PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Hi guys im great thanks breastfeeding was very painful for ages but is getting better I think had consultant visit today she thinks I've got raynauds :( but im not giving up he's great at night usually stays asleep between feeds(in our bed) and had 2-3 hours between feeds so I get some sleep also usually only poo's at daytime too lol. I just lov him so much our bond is amazing the first week was pretty horendous for tears and no sleep but I feel great now hope everyone else is enjoying these first weeks and those getting close to labour I wish U all the luck in the world!!!!! Xxxx
Thanks Beccy, glad the getting is getting easier xx

Claire, if implantation was a week later then I would have an extra week on top of my dates again lol. My ovulation date is after when they say I conceived lol :)
Glad you felt baby moving xx
We are home now. I wrote up my story.

I will get around soon to acknowledge everyone very soon.:flower:
Get well Sach! Xo

Glad u felt movement Claire!

Kellie I'm so worried about Kaliyah sleeping. She's such a cuddler, I'm worried I won't be able to get her to sleep in her crib. I'm sure nessa will settle, she is still a lil one, pretty new!
Iesha I co slept with my last LO and he had no problem eventually sleeping on his own. I think some babies are just cuddlers. I am just enjoying it while I can cause I now know that I will never be able to have another baby, and I want all this to last as much as I can.

Beccy oh I so hope you don't have raynauds it isn't fun at all. It makes things very difficult. Though I am glad that it is getting better for you!

Claire I am so glad you finally felt a kick. I hated when he would have a sleepy day or two, scare me then make a fool out of me:haha:

I hope that everyone is doing well. I am sorry I haven't been able to address everyone, but I will be able to be more personal now that I am home!!
So glad you're home Sacha! Hugs!

Yay for movement Claire!

Glad things are going well Beccy! :) :)

My in-laws left this morning. It was nice to have them but hoping for a bit of a routine now until my girls come in another 2 weeks. We had a good night Thursday night, so there's light at the end of the tunnel. ;) Last night wasn't as good but we're heading in the right direction. I know she's doing fine and totally normal. I'm just a wuss with so little sleep. She does sleep much better during the day than at night, but yesterday afternoon and evening spent some long periods awake which is great. She's quite the chunker and filling up her bassinet sooner than we were hoping. I think we'll probably get a crib this week.

Hopefully for this week at least I'll be able to catch up with you all!

Anxious for updates from you all! <3
I'm sorry Sacha you won't be able to have anymore is that because of the risk of bleeding? Glad your on the mend now!

Kellie she will settle soon enough I found giving them a bedtime routine from an early age really good so from about 4 weeks I would put them to bed upstairs with the monitor and go and feed as and when and they were all sleeping thru from 6-8 weeks x

Yep baby was just teasing me yesterday as the baby spent most of the day then kicking me and I even felt kicks higher up above my belly button which was really nice.
Feeling fed up today I'm getting really big now and dh has had to be out most of the day we haven't really seen him in the week as he has been working late so I'm just a little fed up as I don't have the energy to venture out today with the kids which makes me feel guilty and them bored. Oh well hopefully tomorrow will be better. X
Claire i was not planning on having any more children. So this wasn't a big disappointment for me, but definitely makes me realize I won't be able to change my mind if we win the lottery or something. But then again if I win the lotto I will adopt a baby girl LOL
Sacha so glad things are improving and you are home!

Iesha & Kellie little Rosie is a cuddles too. I'm suspecting reflux because she will wake with a panic or pain cry pretty much anytime she's asleep n her back. I'm trying to enjoy it, but.... Sleep is also nice!

Charl & Beccy how are your little ones doing? Cord fall off finally? Took 2 weeks for Rosemary to lose hers.

Melissa & Donna March has arrived! You will have your babies this month! So exciting hope you are both feeling OK.

Hope all who are expecting are able to be comfy and getting enough sleep!

AFM pretty sure I'm slipping into ppd. I feel really dumb about it but and I don't want to admit it but all I really want to do is sit and hold the baby and I seem to cry so much. Still managing to go through the motions of 'normal' but the house is falling apart And even feeding the family is a bit beyond me. Was thinking it was just cuz I'm not sleeping but I think the not sleeping is actually because I'm getting depressed if that makes sense. Not really sure how to handle this. If I admit I need help I will feel inadequate and like having another baby was a mistake or something. But I already feel inadequate. We had a super busy week - one of the ways I try to shake myself out of a funk, but it just left me exhausted! Basketball game Thursday night, hockey game Friday night, I took girls to Gymnastics this morning and then another basketball game this afternoon followed by a trip to froyo. And now I'm useless with a headache and exhausted and can't figure out dinner. I'm a total loon.

Anyone else having almost constant headaches? I'm still taking pain killers about once a day or more.
Claire- so glad baby moved!! :)

Kelly- sorry janessa isn't sleeping so well. hope she does better very soon :hugs:

Donna- I have always trusted my own dates, but the OB's here follow scan dates. if we are following our cycle and especially if ttc at the time, we know when we ovulated.

Sacha- glad you are home :hugs2:

Beccy- hope you don't have raynauds. its horrible. but at least if you know you have it you can do what you need to in treating. it wont go away completely, but there are things to make it not so bad.

Iesha- wow you look fabulous already!!! and she is so stinkin precious. love the pics with daddy and her siblings holding her :cloud9:

Mel- :hugs: you are by no means inadequate and ppd speaks nothing of her being a mistake. its all hormones and out of your hands. having a big family and caring for a newborn is hard stuff to handle. just one day at a time love!

afm- just trying to take it easy. induction in a week. trying to make it to that. cant believe I made it to march and 38 weeks!!! :dance:
Melissa 6 days until induction yay!! Will fly past hun, if you even make it that far. So exciting!

Iesha Kellie Sacha Charlene Mel beccy hope you are all getting lots of cuddles off those gorgeous babies and getting enough rest. I am guilty of co sleeping with my infants and holding and cuddling them as and when I can, they are tiny for such a short time and I plan to do the same this time ( Dawson allowing lol) because I know it is my last baby this time lol.

I am dreading Wednesday, need to tell my midwife I am declining induction !! They are going to have avright go at me, I am sure xxx
Awe Feisty Mel. . .big hugs! I'm crying daily and only have one little one! Hang in there girl!

Donna~do you think it will be an issue for them to not induce? I'm sure I missed a post somewhere along the road. ;) Hopefully you'll go on your own before!

Melissa~glad you're taking it easy!

AFM just experienced about 12 hours of J sleeping 20 min at a time and screaming every couple minutes while awake. She's screaming like she's in pain and pulling off the bottle and screaming as well. She's only taking a couple ounces at a time (we were up to 4). I was at wits end when hubby came home last night after working a very long day and I knew he had to go back in this morning at 7am for another 12 hours minimum. We finally got her to take about 3 oz, she hadn't slept well all day long, got her to sleep in the swing. Hubs stayed in the living room with her, sleeping on the love seat (he's the bomb) and she slept for 5 hours straight. I fed her about 3 ounces and she slept 3 more hours. THANK YOU JESUS. She only took 2 oz this morning but has been sleeping for over an hour again in the swing. I'm wondering if this is reflux as well. My 15 yr old had a wicked case of it.

So grateful for my hubby and being able to get some sleep. I was at wits end and practically sobbing by the time he got home.
Mel - Oh momma like Melissa mentioned it is just hormonal and I also believe that lack of sleep just exasperates things. You are doing everything right. Seeing your Dr and getting a prescription to help your hormones may be just what you need. I would be right where you are if I didn't have my pills. As for your headaches I had a nasty one with my low blood levels. So not until my levels started to go back up did my headaches go away. Are you still bleeding heavily?? I wonder if that is why but hormones can give you headaches too. I sure hope you find some relief soon. I had to be on morphine just to give me slight relief. My LO's cord fell off the sunday evening before I hemorrhaged, since it is still messy and bloody. So I guess it still isn't completely healed.

Melissa - how exciting and Congrats for making it to 38 weeks!!

Donna - I hope that they don't give you too much grief about saying no to the induction. Stand your ground and you will get your home birth. Can't wait to read all about it!!

AFM - we are still struggling with BFing. My nipples are so sore and he seems to want to eat all the time, like he is not feeling full enough. I would like to take the Adalate but scared that may have affected my bleed, but I am in tons more pain the last day or so….. Plus I am taking so many different pills now I don't even have any room for food right now. I may even have to start taking more like the fenugreek & blessed thistle. I am so frustrated that I may not be making enough milk for my baby, he is fussy. I am doing everything right, drinking to thirst (not too much), taking extra iron to increase my blood volume, putting him to the breast when ever he fusses (almost every hour or less), sleeping skin to skin all night, yet I feel it isn't enough. Maybe I am not sleeping enough, even if I spent the whole day on the couch so it wasn't like I did much of anything. This makes me want to cry. I went from being able to feed him more than enough on one side at one feeding, to hardly enough off both sides. I am so scared that I am failing him. On a more positive note my little man is really good at moving himself. While we are in bed at night I will lie him down a few inches away from me and when he wakes up to nurse I find him lying right next to me all nuzzled up. Also too when we are changing his bum he will roll himself over to his stomach. I have even found him sleeping on is stomach in the middle of the night. I am shocked at what he is accomplishing already. Is this normal? i don't remember all of this.
Kellie I sorry she is having issues!! I feel your pain, my LO is doing the very same thing&#8230; I just figure it was from lack of milk. He will nurse and squirm and get mad and fuss at the breast, then cry off the breast, then only sleep a few minutes to wake up and want to eat again. He will burp and act like he is going to spit up but swallows it all back down only to do it again. He has done this from birth. I also thought it to be from the thrush I am battling with.
Mel I'm so sorry your feeling so down. And is nothing to do with your abilities as a mother or anything like that its all hormonal and if they can help you feel better it can only be a good thing, talk to your dr Hun xxx

Kellie ahh bless her maybe she has colic? And thank goodness for your dh! I hope things get better.

Melissa woohoo only a week to go! I bet you can't wait now!

Donna try not to worry you still have a week and a half til there dates say you will be 2weeks over , try not to stress and worry this week and hopefully baby will come on there own!

1 week to our scan! I'm soooo excited I can't wait! I have a hen day on Saturday I'm not going to the evening as there going to a rollar disco, but il be knackered by then anyway seeing has we have to travel to the city for this afternoon tea.:wacko:
Dh is putting the cot together today :happydance: so I can start getting the nursery together and put up my wall stickers:happydance:
hi girls we are going well I too thought I was getting pnd again but after 2weeks started to feel better it can take a few weeks for ure hormones to settle back but ure not a failure Mel be kind to herself and def talk to someone hun xx
Nipples R still blanching and sore and the pulling from the back when feeding can b terribly painful :( but we R still going lol think he has some reflux too as he burps alot and spits up alot also seems to b in pain pulling up his legs and fussing on and off the breast but he's pretty easy to settle and very cuddly so its not too bad
Hope all ure lo's R doing well!
We also cosleep I can't imagine it any other way Leighton also likes to b held ALOT lol so he's in my arms most of the day but they R small for such a little while I just want to enjoy every minute xx
Glad you guys are doing pretty well Beccy! :) Hugs!

Took Ness to the ped this morning after our nightmarish weekend. First step is to switch her to soy, if she's not better in a week, switch to nutramigen or alimentum. . .if that doesn't work we'll do some reflux testing. Of course they don't do pediatric PH probe testing here, we have to go 4 hours to Denver. Hoping it's just a milk allergy. Little chunky monkey weighed 10lbs 13oz with clothes on. CRAZY!! :)
Beccy - yup that totally sounds like you have raynauds&#8230;. sorry girl that sucks!! Are you having the constant pain? Unfortunately I do if it is colder in the house.

Kellie - Wow that nutrmigen is expensive. I had to do that with #2 and it was over $100 a week ((YUCK)) wow you do have a chunky monkey!! My squishy was weighed in at 8lbs 2oz today and I was really happy with all our struggles!!
She's still a hot mess, even with the soy. I hope we don't have to do nutramigen, we did with my 15 yr old, then to EleCare, even more of a nightmare. Hoping for the best!

She was 7lbs 13oz at 37 weeks even, so I'm not too surprised on her weight at almost 6 weeks. I have big babes. ;)

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