Big family = Busy family
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I have that look around the house feelings!!
I look in the rooms and thing where is everything going to go?
Sure baby will be in our room for a little while but there where.
dd1/dsd share, dd2/3 share, dss has a room, if its a boy you'd think that's ok can share with dss but its a very small room. We'll work it out, well there's always a sofa bed in the living room if not lol
So, early days but is anyone thinking of a homebirth?
Yep me! I would love a home birth - we planned one last time but it didn't transpire as LO was 14 days overdue and I was induced. Wish I had had the guts to say no to induction back then but ... wel water under the bridge... and I would love to do it this time around.
I think MW will be against it this time though, as baby number 5, me being age 40 and having a forceps delivery last timebut we'll see what time brings. And I haven't broached the subject with hubby yet, he as totally on board last time but after a very difficult delivery with last baby he may not be so keen this time ( even though I believe all the difficulties and forceps delivery was due to me being induced)
we had negative responses with our 4th, 5th, and 6th pregnancies. we finally told everyone we were letting God build our family to His liking- so He decides when we have a child and how many. now on our 7th people haven't really said anything rude.
I would love a home birth too, but with previous complications I just don't see it happening. my labors keep getting faster and faster too. my last labor only took 1 hr 9 mins from first contraction to birth so it could be a home birth no matter what we plan!
That could be interesting!
I haven't raised it with DH yet, dd3 was 1hr30mins and hospital is 30 minutes away on a good trip. With kids already I'd rather be here than hospital. My last two births have been straight forward and with no pain relief so I'm hoping that's a good sign.
Its definitely something I am thinking of.
Self indulgent post alert - lol
It is My Birthday and I am 40 !!
Fab at 40 lol, OMG pregnant at 40 - how did that happen -I always said I would be done by the time I was 30 haha
Age IS just a number right??
Have a super weekend ladies, hope the sun is shining were you are![]()