Just found out I am 4 weeks pregnant with our 4th![]()
this was totally a surprise for us!!
How hot is it up there? I hear everyone talking about the heat.Well today is grossly humid an hot. Not so good with pg hormones!! Yuck!
That is a very sweet hubby.Course hubby who is a gem says that big bellies are in fashion this yr LOL
This is all making it all very real. I'm starting to get scared.
I felt that way when my twins got to around 2 and life slowed down a little because we thought they would be our last. Then we decided on another one, and I felt that way again after he was born. Now that were TTC another, I'll probably feel that way again after our baby is born, but I think we will need to stop after this one. My DH has planned to get snipped since we had our twins. Lol. My feelings always start with "I'll never be pregnant again...or give birth...or breastfeed...or just sit and stare at an infant for hours like nothing else exists....or have them sleep on my chest...oh the list keeps going.Also feeling very sad. this will almost certainly be my last. hubby has stated his intention to be snipped after #4 is born. I look at my kids and all I can think is that I need to freeze this moent because I'll either never have another son or daughter... all those cute baby dresses I saved - are they going to stay tucked away until grandkids?!? or will the adorable boy outfits only be worn once? I feel a bit daft to preemptively feel sad for the 'loss' of one gender or the other. but never felt this way with the others because I KNEW there would be more babies.
I'm also unreasonably grumpy with #4 for not letting me enjoy this pregnancy! my ms is the worst its ever been! little rascal!
crysshae it was at about 7 pm when thing should have been starting to cool off, 38C with the himidex. Our kids came in after supper dripping with sweat. It was gross. It didn't drop until about 3 am as some rain clouds brought in some cooler air.
Got my beta results 57,554...don't know if that matters as they are not monitoring it. Did find out I get another peek at the lil one in a month, totally forgot that they now screen all women regardless of age for downs. So I have that and my first prenatal appt booked in just under a months time. Hopefully they will give me a better pic of him/her. Feeling so bloated. My belly is normally on the big side (im plus sz) but geez its swollen out with bloat today crazy! At 2 months I look 4Course hubby who is a gem says that big bellies are in fashion this yr LOL
Are you talking about the nucal scan @ 12 weeks? Mines booked for the 26th
Got the call from the specialist today. Guess I will be seeing her on the 23rd. This is all making it all very real. I'm starting to get scared.
Hi all,
I am due in March 2014 (5th) and this will be our 5th child altogether. Did anyone give you negative comments when you announced? Sorry if this has been asked before![]()
Hi all,
I am due in March 2014 (5th) and this will be our 5th child altogether. Did anyone give you negative comments when you announced? Sorry if this has been asked before![]()
I haven't told may people yet- This is our 4th baby. The people that i have told knew that i wanted another child so they were just happy and nervous for me. Im sure my DH family will not be so thrilled but honestly I dont care ALL that much! Im over worrying about what other people think.
How are your "people" taking the news? Have you told many people yet??
Congrats on you :BFP: !!
I have that look around the house feelings!!
I look in the rooms and thing where is everything going to go?
Sure baby will be in our room for a little while but there where.
dd1/dsd share, dd2/3 share, dss has a room, if its a boy you'd think that's ok can share with dss but its a very small room. We'll work it out, well there's always a sofa bed in the living room if not lol
So, early days but is anyone thinking of a homebirth?
Ah yes I do recall now u have some worries...after work I will read it for sure but I do recall a couple pgs back u gave us a brief idea....I will say a prayer 4 u...Tryn if you want to read about it I have started a thread called high risk in the gestational complications. I would write it all out again but it is lengthy.