PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Melissa she is absolutely wonderful! What a stinker that she won't take the bottle, but breast milk will make the jaundice go away fastest. Though a little isn't too bad, as long as she is nursing at least every 2-3 hrs. Wow and you do go fast!! Glad you were in when you went in!! CONGRATS! <3
Beautiful girls Char! I'm sorry about bf'ing. . .it didn't work out for us either. HUGS

Huge congratulations Melissa!! :) :) :) Gorgeous little one!
Congratz Melissa! She is gorgeous, and I'm glad you had such a great experience :) Especially since the storm was coming!

Charl - *HUGS* great pix! And remember - feeding your baby is what is important, not whether its a bottle or a breast. I think you should get checked out *just* in case for the bleed. With my first, I stopped bleeding very quickly, and then 10 days later I passed a very large clot and gushed blood and started hemorrhaging out. Somewhat similar to Sacha, I woke up in a pool of my own blood and was TOTALLY freaked out. My situation wasn't as severe as Sacha's but since then I've tried hard to take it a lot easier until my 6 week checkup.

I am having the opposite of bonding issues. I'm completely enraptured by Rosemary to the point that I don't really want to have anything to do with anyone or anything else. I'm trying REALLY hard to break out of it, but the kids are ALL home this week (the older girls have had low fevers, and my oldest also complains of headache/sore throat, but they have a TON of energy), and I have not been enjoying it at all. I get cross with my toddler, but when I put the baby down and leave the room, I can spend good time with him and enjoy it. But seriously - if I didn't really force myself, I would just sit with Rosemary all day and let everyone else rot and not even think about it. Then I feel really awful for not loving everyone enough. But I figure keeping it inside isn't helping so might as well get it down. Sometimes I find just typing things out helps me get a handle on what I'm really feeling and owning those feelings can be great as a first step towards a solution.

Is everyone else doing ok? Great to hear the LOs are getting sleep! :)
Congrats Melissa, she is beautiful and a lovely size for 38 weeks! That's what I dislike about going to 42 weeks lol, thinking I will probably have a >9lb baby lol, a nice little 6-8lb would be nice lol. They are little for such a short time, especially with they start off big lol ;)

I was in so much pain last night, was almost phoning midwife and setting up the pool.
Contraction on top of contraction, the pain was immense and I totally panicked making the pain worse! Know I need to try and relax more in labour lol! But it was that moment of OMG I remember the pain! I cannot do this! There was no regularity to them though! Think after my sweep and DTD my uterus was irritable or something, solidly hard constantly with immense pressure down below and back ache that Meade me feel sick to my stomach!

Eventually wore off to nothing! Lmao, if that was false labor, how the hell will I cope in real labour???

Poor hubby was so excited last night! Disappointing this morning to wake up for work and find we are still cooking lol!!

Plus point, it is my edd today from ovulation date so yay for full full term lol xxx
Donna - congratz on full term! If you have contractions like that again, could you use your birthing pool for a bath/soak? could treat it like a trial run if it ends up not being the real deal, and it is amazing how much easier it is with warm water and relaxation.

Given how favorable you were at your sweep, my guess is you have the real labor within the next 3 days though!
Melissa... congratulations she is gorgeous !!

I just had health visitor from hell... Felt she was having a go at me constantly... From not resting enough to my 1 yr old not drinking out a cup and not going to enough bug club or drop ins... She made me feel totally crap and burst into tears as soon as she left ! Felt no matter what I told her it wouldnt have been good enough, couldn't wait till she left... probably has me down as a bad mother... honestly in 15 years ive never met a health visitor like her... I was actually feeling pretty good today until she came in !! :(
Melissa ahh I was out by a day lol but congratulations and what a lovely birth experience!! nice and straight forward! she is precious:hugs:

donna :happydance: for contractions I think it will lead to real labour in the next few days!! exciting!!

Charlene just ignore your hv most people have no idea how it Is to have a large family and she just sounds like a right jobsworth!! I would request to not see her again!! :hugs:

Jamie is now well and went back to nursery today dressed as spideman for world book day, so looking forward to Monday!! got a hen do/afternoon on Saturday and have no clue what to wear!! as nothing fits me!:dohh:
Mel - I can empathize with you on just wanting to hold you LO all the time. At times too I snap at the older ones for getting in the way of my rest/cuddle time. I just figured it was more due to wanting to enjoy them at this stage.

Donna - wow that sounds like an awesome false start! Even they are disappointing they do do something for the big day. I agree with the other ladies, soon!! Happy full term!!

Charlene - wow what a monster. I would make a complaint about her. She shouldn't be making any mother feel the way she made you feel. That is awful. :nope: Please don't take it to heart, you are a great mother, and no one should tell you other wise!! :flower:

Claire I am so glad that Jamie is feeling better. As more your outing maybe this is your chance to spoil yourself a bit and pick out a cute top to wear. :winkwink:
Melissa! Congratulations! She is gorgeous!

Feistymel-same here. I'm so in love with cuddling Kaliyah, I just sit with her all day & watch court shows LOL it is so different for me this time, I actually get to enjoy my baby with no stress, worrying about where the next pack of pampers is coming from, so I've just let everything else go, I want to kiss her, cuddle, love her up all day.

Sach-I'm crushing on Zander...he is so so sweet!

Charl-what is a heath visitor? I would not like anyone coming to my house checking on me. I would not be pleasant to deal with. On the plus side mya is gorgeous little chubs!

Donna-sooooo close sooooooooooo close LOL!

Kellie-glad soy working for nessa! I had to do that with my last son, did a world of good. Even once he was off formula he loved soy milk, refused cows milk, unless it was chocolate (clearly not allergic LOL) he just demanded soy (then again in hindsight he has always been a little tiger that marched to the beat of his own drum)

Hello to Claire, Cryss, annmarie! Did I miss anyone?
Iesha - I am totally crushing on him too. He has been smiling at me (not gas) for about a week now, I have been trying my darnedest to get a pic of it but I did get a little smile.

Awwww Sacha that is the cutest little smile :)

Iesha... A health visitor is someone who is supposed to provide help and support... I have had a few in 15 years, you only usually see them to have baby weighed and get vaccines... They usually visit you at home when the baby is a few weeks old to make sure baby has settled in ok, is gaining weight etc, my last health visitor was lovely, i really liked her, trusted her and would feel comfortable talking to her about anything !

The health visitor i seen today was horrible... She asked me if i had any help and support other than OH and i said yeah some... she replied 'i mean proper help, as in they don't come up and just cuddle the baby, as in they come up do your shopping, ironing, tidy your house help ?' I said well no, she said 'well you need AT LEAST 1 hour of rest everyday or your health will suffer ! And you don't want that do you ? You have had MAJOR abdominal surgery and you have to rest, so do you think you could ask people to help you' felt she was having a right go at me, if i cant look after my own health then what chance do the children have, then in her next breath shes telling me i need to take the children to more drop ins at nursery etc, because if i don't use the free drop ins then they will stop providing them, thought im supposed to be resting woman !! No matter what i told her, it wasn't good enough and i should have been doing better :( Not actually sure if i can refuse to see her, she is coming back on tuesday :( something to look forward to... but i shouldnt have to see her much after that !! Worst thing was i was actually thinking i had been doing quite good until her today :cry:
Iesha I think it would be much like public health nurse. Well at least one comes here after you have a baby. Not sure if you have them come out in Ontario :shrug:
Sacha - Zander is so amazing! I haven't had enough smiles to be sure they aren't gas yet, so I'm totally jealous!

Charl - ugh, what a bummer you got a crappy hv :( The idea is so great - not having to take LO out to a doctor's office crawling with germs (which is what we have to do in the States for the 2 week check, and for vaccines, etc later on), but it seems really awful if you get stuck with someone unpleasant or judgmental coming into your house and making you feel bad. Just remember that you ARE doing great! You have been resting more, your kids are doing great, and your little one is growing. Hang in there - maybe she'll be less awful next visit! Or, just burst into tears while she's still there so she gets what kind of negative impact she's having.

Iesha - I love it! I've been watching soooo much tv. Well, the tv has been on, but I'm really watching Rosemary and sleeping.

The girls have been off school this week, because of fevers. But they basically have zero other symptoms and are driving me absolutely CRAZY. I've decided not to even take their temperatures in the morning so I can just send them to school and not feel guilty. But seriously, they have SO much energy, and keep riling DS up - he didn't even nap today :( But I did... which meant there was a lovely mess of toys strewn around the family room when I woke up. I just couldn't stay awake!

I do think I'm feeling better though. Still having heartburn, which annoys the crap out of me. It went away instantly with the other 3, so I'm nervous it is here to stay. Also seem to get a few cramps here and there still but my bleeding is pretty much done. Still getting frequent headaches though. Not worried yet, but hoping they go away soon!

Donna - any more activity? My fingers are crossed for you!
Sacha what a gorgeous smile, Zander really is so cute.

Charlene you are a great mummy and doing a fab job, don't listen to the HV ! Some of them are total jobs Worth's , probably doesn't even have kids herself or has two kids all grown up and doesn't have a clue about your family dynamics! Ignore! Phone and say you cannot make Tuesday, see if by rescheduling you get a different HV maybe xx

Afm another night of contractions and pressure and shooting pains in both my legs and lady bits, then nothing! Lol, hope it means b baby is getting into a decent birthing position!! Or at least a bit more dilation or effacement going on. My midwife phoned yday, sweep still booked for Monday but consultant appointment moved to Thursday. I will get a scan to check fluid levels and diastolic end flow and probably a ctg to check baby and then we have to take it from there! Think it will be booking induction for the beginning of the next week if I am honest, meet them in the middle with dates lol. At least it gives me a few more days to go naturally , if no bubs before then of course. Going to get out and walk today and bounce on my Ball , a few squats and get on my knees scrubbing floors lol

Going over due sucks!! And by my dates I am only 40+1 lmao xx
Charl-gotcha! Still not sure I would like the idea. @ Sach-you get asked if you want a public health nurse to CALL, but I declined this time. I do remember getting a call from them for each of my previous kids, asking if I have any concerns etc. I don't like ppl like that coming n judging my parenting. I got so much bs when I was a single mom, I guess I'm still hanging on to the anxiety of someone criticizing me or assuming I'm a bad parent. The stigma behind being a single mom with (at that time) 4 kids was brutal. It was like oh she must be a drug addict or neglectful etc etc. Especially cuz I was in my early 20's. I always felt guilty until proven innocent, so I'm so weary of these "official" type ppl. Just leave me n mine alone LOL.
I forgot to say Zander smile is melting my heart! I only see Kal smiles in her sleep, so I'm assuming gas, I too have tried to catch a pic but she is too quick.
bnb has changed again?? not sure I like the purple writing?? anyway.

donna all sounds very hopeful did you have anything like this with dawson? im betting by the weekend you will have a baby, and im predicting boy lolxx

sacha zander is so cute!!!
Charlene I would go the complete opersite and and with everything she says come back with an argument, you no best you have done this before and make her aware of that!! be strong:hugs:

omg I cant stop eating!!!!:icecream::pizza::help: im gonna be the size of a house if this carries on!:haha: and im hateing my skin at the moment its all red and blotchy:growlmad: but hay ho its all part of it! 3 more days!!! anyone care to make a guess to weather we are :pink: or :blue: :shrug:

anybody have any tips how to stop the cats from going a toilet in my garden??? its driving me mad!! in our last house the garden was paved but we have a lovely newly laid lawn here and the cats seem to think its for them? xx
Mel well he may be smiling and all but it makes me feel like he is already grown up. I am guessing it is because he is such an old soul. He has done this all before lol. I also hate when my kids are sick but don't act it and then run around with their heads cut off. Grr :trouble:

Donna I sure hope your getting ready for all that pain you are going through. Wow and you plan on doing all that? Won't you feel worse bouncing on the ball or squatting or being on your hands and knees???? I could not do any of those without feeling like crap afterwards.

Iesha we have one that actually comes out for mom then one for baby. That is really bad they made you feel like that. Though here even a social worker came in and asked all these questions like do you have support, do feel safe to go home? I had three people come in and ask all the same questions making me feel like they thought I couldn't handle another baby! They even asked if I was financially sound. wtf?

Claire I have cats but mine are indoor and use a litter box so I'm not sure what you could do. Actually people really don't like cats running free outside, they get all uppity, I hope you get it all figured out.

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