Sacha - Zander is so amazing! I haven't had enough smiles to be sure they aren't gas yet, so I'm totally jealous!
Charl - ugh, what a bummer you got a crappy hv

The idea is so great - not having to take LO out to a doctor's office crawling with germs (which is what we have to do in the States for the 2 week check, and for vaccines, etc later on), but it seems really awful if you get stuck with someone unpleasant or judgmental coming into your house and making you feel bad. Just remember that you ARE doing great! You have been resting more, your kids are doing great, and your little one is growing. Hang in there - maybe she'll be less awful next visit! Or, just burst into tears while she's still there so she gets what kind of negative impact she's having.
Iesha - I love it! I've been watching soooo much tv. Well, the tv has been on, but I'm really watching Rosemary and sleeping.
The girls have been off school this week, because of fevers. But they basically have zero other symptoms and are driving me absolutely CRAZY. I've decided not to even take their temperatures in the morning so I can just send them to school and not feel guilty. But seriously, they have SO much energy, and keep riling DS up - he didn't even nap today

But I did... which meant there was a lovely mess of toys strewn around the family room when I woke up. I just couldn't stay awake!
I do think I'm feeling better though. Still having heartburn, which annoys the crap out of me. It went away instantly with the other 3, so I'm nervous it is here to stay. Also seem to get a few cramps here and there still but my bleeding is pretty much done. Still getting frequent headaches though. Not worried yet, but hoping they go away soon!
Donna - any more activity? My fingers are crossed for you!