Me too with the sneezing. I started doing kegels twice a day
Welcome to the 'new' moms to join to thread!! Congratz!!
I am still waffling between excitement over having another wee one, and terror/feelings of incompetence as a mother with my existing brood. WTF were we thinking?! Hubby is going through those swings too...
I LOVE hearing the birth stories! So I have to share mine too
DD1: Went to child birth prep class, decided an epi was the way to go, learned some early labor techniques. Went to hospital at 11pm about 4 days before due date, with 5 minute contractions that had steadily grown closer together since that morning (started at 20 minutes), and seemed to gain intensity. Nothing I couldn't handle, and more ... annoying, with the same intensity as AF cramping. Triage had me walk the ward for an hour while downing what was basically a Big Gulp size mug of water. Checked me again, had me walk another hour, and then checked me and sent me home. Was just dehydration. Had ob appt day before due date, stripped my membranes and scheduled induction for the following Monday (this was a Tuesday). Got contractions again the morning of due date, again 20 minutes apart, decided it was false labor again. Sent hubby to work (~45-60 minutes away). I was still telecommuting for work, and tracking contractions on a spreadsheet. My mom showed up to help with laundry and last minute nursery setup, my dad showed up to check on me and to see if mom wanted lunch. Mom made lunch... I felt absolutely pukey - couldn't stand the smell or thought of anything. Contractions were 5 minutes apart. Then 4. Then 3... Hubby called, I told him everything was fine - he never even realized I had 3 contractions while on the phone, I just was all silent and whatnot, told him not to come home. My dad came in, said I was being crazy, called him back to say we were headed to the hospital and to meet us there. At that point I realized the contractions were 90 seconds long and 3 minutes apart and I couldn't think straight! I alternated between cursing my mother for not knowing exactly where to park, and apologizing... With my parents practically dragging/carrying me through the hallway to the maternity ward, I was like I ALREADY FILLED OUT MY PAPERWORK I AM HAVING A BABY NOW. Triage was full so they sent me to a room to get checked out. Water broke as soon as I got into the bathroom. They had the room FULL of nurses and aids trying to get me admitted, IV set up, doctor notified, all that hospital stuff - probably 10-12 people. I had been concerned about modesty and embarassment... lol. I was freaking out BIG TIME demanding my epiural - I had ZERO techniques for dealing with transition labor, I was terrified hubby would miss the big moment, not to mention my OB

An amazing nurse patted my arm, and said the epi was on the way. Later I realized she was totally lying to make me feel better - I was pretty much at a 10. No way they would do an epi at that point! Hubby runs into the room and immediately things were better. I relaxed, started breathing again, we did some visualizations, and OB showed up. It was like a cartoon - two nurses were holding his scrubs up and he just raced into them and crouched at the foot of the bed in one motion

and said PUSH! I pushed for ~10 minutes (I think 7 pushes), ripped, baby started crying as soon as her head was born. Got sewn up - I think they did a shot of novacaine... didn't really hold the baby until they had finished all that weighing and cleaning and eye gunk stuff.
DD2: Decided that since I hate needles, survived natural child birth, and had a couple of friends with bad epi experiences that I'd try au natural this time on purpose, always keeping the epi as an option if my new skills for coping didn't work. Had the same damn thing happen as DD1 - went to hospital, sent home with false labor. Went back on my due date after being stripped, and was going to be sent home again (oh honey, you are only a 3...) but my OB was on call and wanted to check me before they sent me home. He was delivering a baby already. When he saw me, he said he saw progress and offered to rupture membranes to get things going. I said SURE! I AM NOT LEAVING WITHOUT A BABY, EVEN IF I HAVE TO TAKE SOMEONE ELSE'S! Once again, got to transition labor in about 3 hours, and went WTF WAS I THINKING!!! I should have done an epi!!! But I'd missed the window AGAIN, hubby was super supportive and helped me through it, pushed for about 10 minutes, ripped again (bigger baby, MUCH bigger head...).
With DS1, I once again had decided to try no epi, but this time it was actually a quite lovely experience. Was in total denial that I was in labor - figured it was false like my last two. Hubby took care of everything - left the girls with my folks, let me take a bath, massaged my shoulders, walked around the grocery store with me for 2 hours because it was air conditioned and i felt too hot at home... Absolutely lovely. Then my water broke and I freaked out - we lived 45 minutes from the hospital. We zoomed to the hospital, got into a room, went from a 8 to a 10 in about 45 minutes and pushed about 5 times and voila - no rip, little guy born with no problem. My smallest darling, with a nice tiny head.
I loved being able to get up right away after all 3, but honestly the whole ripping thing is what killed me. I could barely sit for DAYS after wards. It made the beginning of breastfeeding so hard because sitting in any of my chairs at home was painful. The difference with DS1 was incredible. Within an HOUR of delivery I practically bounced for joy in my rocking chair because it didn't hurt!
I absolutely LOVE that all 3 times, I had the choice as to what I wanted. Albeit DD1 I waited too long to actually my epi, it turned out ok. I also have to say that while I have a very high tolerance for muscular pain, I have a SUPER SUPER low tolerance for cutting type pain. I would go through labor, even transition labor, a bajillion times over if I could avoid the pain of ripping ever again. What about you guys?