PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

I have that look around the house feelings!!
I look in the rooms and thing where is everything going to go?
Sure baby will be in our room for a little while but there where.
dd1/dsd share, dd2/3 share, dss has a room, if its a boy you'd think that's ok can share with dss but its a very small room. We'll work it out, well there's always a sofa bed in the living room if not lol

So, early days but is anyone thinking of a homebirth?

Yep me! I would love a home birth - we planned one last time but it didn't transpire as LO was 14 days overdue and I was induced. Wish I had had the guts to say no to induction back then but ... wel water under the bridge... and I would love to do it this time around.

I think MW will be against it this time though, as baby number 5, me being age 40 and having a forceps delivery last time :nope::nope::nope: but we'll see what time brings. And I haven't broached the subject with hubby yet, he as totally on board last time but after a very difficult delivery with last baby he may not be so keen this time ( even though I believe all the difficulties and forceps delivery was due to me being induced)


we had negative responses with our 4th, 5th, and 6th pregnancies. we finally told everyone we were letting God build our family to His liking- so He decides when we have a child and how many. now on our 7th people haven't really said anything rude.

I would love a home birth too, but with previous complications I just don't see it happening. my labors keep getting faster and faster too. my last labor only took 1 hr 9 mins from first contraction to birth so it could be a home birth no matter what we plan!

That could be interesting!
I haven't raised it with DH yet, dd3 was 1hr30mins and hospital is 30 minutes away on a good trip. With kids already I'd rather be here than hospital. My last two births have been straight forward and with no pain relief so I'm hoping that's a good sign.
Its definitely something I am thinking of.

Self indulgent post alert - lol :blush::blush:

It is My Birthday and I am 40 !!
Fab at 40 lol :haha::haha:, OMG pregnant at 40 - how did that happen -I always said I would be done by the time I was 30 haha

Age IS just a number right?? :wacko::wacko:

Have a super weekend ladies, hope the sun is shining were you are :hugs::hugs:

:bunny: Happy Birthday :)
Self indulgent post alert - lol :blush::blush:

It is My Birthday and I am 40 !!
Fab at 40 lol :haha::haha:, OMG pregnant at 40 - how did that happen -I always said I would be done by the time I was 30 haha

Age IS just a number right?? :wacko::wacko:

Have a super weekend ladies, hope the sun is shining were you are :hugs::hugs:

Fabulous is RIGHT! have a great day!

@ home birth that's a HECK no for me. Thats not going down ever. I've never even had my water break outside of a hospital lol. I'm a go in labor rush me to an epidural kinda girl. I do respect all you ladies who are so natural. It's beautiful. Just not me.
Self indulgent post alert - lol :blush::blush:

It is My Birthday and I am 40 !!
Fab at 40 lol :haha::haha:, OMG pregnant at 40 - how did that happen -I always said I would be done by the time I was 30 haha

Age IS just a number right?? :wacko::wacko:

Have a super weekend ladies, hope the sun is shining were you are :hugs::hugs:

Fabulous is RIGHT! have a great day!

@ home birth that's a HECK no for me. Thats not going down ever. I've never even had my water break outside of a hospital lol. I'm a go in labor rush me to an epidural kinda girl. I do respect all you ladies who are so natural. It's beautiful. Just not me.

Haha I told my husband I wanted to try to go all natural this time and he laughed at me....he knows better. I say give me the meds!! lol
Self indulgent post alert - lol :blush::blush:

It is My Birthday and I am 40 !!
Fab at 40 lol :haha::haha:, OMG pregnant at 40 - how did that happen -I always said I would be done by the time I was 30 haha

Age IS just a number right?? :wacko::wacko:

Have a super weekend ladies, hope the sun is shining were you are :hugs::hugs:

Fabulous is RIGHT! have a great day!

@ home birth that's a HECK no for me. Thats not going down ever. I've never even had my water break outside of a hospital lol. I'm a go in labor rush me to an epidural kinda girl. I do respect all you ladies who are so natural. It's beautiful. Just not me.

Haha I told my husband I wanted to try to go all natural this time and he laughed at me....he knows better. I say give me the meds!! lol
Yea I ain't nooo hero. I like to be relaxed & focused. I'm not loud n crazy nor do make growling or scream. I like just deep breaths until I get that sweet nectar of epidural LOL
I would love to a home birth but obviously I won't get that now. So I guess staying home a long time will help so they don't force drugs on me when not needed. Well as long as they don't say baby needs to born early to reduce potential issues. *sigh*
happy birthday donna!!!! :) hope you had a fab day

tryn4- :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you seriously crack me up! im the same with an epidural. I love em! I tell my dh if I could get it the month before I gave birth and kept it in til a few weeks after I could stop a lot of groaning lol. I had one with each of my labors til the last one. he came so fast there wasn't time. I went into labor at 8 and decided to take a shower. by the time my shower was done I was almost on my hands and knees! our hospital is only about 15-20 mins away and by the time my brother got here to watch the kids for dh and I and we got to the hospital I was already 9cm and it was too late for the epidural. I did my techniques and it helped but I was in so much pain I couldn't enjoy it as much as my other births. and after he was born I was still hurting so much I couldn't hold him right away. it kinda stole my first moments with him :( everyone told me after the baby is born you don't feel all the pain without the epidural cuz you are so happy to see the baby. well, I was over the moon to see him, but I still was in tremendous pain!!! I considered a home birth with him so I am glad I learned a lot of techniques to help, but nothing compares to being pain free and getting to enjoy the birth and those first few moments to the max imo. I need to be prepared for no epidural again just in case though.
happy birthday donna!!!! :) hope you had a fab day

tryn4- :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you seriously crack me up! im the same with an epidural. I love em! I tell my dh if I could get it the month before I gave birth and kept it in til a few weeks after I could stop a lot of groaning lol. I had one with each of my labors til the last one. he came so fast there wasn't time. I went into labor at 8 and decided to take a shower. by the time my shower was done I was almost on my hands and knees! our hospital is only about 15-20 mins away and by the time my brother got here to watch the kids for dh and I and we got to the hospital I was already 9cm and it was too late for the epidural. I did my techniques and it helped but I was in so much pain I couldn't enjoy it as much as my other births. and after he was born I was still hurting so much I couldn't hold him right away. it kinda stole my first moments with him :( everyone told me after the baby is born you don't feel all the pain without the epidural cuz you are so happy to see the baby. well, I was over the moon to see him, but I still was in tremendous pain!!! I considered a home birth with him so I am glad I learned a lot of techniques to help, but nothing compares to being pain free and getting to enjoy the birth and those first few moments to the max imo. I need to be prepared for no epidural again just in case though.
Awww yes exactly how I feel. You can really enjoy those first moments..I have a couple stories. I went into a painless labor with my daughter. I just knew it was time. But I wasn't feeling pain but a bit of pressure but I just KNEW. So I went in and was in gown & everything, and this was Dec 15th/99 and basically they told me to get dressed go home if I wasn't feeling pain because there was no beds because everyone was trying for the millennium baby! I was sooo mad I stomped down the hall. Long story short my obgyn books me in 5 days later. I'm still feeling nothing, the nurse says u not getting an epidural if the anesthesiologist doesn't think your in pain...then she winks..needless to say when the Dr comes to do the epi I'm like oh thank god sooooo much painnnnn I get one. Like 20 mins later 1 very small push my daughter delivered herself completely blue cord tight around her neck & lungs needed suctioning. Wouldn't have happenned if they had let me stay but because I wasn't distracted by pain I was very calm and focused on other good epi story was with my last son, regular painful labour, went to hospital, got my epi, & was ready to push when a woman came in and it was an urgent high risk emerg c-sec & my doctor was needed so they asked if I could wait to push. I said of course as long as my baby is ok I am comfy, I would rather they save that mum & baby. Awww the benefits of the epi...I have asked a few times for a doggy bag of the stuff butey have yet to comply with my request :happydance:
happy birthday donna!!!! :) hope you had a fab day

tryn4- :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you seriously crack me up! im the same with an epidural. I love em! I tell my dh if I could get it the month before I gave birth and kept it in til a few weeks after I could stop a lot of groaning lol. I had one with each of my labors til the last one. he came so fast there wasn't time. I went into labor at 8 and decided to take a shower. by the time my shower was done I was almost on my hands and knees! our hospital is only about 15-20 mins away and by the time my brother got here to watch the kids for dh and I and we got to the hospital I was already 9cm and it was too late for the epidural. I did my techniques and it helped but I was in so much pain I couldn't enjoy it as much as my other births. and after he was born I was still hurting so much I couldn't hold him right away. it kinda stole my first moments with him :( everyone told me after the baby is born you don't feel all the pain without the epidural cuz you are so happy to see the baby. well, I was over the moon to see him, but I still was in tremendous pain!!! I considered a home birth with him so I am glad I learned a lot of techniques to help, but nothing compares to being pain free and getting to enjoy the birth and those first few moments to the max imo. I need to be prepared for no epidural again just in case though.
Awww yes exactly how I feel. You can really enjoy those first moments..I have a couple stories. I went into a painless labor with my daughter. I just knew it was time. But I wasn't feeling pain but a bit of pressure but I just KNEW. So I went in and was in gown & everything, and this was Dec 15th/99 and basically they told me to get dressed go home if I wasn't feeling pain because there was no beds because everyone was trying for the millennium baby! I was sooo mad I stomped down the hall. Long story short my obgyn books me in 5 days later. I'm still feeling nothing, the nurse says u not getting an epidural if the anesthesiologist doesn't think your in pain...then she winks..needless to say when the Dr comes to do the epi I'm like oh thank god sooooo much painnnnn I get one. Like 20 mins later 1 very small push my daughter delivered herself completely blue cord tight around her neck & lungs needed suctioning. Wouldn't have happenned if they had let me stay but because I wasn't distracted by pain I was very calm and focused on other good epi story was with my last son, regular painful labour, went to hospital, got my epi, & was ready to push when a woman came in and it was an urgent high risk emerg c-sec & my doctor was needed so they asked if I could wait to push. I said of course as long as my baby is ok I am comfy, I would rather they save that mum & baby. Awww the benefits of the epi...I have asked a few times for a doggy bag of the stuff butey have yet to comply with my request :happydance:

:lol: I had to be induced with my 5th and his labor was only 4 hrs. it would have been about 2 hrs, but when it came time to push my ob was in with another patient so I waited for her to get there. I know just what you mean about it! everything was so calm and relaxed and my ob still got to be the one to deliver him when she finally made it. so funny you want a doggy bag :haha:
I would be absolutely terrified of having an epidural for any reason -the thought of someone sticking a needle in my spine and administering drugs in there is so scary for me lol
and also epidurals aren't recommended for people with SPD as it can cause long term damage :(
With my first baby I remember being really sore afterwards, been labouring for 24+ hours and had pethidine which made me sleepy then vomit and hallucinate and baby was back to back, I was spaced out on painkillers for three days afterwards lol Have since discovered I can not take anything stronger than paracetemol or I am crazy lmao

With next 1 easier labour, 8 hrs G&A pain went immediately after and home within 6hrs
Number 3 -less than 2hr labour, 3 pushes and he born -home straight after and was at the nursery fun day the same afternoon

Number 4 , horrible and could not walk afterwards never mind get up and go home -Severe SPD and they put me in lithotomy position and used forceps to deliver (both NOT recommended for SPD) and I honestly felt like my pelvis was being torn in half OUCH!!!
Little man was okay and that is the main thing but I am sure the whole thing could have been prevented if they had let me labour in water and not be stuck to machines :/

Oh my. I couldn't imagine. Your a trooper wannabubba.

I had an epidural with all of mine even though with my last I was hoping to do it on my own. Baby 1 I went thinking I was going to have one. I was put on the drip and given the epi at 4 cm and push for 3 hrs and no help. I felt it all with him with epi and couldn't not push in between contractions. It was my bodies way of telling me he was stuck so keep pushing. Poor guy out with a giant cone head lol.
Baby2 he was sitting funny on my bladder and uriters so sent my body into constant contractions at 31 weeks. At 37 weeks we did an amnio to check his lungs. He was good to go and induced the very next day. Loved that epi.
Baby 3 well he had to be induced because of fresh blood supply. So I wanted the epi around 6-7 cm and got it. It was good.
Baby 4 no complications but want to do it without anything. Oh natural. Started to labour fine on my own but my waters started to bulg at 4 and then laboured stalled. They came in to break my waters AND the drip. I had a butchy nurse and when I tried to refuse it was like she wasn't having it. So my labour started ok but the drip brought it on strong and fast so I was crying and wasn't ready lol do I tried to get an epi and when they finally came in and got it baby was almost there and I was almost ready to push. The epi didn't have time to kick in really.
This one I now know better and I am going to stay home as long as I can.
wow thats some crazy births ladies!!!

my 1st I wanted to do without anything. my water had broken months earlier though and I tried to tell my ob who didn't believe me. she was a horrible ob. so when my labor started it was horrendous!!! I couldn't breath through even the first contractions. I went to the hospital and she refused an epidural for me! the nurses said that had never happened before. I finally got it and hours later when it was almost time to push she turned off my epi saying I wouldn't be able to push. it was a horrible experience. then she forgot she had turned it off and stitched me up without any numbing medicine. she told me to quit stiffening up and to hold still and when I reminded her she turned off the epi she looked surprised and then said too late now and did the last few stitches. that woman should not be practicing!

my 2nd was text book. born on her due date. had a lovely epi at 4cm and a beautiful birth experience with no pain.

my 3rd was 11 days over due so had to be induced. got epi around 5-6 cm. was a beautiful birth again.

my 4th my water broke at home. went to hospital and got epi around 5-6 cm. he was trying to come out sideways though so I was pushing but his head was the wrong way in the birth canal. I was praying for Jesus to turn his head and heard a cry. asked what that was and she said your baby lol! thanks Jesus!

my 5th baby had very low amniotic fluid. there was complications from the start where he implanted. there was a subchorionic hematoma, which is really just a blood clot. in the end his placenta was pulling away. had to be induced at 37 wks, earliest any of mine were born. decided to get epi before they started the induction. was a beautiful birth. waited at 10 cm for about 2 hrs for my ob to get there lol.

my 6th was the fast one. too late for the epi. was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. I will take that 2 second stick in the back any day to not be in that kinda pain ever again lol!

with this one if I even think I may be having a contraction im going straight in and asking for epi before they even sign me in. im not playing this time. I do think I need to go over some coping techniques just in case, but I don't want to miss out on those first moments of cuddles due to pain. oh and my first ob was completely wrong about me. I pushed all of mine out with or without the epi between 1-10 pushes. it actually took me longer to push my first out after they turned it off and my last who I never had one with. the others it was very quick!
you ladies do make an epi sound tempting lol... but no not for me -actually might rip my pelvis in half eeek -if I couldn't feel if I was overdoing it I could cause irreversible damage. Not good !

So hoping for a repeat of baby 3 this time, and nothing like baby4 (had been a whiles ince last baby though so maybe it was just like a baby1 again haha)

I love, love, love reading all of the birth stories!!

With my first she tried to come out at 33 weeks and they managed to stop labor but at 37 weeks exactly my water broke at home. We were about 30-45 minutes from the hospital but I didn't have much pain at first. I requested the epi when one nurse told me I was dilated to a 6 and if I didn't get my epi soon I wouldn't get one at all. And then I panicked when they told me that the anesthesiologist was too busy and I may not get one. When he finally made it to my room and got the epi started my dr came in and checked me again and said I was only dilated to a 4. I was pretty upset by that and the fact that my mother was absolutely terrible while she was in the room with me (making comments about how she didn't feel anything while I was in horrible pain). She will NEVER EVER be allowed in the delivery room with me again. I was in labor for about 12 hours and when it came time to push I told them I wasn't ready and since the baby was fine they let me wait for another hour lol. I pushed for over an hour with her and when they told me they were going to have to do a c-section I told them no and somehow managed to push her out at 6 lb. 11.3 oz!!

With my second which was my twin girls my water broke at 33 weeks so they were 7 weeks early. When I got to the hospital they took me for an emergency c-section immediately (they didn't even wait for lab to come back with my blood type or anything). Talk about scary :( I got my epi right on the table and kept telling my dr. I could feel something and that I wasn't numb so he pinched my leg and left a huge bruise but he was right I definitely didn't feel anything at all. The c-section was soooo fast I was only in the room for a short time before my 2nd and 3rd baby girls were born 2 minutes apart and at 7 weeks early they were each almost 5 lbs. Nobody said anything when the second came out but later they told me that she wasn't breathing and was blue. They were both flown to a better equipped hospital about an hour away and one of them pulled her vent out on the way there. My dr. let me out of the hospital the next morning so that I could go be with my girls with no pain meds but totally worth it.

With this baby I'd love to try VBAC. So far I haven't had any doctors against it so I'm hoping that it's the route we go but if for some reason I had to have a c-section I feel like I'm prepared. The only downside is that I'll have to start school back within a week or so of birth :(
I love the birth stories as well!

With my first (21 years ago!) I was about 4 days until my due date and my doctor decided to induce (crazy, I know). She induced me over a period of 3 days, I ended up having 12 hours of hard labor, 3 hours of pushing. They did an epidural but back then it wasn't regulated, it was just a bolus. There was a nurse kneeling on my shoulders pushing my stomach while they used the vacuum to get her out. I was screaming in pain afterwards as they couldn't stop the bleeding and nearly took me to surgery. It was a horrid experience and I often wondered why I'd actually consider doing it again. HA! She was 9lbs 8oz with a 16 1/2" head and 16 1/2" chest so it was like delivering a shoe box. I still believe she should have been a C section and would have been if we weren't in such a back water hospital at the time.

My 2nd was a BREEZE. Water was leaking, 2 weeks before due date. They induced me at 9am and I had her at 10:15am~! No meds. . she was ready and it was no problem. She was 8lbs 3oz.

My 3rd I was on bedrest from 24-34 weeks. The day I went off bedrest my water broke. They induced me at 8am and I had her at 5:05pm. I had an epidural with her. I only pushed once though, she was tiny compared to my others at 6lbs 8oz. Apparently I passed a clot the size of a soccer ball after I had her an it totally freaked me out.

The one thing I really liked about not having the epidural was the lack of swelling when I went home. It was awesome. I felt so great.
Great birth stories ladies...I guess we all have had our share of experiences! We all deserve medals..epi or no epi...but so far for this one that's my plan. I'm not vomiting as much as any of my other pregnancy but I swear I can barely eat & when I do, even something small I feel extremely bloated & uncomfortable! So right now I just need time to pass out of this stage...move on to the next!
All I have to say is all mine were born around 7 lbs 2-4 oz. all that keeps going throughy mind OMG if I would waited until 2 was 40 weeks then he would have been close to 10 lbs!! Ouch.
My pain is better today but man do I feel like crap. SO nauseated and headachy. I think I've been running a fever off and on. The doctor I saw at ER called me last night, she had FORGOTTEN to give me an antibiotic for my elevated white count. I actually have sinus pressure and a sore throat so I'm wondering if the white count is up because of a sinus infection. I had some technicolor stuff coming out of my nose this morning. I just feel like ass. Hubby is bringing home the antibiotic when he's off work soon. I'm still taking the zofran and I've taken a dose of the pain killer since I feel so yuck. I want to see my baby. :( I'm still trying to decide if I should make the 4 hour drive to pick up my girls at the airport tomorrow. I will have to feel much better to make the trip. I only have them 3 weeks, I hate to miss ANY time but feeling pukey in the car doesn't sound even remotely fun either.

Sorry to be such a downer. I've taken 3 naps today and I just want to feel better. BLAH

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