Well, my sweep went ok. After being a 'loose' 2 on Friday, doc said I am a 'snug' 3 today

But because I was progressing even if only a teeny tiny bit, he said we can induce on Friday. 2/7/14 seems like a great date for a birthday, so we scheduled it for 7am.
I am excited and scared at the same time. I had inductions scheduled with the other 3, but they all went prior to the induction date. But, there was also more time between when we set the date and the actual date. But we'll see if I manage to go spontaneous in the next 72 hours!
Sacha - you feeling ok? having any more signs? I'm working on my visualizations so even on mild cramps I'm envisioning my cervix opening

No idea if it is going to help or not, but can't hurt, right?
Iesha - I worked from home this morning, but I would have been in the office all day if my girls weren't off school. Broken boiler and some cold weather (under 20 F) so school is cancelled until they get the heat situation figured out. I did swing by to say 'bye' to some folks and to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything, and to make sure I don't come back, I had another girl move into my desk. I'm all set to work from home as much as I want though, and I'm sure I will

Hope you can enjoy some downtime before baby arrives!
Speaking of downtime, my mother is going to come stay with us for a while. I am feeling incredibly mixed on this. On the one hand, it is great. I don't know that I'm going to be able to handle getting the girls ready for school, my little toddler man, AND a newborn, and DH is in a very critical transition at work. He technically *could* just take 2 weeks and stay home, but we're hopeful that the project he's on will result in a raise and promotion, making it easier (possible) for me to quit or work reduced hours when my leave is up. She's a great cook, and when I had #1 she would come by the house every day and help with cooking, dishes, and some laundry, often while I slept with the baby. But... that was then, and we live a bit farther away now (45 minute drive vs 10 minute), and we have often had a strained relationship, so I'm nervous this is gonna be a disaster. I don't really approve of the way she talks to the kids a lot of the time, but I also hate to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Now if only I could get all my Christmas stuff put away! It is all taken down, just things got shuffled around and DH rearranged/crammed stuff in our store room and I can't just put the stuff back. So its a big project to reorganize the store room that I already organized in September. Not entirely thrilled at DH's help so far, but he said he will help get it straightened out tonight.