PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

sach- yeaaaaa that's gonna be my rant until this one comes out! LOL yea my son I swear made that comment to me so seriously, I was like is he really trying to tell me how to be a mom? My little one is just filled with unfiltered verbal embarrassment. Which he knows he does, he loves shock value. I'm glad your getting nails done and doing a little pamper. I did them last week, and if nothing happens im gonna go in a get a frivolous refresh on nails, pedi & eyebrows. why the hell not?

Claire- Thank you yes we are a family of always making jokes! I know in the past my body always needed some jump start, whether its the drip, or them breaking my water, so that's why I am just like ok lets go next week. Why delay my pain & discomfort. Sorry to hear these joys of pregnancy have already started for you... big hugs x
Iesha as long as you don't me complaining how long this ones takes ;). Yah my guy will constantly say to me 'mom you make sure that the brothers do this and that and don't forget to....' I can just feel the steam rising inside. He knows exactly what to say to make me mad. Sometimes I swear he does it on purpose lol.
O complain away...I mean you have legitimate overdue/complaint. I am just an impatient whiny baby lol...
Oh good heavens my complaining started at 37 weeks just remember that!! You are more then welcome ;)

So my nails look awesome!! Nothing new to report either. i even did a bunch of running around, nothing!! Even the pink spotting stopped. :shrug: Guess this guy is just not ready. Well now I am starting to look forward to my weekend walking the trailer show!! I honestly love doing that!!
Sacha - great news about your appt and the baby doing well! Hopefully LO will make an appearance this week!

Iesha - My biggest whine is also still being pregnant too - I'm so done with all these physical issues, not least of which is the stupid GD. Your kids are so funny :)

Donna - sleep has been elusive for me too; just when I actually manage to fall asleep, one of the kids has been waking up and needing attention! Hope you do manage to get some decent rest over the next few weeks so you have lots of energy for labor and delivery!

Char - I'm still totally outraged on your behalf at the very thought that someone would suggest or recommend sterilization! I mean sure, if there are medical benefits and/or serious health risks associated with future pregnancies maybe that would make sense. But last I checked doctors aren't supposed to be dictating social policy about how many kids you should have. Your positive attitude and ability to shrug it off is really inspirational :)

Claire - doesn't it seem like those negative physical symptoms start earlier each pregnancy? This time around I wasn't sure if it was because I'm older, I've just had more kids, or if it was because I wasn't in quite as good a shape... *hugs* hopefully time will fly by for you though,and you'll have more good 2nd tri days than painful ones!

AFM - had some more serious contractions last night, but probably was more due to dehydration than actual labor. Still losing teeny tiny amounts of plug periodically. I re-packed the diaper bag this morning, and just enjoyed laying out going home outfits for the baby. Working remotely from home today too, and wondering why in the world... people frustrate me so much there sometimes! But, I am maximizing my time at home with LO, so it is totally worth it.
Mel - well hopefully those serious ones start something for you!! I do believe that we feel it so soon and worse than previous is because we have had more than most…. plus because we are getting older LOL, and don't feel bad about not being in shape cause I was in pretty good shape and I still am having issues. :haha:
oh I cant wait for you ladies to have your babies!!! there is quite a few babies that should be here any minute and its so exciting!!! :dance:

afm- yesterday I lost very small amounts of plug twice. I also had a ton of BH compared to usually. and baby hasn't been moving much at all since 30ish wks. like 3 times a day for 5-10 mins each time. last night she was going crazy. moved more than she has in a long time
Melissa - well sure doesn't seem like my guy is coming LOL, but yes I am sure there will be at least one more baby from this thread to come before my lazy pants LOL You know my LO didn't really start moving a lot until 34 weeks, then I felt him all the time and a lot stronger too. It is nice when they go crazy isn't it?
I definitely prefer the going crazy to the not moving. My LO has quieted down this past week, which at first made me happy thinking it was a sign of labor, but then made me worried! But LO is still moving on a regular basis, so I think it is just a matter of running out of room or something.

My mind wants me to do all this crazy nesting stuff - I literally considered redoing my kitchen cabinets today - taking everything out, wiping them down, reorganizing everything... and then went WHAT AM I THINKING! I barely have the energy to get the kids off to school without wanting a nap! So I am mentally nesting, and physically relaxing in my desk chair while I spend the last few hours online wrapping up work. Fun!
I too want to metally do things to nest, but my mind/energy is more on keeping moving, so that this LO comes.
Well, I went to Walmart today, all confident, walked out dying. I literally felt like baby was gonna come out. Such a heavy stabbing pain in my crotch. Came home, cooked dinner & I am in agony. My heart is racing, I have such fierce tightening in my lower abdomen. My little fresh mouthed child just looked at me moaning in pain & said "mummy after this baby the factory is closed right?" :rofl:

Oh & my baby still moves like crazy. It's very painful right now, she turns her entire body on its side or something and I feel bad sometimes that I'm not overjoyed with the amazing waves on my belly!
My LO doesn't move like that anymore. He still moves but not the running around he used to.

Iesha I am sorry that you are feeling like crap. Did you take any tylenol for the pain? I had T1's in my cupboard, and you can get those over the counter, and they do help a little bit. There is such a small amount of codeine in it but I think it gives it a bit of a kick.
I have some Tylenol here, but u haven't taken any. I am thinking about it though. Just trying to tough it out, unfortunately for you guys, your all my whining sounding boards. LOL.

Its ruined nesting for me though :( do u think the fact my LO moves so much is not a good sign? She did slow down, but today in the morning & right now she's bursting with energy. Lots of fluttering down below too into what feels like my bum.
I think it is great she is still moving like that. It is actually not such a good thing for them to get quiet and is a myth that they should do so before labour!! Lets just say if he gets any quieter I will be heading in to L&D.
wow sacha hope he is ok!

mine usually slow down a little around 35ish weeks. these last 3 it has been a lot sooner. 2 before her had low fluid and 1 of them placenta probs so that's why. not sure why she did. my ob agrees she doesn't move like she should, but not doing anything so :shrug: what can I do?

didn't dtd last night, but gonna try to keep up with at least every other day. sucks when its not even fun or enjoyable and you just want it to be over from the hip pain, ouch! managed to get it done tonight and then crawled to the shower in back/hip agony. spd sucks!
Ouch Melissa!...I am going to attempt to dtd tomorrow or Saturday. Hubby is prob scared he will hurt me, but I want to get some before I am cut off (ok ok and to see if it will progress labour) I am going for a massage tmrw, so I want to see if that will ease the pain a bit, or it might make it worse. yikes!
Iesha- I think I will be going to the chiropractor in a week or 2 and get my back popped. I know it wont help much, but hopefully it will help some.

DH let me know he is making plans for valentines day :cloud9: he cant really surprise me with it since we will both have to plan so it works out with the kids. so far I know there is a movie involved and maybe lunch/dinner. I haven't been out to a movie since I was 9 mos pregnant... 6 1/2 years ago!!! so even though its just a movie its really nice he thought of it <3 should be a really nice last date out together before she gets here :D
Melissa that sounds awful! Sorry love! :hugs:

Iesha the massage sounds lovely

Funny thing when we talked about how quiet my guy is and then picks up movement and is having a party in there. Lol. Also too have some promising surges going on here. Let's hope when I go to sleep they keep going!
Aww Melissa, well u deserve it! Valentine's day is my anniversary! Wonder what I will be doing ?? @_@ lol

Sach-cmon Z you know you want to come out! He probably heard all us mummys going on about it and is on his way!

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