it through that, and I only had 3 under 7. You can do it though! :)
donna wow you guys will have decorated the entire house before babies here lol im glad your dh is so on the ball!! and your aqua class sounds lovely!! so how will your home birth work will the kids be with you through it or will they go out? very exciting you are braver than me!!xx

I hope to go into labour through the night and therefore they won't be disturbed lol, but probably won't happen that way. I need Dawson out the house otherwise, as he is a right mummy's boy and would panic if he saw me in pain, or would be so demanding of my attention that I would struggle with labour lol. His big sister or big brother will be able to help out there, or if they are both working / at school, then he can go to my sister's house to play. The older kids won't be a problem at all, if it was just them I would not be concerned night or day lol but Dawson may be problematic lol. Just hope it's a nice quick labour and he can come straight home and meet his new sibling.

Great bargains you got there Claire, just check the expiry on the car seat, I am sure those car seats are good for 5 years though xxx

Sach-why am I having bump envy lmao! I must take a pic of mine! Yours is too gorgeous! I must say I had to laugh, my husband is a mechanic, and could literally rebuild a car/engine etc, very good at his trade, but seeing him let my 15 year of put together the drawers was making me chuckle (silently of course LOL) He also broke off a piece of the edge of the dresser, I had to hold it in straight face! 1 Day down at work...Hope everything works out that you guys will get a new truck without having to sell the trailer!

Welcome & congrats Aussie! Wish it was too hot out here for the kids to play LOL..I am in freezing Canada, although today is a better day, but I hear our temps will drop again below freezing by the end of the week :(

Hey Miss-Congrats on balancing out the team! You will do just fine, I was a single mum to 4 kids under six! (before I married) You will make it!!!

Feisty Mel-I got my carseat from Costco..the bundle that I bought came with carseat, stroller, playpen & highchair, but it was just as seen on the net...Most of my stuff I buy online, and usually if it's a brand you trust its works out pretty good. There is a swing I am dying to get from babies r us...they seem to be the only place in Canada to carry it (my little sweetie fisher price cradle swing) but I am seriously contemplating ordering it from the states. Its out of stock online here, so I will have to go into toys r us/ babies r us and see what they are saying.

Claire-yes I am excited, even though I already had a private one (bby shower) at home, it's nice my office giving the little send off. As much as I complain, in a few months I will be bored out of my skull, and miss my workplace lol!

Donna-stop with the fat bum n thighs...*sigh* so many perfect women TRYING to be fat like me...Your lovely!!! You too Melissa!!!
I will be sure to check the car seat I'm only getting it really because it's a fiver lol it was too cheap not too! I think it's only about 6 months old anyway. Lol
I hope you go into labour at night then!! Fx I hope I do too as il no all my babysitters will be at home lol
Wow I have been out all day with the truck stuff and then stopped to visit, and I come home to loads to read. LOVE it!!

Thank you every one about my bump!! <3 to you all!! I really do feel huge, all my pg shirts hardly cover my bump so as Kellie mentioned I look like pooh bear. So I am constantly pulling down my shirt to cover the bottom on my bump.

Miss I am sorry it seems that I have missed your post, Congrats on your little :blue: bundle. Seems they are all I make ;)

Mel I got my carseat at babies r us and got a good deal on it!! Also too if I even try and tease my DH about the messes he makes he gets mad too and goes on strike too. So I work really really hard to find something he is doing well with a project so that if I need to say something it isn't so bad :haha:

Donna that is so exciting. I am feeling that excited about my encapsulation, and putting my birth plan all together and setting the cash for everything aside. Makes it feel like this is all actually happening. I understand you not wanting your youngest there, mine would be the very same!! Plus having all boys in the house I am sure they don't really want to be there anyways LOL

Claire love good bargains!! :dance:

Iesha <3 @ you with bump envy! I honestly don't know how I am going to get any bigger. I can no longer pinch the skin around my belly. If he needs to grow more then he is going to have to come out for that to happen. Even my winter jacket is getting too tight!!:dohh:
Great bump Claire! And nice top, looks great :)

Sacha - I have the 'pooh bear' look going for me too. Two of my maternity pants will NOT stay on my bump anymore, they sag below it even though they are supposed to be full coverage! And of course my tops are being pulled so far forward they are leaving a bit of a draft below :D And I refused to get a maternity coat, and my normal jacket is finally straining too much. The good news is that it is an incredibly mild winter, so I think I could abandon the jacket entirely and use sweatshirts layered if need be, or last resort I have an oversized winter coat that was my father's that I have used in the past as an overcoat during REALLY cold spells, and could use just fine as a normal coat to fit my bump. I've had it on over the top of a regular coat PLUS an infant in a wrap!

I don't know if I'm actually having pelvis pain, or if this is just in sympathy with my SPD friends, but HOLY CRAP am I struggling to walk today! And it just won't let up no matter how I try to contort my body while walking. Took some tylenol, ate some chocolates (my after lunch sugar number was decent, so I indulged), and am hoping it lets up soon, but ffs this is beyond annoying. i'm getting weird looks at work as I am sure my facial expressions are interesting as I grit my teeth and power down the hallway. I also notice that it doesn't seem to help to move slowly! That may just be additional adrenaline kicking in though. Can't believe how strong you ladies are to deal with this every day!!!

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