PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

sounds very promising Sacha!!!! I hope this sweep gets things going :)

I got up 2 hours early and still just had a burst of energy so I cleaned up the entire house. nesting anyone lol :haha: lost a little bit of plug and now bouncing on my ball. got a deposit yesterday and told DH its time to get it going daily if my spd can handle it :lol:
melissa definitely sounds like nesting to me. :thumbup: I am hoping too, but know very well that things may fizzle out, so I am not going to get my hopes up if it doesn't happen. Trying to keep busy at the moment to my body moving.
did she mention if you are effaced at all?? its a bigger indicator of impending labor than dilation
unfortunately I forgot to ask, and thought of it as I was walking out. Though I just checked my notes and it said 3cm 50%, so I am guessing I am 50% effaced. So not not fully ready, lets hope all these help!!
50% is much better than not soft at all! I cant wait to see what comes of this sweep. I have a good feeling about it :)
i do have a better feeling about this one compared to what I was feeling last time. I am trying hard to visualize him moving done as my cervix opens with each tightening. I wish RLT tasted better LOL
Sacha wow 3 cm! Exciting get the rlt capsules instead I hate the tea too lol I don't think you'll make it to 10 days!
Well I think I will use up what i have first, then go and grab some of the pills. I have had worse tea….
I hated the tea at first with my last pregnancy. after a while I actually liked it lol. it must be an acquired taste. my labor was so fast last time there is not a chance im drinking it this time. my uterus must not need any help with contractions :haha:
I am definitely thinking I need the extra help if I have always been told that I need the drip. Though my Dr thinks I can do this on my own. So I am glad she is confident in me!
Sach-Omg again hats off to you. I am going insane here with the pressure, so I really know you are so strong...come on Zander we wanna see you!!

Kellie-I literally cant believe J is 2 weeks old already!!!! Hope you are recovering well. xo

Feistymel-yea, very true, as a matter of fact I sound like a lunatic saying jealous of contractions. Wanna hear something with most of North America we got a huge dumping of snow, so I literally did nothing all day, most of my fluff tv programs (maury, peoples court) were taken over by weather breaking news from the u.s etc, so I turned on TLC and watch "the baby story"...Haven't watched that in YEARS, saw a woman going through a fairly regular delivery, nothing special and caught myself saying hellllllll no, then reminded myself ummm hello crazy lady Iesha you do know this is your 5th child :rofl: :rofl: I also cried when the baby popped out. I really need to get a life.

Char-couldn't agree with you more on the sterilization issue. I will let my womb fall out before I do any kind of final surgery to myself. I feel very strongly about that. They need to sterilize the ppl who neglect, starve, abuse kids, instead of worrying about us real mums.

Melissa-u go girl! I would dtd with hubby if I thought it would help, but I'm in sooo much darn pain down there :( it's upsetting me.
Iesha - you are so cute, I cry too when baby's are delivered!!

Char - I know that there is this new thing that you can do, there is a spring like device that they can put in your tubes and it scars over with no pain and you don't have to worry about losing any of your womanly parts!! I may look into that….. It will also protect me from my getting more endo!!

AFM OK so I just have had my third (sorry) poo for today…. two since my sweep. Hope this is a good sign. Didn't have this last time!!
Nope I spoke too soon. Everything has slowed right down. Not expecting anything any time soon. He is a suborn LO and is going to come on his own time.
Yes I'm a total wuss, since my first kid if I see a baby born on tv I cry...but only when I'm pregnant. I helped deliver my niece 3 years ago, she was such a beauty and I was happy, but no tears.....

If it would help with a medical condition I would consider some kind of surgery, but knock on wood so far I've had no womens issues, my period is pretty normal, so for now no one better ever tell me to tie my tubes, as they are suggesting to charl. You know they are doing that solely based on the amount of children, not as in your case Sach where it might actually give u relief! I guess thats the part that annoys me.
Oh I agree, nobody should tell you to get your tubes tied unless there is a real medical reason to have one. They won't take some alcoholics/drug addicts fertility away, then a perfectly healthy women's. Ridiculous really.
If it would help with a medical condition I would consider some kind of surgery, but knock on wood so far I've had no womens issues, my period is pretty normal, so for now no one better ever tell me to tie my tubes, as they are suggesting to charl. You know they are doing that solely based on the amount of children, not as in your case Sach where it might actually give u relief! I guess thats the part that annoys me.

Oh I agree, nobody should tell you to get your tubes tied unless there is a real medical reason to have one. They won't take some alcoholics/drug addicts fertility away, then a perfectly healthy women's. Ridiculous really.

Yeah that's what is really annoying me, its purely because this is my 6th baby ! I've never have had any medical conditions or womans issues, and even with how sore and exhausted i am right now, i will still say no to my tubes being tied as it is just too final, i know we aren't planning on anymore babies, but i can take care of contraception myself and don't need other people, even if they are doctors, dictating how many children i should/shouldn't have !!

Donna... Mines are off from Monday 10th and go back Thursday 13th, perfect timing as i should be home hopefully Thursday, so should only be that day we have to sort school stuff... The only 2 that mention the baby is my oldest and my 2 year old, think my 2 year old thinks the baby is going to come out the same size as his younger sister and he will be able to play with him/her lol... Are your kids exciting about the new baby ?
Char my daughter is excited and my youngest kisses my belly and wants to play with him/her lol. He too expects a new play mate, gonna be disappointed at first I think lol! Haha

The other two don't really talk about it at all, probably normal for 11 and 16 year old boys lol.

I am so exhausted! Not sleeping well due to insomnia, sore pelvis, needing to pee and an incredible thirst. Roll on March and this be nearing the end .

Hope everyone else is having an easier time. And where are all these babies??? C' Mon babies, time to meet some of you! xxx
Not me Donna, I'm feeling it so hard. I can sympathize with u :hugs: I'm having trouble sleeping as well, my hips & pubic bone/pelvis are throbbing, my lady bits are raw & sore (yuck) and it my nerves in my legs are affected, my feet are sore too, in a weird way cuz its not like I've been walking too much.

End of pity party rant.

My kids are just waiting patiently. My youngest loves to tell random ppl "his mom is PREGGERS"(his word not mine) and how the baby is "going to come out of her vajayjay" embarrassing LOL. My 12 yr old who seems to have random thoughts was doing dishes last night told me if I have the baby next week make sure to bundle her up and don't drop her in the snow!...No duhhhh!
Iesha your kids sound adorable and so funny take after their mum I think!!

Sacha having a good clear out is a good sign isn't it!!

I too almost always need the drip the one actual time I went into proper labour on my own I didn't need if and found I could handle my own natural pain ideally that will happen thus time but probably not if my waters go first like they have 3 times out of 4.
My leg us really aching today from my bum downwards it's so raw and feels like my bone is aching if that makes sense?? Oh well joys if pregnancy. X
Char - My two younger children are excited and talk about it all the time. DS2 doesn't say much cause well he doesn't like any change, he even made a comment that he rather have the old fridge back when it was this small yucky looking machine. Then DS1 he doesn't really want another sibling at all. He also makes comments like Iesha's son does, but that is because he likes to tell me how to be a mom vs being funny…. SMH

Donna - i am sorry you are not sleeping very well. I would need someone to look after my children cause I would turn into a nasty mean baby eating tasmanian devil. (insert Taz)

Iesha - My pity party for today is that "I am still pg!" HUMPH!

Claire - well my Dr has more faith in me to deliver without help then I do. So I will go with that. She is the expert. So lets go little man. We all want to meat you!!

AFM finally had so good tightenings that woke me up, but not constant enough for labour. I will take any changes really. I think I am going to go get my nails done this morning. I need to keep myself busy. I have lots to do at home but I am going to be analyzing everything.

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