PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

ugh the aches and pains and grumpiness! sorry for the ladies with it so bad right now. :hugs:

ann-marie- absolutely lovely bump :cloud9:

sorry about the ladies suffering with spots :(

donna- a massage sounds lush!!! <3

can not believe how close some of you are getting :happydance:

sacha- I heard that too about the prostaglandins and DH and I dtd almost every day from 36 weeks on. I was 3-4 and 90% effaced before I ever went into labor. probably wont be doing that this time! im in pain and don't want to speed things along, but I do believe it works better than anything else I did :thumbup:

I went grocery shopping today so I will probably be very sore tonight and tomorrow. boo.
im with you guys on the grumpiness im so pissed off this morning and its all dh fault. he said to me this morning find babysitters as weve been invited to his bosses restaurant for dinner and drinks and I said oh good then I said to him what time for and he said I don't no its quite casual then I said well I need to no a sort of time as I cant just say oh its casual to the babysitter and then he said I didn't say get a babysitter ???? say what!!! then I was just like you just told me to get a babysitter no I never he said yes you did!!! oh ok I did but there away today anyway he says!!! so why bloody say it in the first place!!! then he starts getting bitchy and says oh I don't want to be around you anyway I don't care if your pregnant and your hormonal so I said yeah you go out and il sit in as usual then told him to piss off!!! all in front of his apprentice! girls I trust what you think am I in the wrong here?? he just pisses me off sometimes I mean he was out last night with his boss an didn't get in til late and now I no he will be out tonight and il be left in to sort the kids out and knowing fall well we don't have babysitter:growlmad:. and iam not ringing him today!!! so pissed off! and ive got so much to do today with the house and things with fuck all help!:cry:
Sacha hope you feel more comfortable or are in labour lol and baby not far off - about time we had a baby in here lol!

Feisty Mel when do you stop work hun? You must be exhausted! Hope you have a more relaxing day xx

Kellie how are you doing? Still taking it easy?

DTD definitely worked for us baby number three, I swear by it lol - we were at it every night though for about the last week before he arrived at 39+3, and had two nights of full on contractions that led to nothing then third time I woke up at 5:30 am with niggles, got hubby at 07:30 to take the older kids to my sisters house and got to the hospital at 10 cm dilated at 08:00 am lol. Ben was born at 08:06am. perfect labour lol. With number four I had SPD so DTD infrequently and he was over!!

My pelvis stopped aching and burning last night. Strange!! Not going to knock it though, just take every pain free moment and enjoy it!! Maybe baby has moved position or something. Was the first night in wells with no tears heat pack or pain killers lol. Baby was oblique, head on my hip, so maybe gone cephalic!, hope not transverse lol!!

Taking it very easy though, not to exacerbate things any
im with you guys on the grumpiness im so pissed off this morning and its all dh fault. he said to me this morning find babysitters as weve been invited to his bosses restaurant for dinner and drinks and I said oh good then I said to him what time for and he said I don't no its quite casual then I said well I need to no a sort of time as I cant just say oh its casual to the babysitter and then he said I didn't say get a babysitter ???? say what!!! then I was just like you just told me to get a babysitter no I never he said yes you did!!! oh ok I did but there away today anyway he says!!! so why bloody say it in the first place!!! then he starts getting bitchy and says oh I don't want to be around you anyway I don't care if your pregnant and your hormonal so I said yeah you go out and il sit in as usual then told him to piss off!!! all in front of his apprentice! girls I trust what you think am I in the wrong here?? he just pisses me off sometimes I mean he was out last night with his boss an didn't get in til late and now I no he will be out tonight and il be left in to sort the kids out and knowing fall well we don't have babysitter:growlmad:. and iam not ringing him today!!! so pissed off! and ive got so much to do today with the house and things with fuck all help!:cry:

Sounds like the type of conversation me and hubby could have in the mornings lol, neither of us are morning people!! Bet he phones to apologize hun xxx hugs to you xx have a better day xxx
Claire I am not happy with my DH at the moment either. He is having issues at work, and anything I say he thinks I am attacking him! WTF??!?! So I gave him a what for this morning. :grr: I pretty much told him he will not be able to be in the delivery room with me if he is a mood like that and doesn't start to take an interest in how to help me with hypnobirthing. He will just end up pissing me off just sitting there and then it would ruin my concentration. :gun:

Donna Nope not in labour. Though I had tons of labour and delivery dreams last night, and even had one bh that was so strong it woke me up. I am though not in as much pain at the moment. But he seems a bit more quiet, so i am going to keep an eye on him. He didn't even move when i ate ice-cream last night. When normally eat anything cold it gets him dancing. :shrug: Oh no pain what a blessing even if for just a moment!! :dance:
Aromatherapy massage mmmmm lovely - sorry again Sacha lol !!

Well she used orange and black pepper and it was lovely! My pelvis is a bit achey now after the long walk from car park in to hospital, and from sitting in the massage chair but hope be worth it. Next one will be at 37 weeks so she can use labour stimulating oils, and she is going to make me a blend to take away with me as well.

Could sleep now, but have the nursery to do soon.

Gosh that just sounds lovely!! I wish we had that around here. I think I would even pay full price just to have one!!
Only cost me £5, and she says she will give me a blend to take home free of charge, lovely pro home birth midwife, so hope she is on when I labour :)
Claire - That is totally crap! How can he be going out again tonight? Too bad that boss invited him to restaurant. He was out with boss last night, and he has a pregnant wife and kids at home who need him and no babysitter, so... too bad! heh. I may be a bit of a harpy sometimes to my poor DH, but there is no way at all that he would assume he got to go out if we didnt have a sitter :P could you just ring him and say that something has come up for you tonight and he'll have to come home to put the kids to bed? And then just do a girls night? heheh :D

Donna - sounds so lovely!!!

Sacha - I haven't managed to get DH engaged in hypnobirth either, which is so weird because he was really engaged in lamaze and our other birth prep classes before, just not this time. :( Of course then I get all weird and paranoid and start feeling like he never even wanted this baby, and that he's going to be distant and all that garbage, even though deep down I know it isn't true, but it makes me want to sit and cry!

AFM, I still feel like I have a nasty cold :( headache, hard to get out of bed, scratchy throat, congested... but no fever. I do think my lymphnodes are swollen though and have been all week. The armpit ones felt a bit lumpy, and I assume some of the achiness in my groin is related to that. It can't ALL be baby's fault, can it??
PS: I had a ton of dreams last night too, but almost all were related to Disneyland lol!
Sounds LOVELY Donna! :)

I'm sorry Claire. . .that was pretty crappy on your dh's part. ugh.

Sorry you're not feeling well Feisty Mel! You need to be over that ASAP! hugs!

I thought maybe you would go last night Sacha! :( BOO! I'm sorry you're DH isn't on the same page with you.

I had another ultrasound this morning. Everything looks good still. Placenta is intact, still enough fluid. She IS moving around though, has been hanging on the left side of my tummy for weeks and weeks, she's all on the right now, still head down. Doc didn't check my cervix because I've had so much bleeding (which has slowed down to barely spotting now). She said "I can't believe you haven't had her yet". . .yeah, no shit. Thanks. Then "I'm on call this weekend just so you know." Again. . thanks. You've told me for 2 freaking weeks that it would be any day. SO here we go, another day. :) Oh and I have lost 3 pounds since Tuesday. Is that a good sign? LOL! I have lost 5 since last week. I know I sound really pissy. I'm sorry.
With our last birth (my 4th his 1st) he was sitting beside me half conscience because of a concussion. So I was felt I was robbed of help from him. 85% of the time I was labouring he was sleeping. Now I understand that, and don't blame him. This time I have been researching things and talking to him about it all, but not once has he asked well what do I have to do. I know what you mean by your dh feeling detached from your pg, cause that is exactly how I feel about this one too. He seems to be too preoccupied with work to care about this baby. Though I know to a man worrying about making enough money yadda yadda yadda is to them caring! Not to a women that is for sure.

I to have been battling a cold for months now. It just seems to just shifting from one to another. I just hope that giving birth allows me to breathe at night!!
Oh Sach, I swear, that's how my DH is going to be. He slept through the night both times I was at the hospital even when I was writhing in pain. :(
Kellie Dont' feel sorry!! We all thought you would have gone already!! Both our LO are proving to be willing to wait it out. Even if it is at their mothers expense. Man i hate the last few weeks of pg!! Just down right stressful. I am glad that she is doing so well. My next u/s is thurs. I am thinking I just very well make it to then. I need to keep busy! Days like today don't help either. I am down right miserable!!
Kellie & Sacha - I head to the doc this afternoon for an ultrasound and I believe a cervical check, so we'll see if I join you in the 'it could happen any time now' club with you guys!

My issue with DH is that he seems more exciting and interested in car shopping (his car seats 5, and we'll have 6 people to transport so we'll need something if I go back to work; we do have a minivan that will fit everyone so I'm not in a rush). To be fair, he hasn't had a chance to get a vehicle for himself since before we were married 10 years ago, and he's had new babies every 2 years :P So maybe the novelty has worn off and he just thinks I'll handle it all. But I'm really nervous this time!

Kellie, glad the bleeding seems to be subsiding. At this point any symptom that isn't directly related to labor has got to just be a huge hassle for you! Hope your hubby realizes that you weren't really expecting him to be a silent partner in this process, and jumps into gear for the real deal to help you out!

Sacha - you are right of course; worrying about money IS one of the ways a man expresses his level of engagement, and like your hubby mine is preoccupied with work related issues and whether or not he'll be promoted this year. He really wants to enable me to be a sahm so that I have choices, and I love him for it, but what I really want right now is just someone to read the darn materials with me and listen to the CDs! hehe!
Only cost me £5, and she says she will give me a blend to take home free of charge, lovely pro home birth midwife, so hope she is on when I labour :)

Oooooh you're in the UK? Where can I access such blissful treatment :haha:

My midwife offers it, at the CMU although there is only one midwife trained to do it now, as the second one retired and they won't fund any training as they are short staffed. Shame that really!

I have been looking into hypnobirthing too but hubby is not in the last bit interested lol, he will support ( in his head ) any notion I have but ask him to help, or look into it or participate :wacko: nope!! He is a fab father and had proven to be a very effective birthing partner, but has never looked at a baby book, discussed options for birth or had any other opinion really, other than agreeing to whatever I want. Good and bad points there!!:shrug:

I need to get my ass in gear myself actually! Presuming hypnobirthing is an art and cannot be picked up overnight or whilst already in labour haha:haha: I just think I still have 8/9 weeks to go, even though technically it could be as early as 3 weeks till term.

Donna... Your massage sounds lovely... Not fair that its not available at my hospital... Think the SGH might have something like that... I had my 2nd at SGH and there was aromatherapy midwifes, i left with some amazing smelling aromatherapy gel to put on my stitches down below after i had him.

Claire... Id be majorly pissed off too if my OH was out 2 nights in a row and i was stuck in with no babysitter

Kellie... Hope baby doesnt keep you waiting much longer... Good that everything is ok with your ultrasound today and your bleeding has stopped :)

I finally got round to taking a bump pic... Got really bad heartburn tonight :(


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