PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

I know what you mean tryn!!!

My first was 2007, and it was 'back to sleep' at that point, but they still didn't really know WHY. They still don't seem to know all the 'whys', but quite frankly she preferred tummy. Some of the contributing factors for SIDs *may be* related to bedding and other things intrinsic to various babies. Ceiling fans to increase air flow without blowing on baby turns out to be a huge benefit, possibly as beneficial as 'back to sleep'.

I think first time moms are more prone to serious worry and/or moms who have experienced loss and want to make absolutely sure it doesn't happen to anyone else, and I can understand that. But still - at various times all 3 of my kids have slept in whatever position they wanted to sleep in, and sometimes that meant tummy to tummy with me propped up in a rocking chair, with pillows around me! Not exactly ideal, but it worked for them. Most babies are too uncomfortable flat on their backs, and need to be propped, either with raising the mattress to be at an angle or doing side sleeping - also one of my kids' favorite positions. Just like some babies LOVE the swaddle, and some babies HATE the swaddle, and many babies are fairly noncommittal about it.

Other dangerous threads to post in - FF vs BF (either side has advocates that will bite your head off), cloth vs disposable diapers (meow - it gets feisty in there), and of course the 'how do I get my child to sleep through the night' threads, always good for a brawl between attachment parenting and cry it out schools of thought. Even food you can/can't eat seem to bring out the cattiness.

But by far the two WORST EVER topics are circumcision and vaccinations. I personally have INCREDIBLY strong feelings on the topic of vaccinations, and dare I say I probably have bitten someone's head off on a forum on that topic, as well as gotten very heated in person too. I'll spare you all my diatribe on that subject though. To be fair, when I feel especially scrappy, I seek those topics out to see if anyone is looking for a message board argument! :D
PS: Flat-head is so intriguing to me. Never had an issue with it, but I do know several people who have. Seems that a lot of the time it is reinforced by use of bouncers and car seats that fit multiple places. So baby falls asleep in car, you bring the whole thing in, and put it in a swing, baby wakes and is placed in bouncer. It only takes a couple of *days* of doing that early on for LO to develop a preference, and then it is INCREDIBLY difficult to break the child of that behavior of favoring one side versus the other, which just reinforces the issue. You can also continue 'back to sleep' but change position of points of interest above baby's head - mobile, art on the ceiling, whatever, to continually get them to change the direction they are looking.

On the other hand, many Chinese purposefully seek out ways to ensure flat-headedness: the thinking is that it helps with some brain development as well as makes the hair lie nicely. Was one of the more bizarre anecdotes I heard last pregnancy from a family that immigrated to the US in the late 80s.
Haaaaa feisty!!!!! Yes I KNEW you ladies would understand. It's not that I dont respect their opinions but jeesus relax already. So many factors as you said can contribute to Sids its unreal. Like seriously I was told very bluntly "your not a doctor or a scientist and I believe science over a MOTHER any day" uh ok.

A4TG- Right! Right! pick up your damn child. I didnt even know this was a syndrome lol...a flat head syndrome? what the hell are these ppl doing to their kids? I know it can happen BUT I mean this is why is said if they getting a flat head put em on their side LMAO DUHHHHHHHHH! Thank god for you ladies or I would literally smash my screen at times. I cant believe they thought because my kids are so OLD I must not know what I'm talking about LMFAOOOO! I said yea my kids are so old maybe my 9 year old should move out and get a job. I still have to wipe his butt SOMETIMES and he pees on his jeans for christ sake. Oh I still occasionally wipe the nose of my ancient 14 soon to be 15 yr old because he has had a runny nose and allergies since forever. OMG these kids are sooo grown up, it's like I got to the hospital in my horse n buggy or better yet I had paw send for doc while mary sue boiled water and got fresh towels.
Well I guess I am right there with you riding in a buggy LOLOLOLOL Like do these ladies think we DON'T know what we are talking about? it is almost like we had nannies raising our children, instead of doing it from scratch like all the rest of them!! Thank you I have not learned a thing from the four I had before!! I have no clue!! I understand that everyone has their own opinions and they have a right to have them, but the negativity has to go. We all have to do what is right for our own children. End of story!
Love u ladies! I wish we were all near so we could get together for a nice chat! But I will settle for this.
Love u ladies! I wish we were all near so we could get together for a nice chat! But I will settle for this.

Awe well I will be in the GTA for a few days but we will be busy doing things to keep the boys busy while visiting with their family out there. I will wave at you from my hotel room ;) :wave:
tryn - LOL you seriously made me laugh so loud a few coworkers gave me looks from the next room! I don't know what was funnier, the comment about your 9 yr old or the buggy!

Science is useful - but it is based on experience and collecting data across a large range of people, and STILL there are outliers. It kind of boggles me sometimes that in a religiously skeptical era so many folks just replaced 'religion' with 'science' and follow it blindly. These are theories, not facts! *sigh* Anyway, yeah - I wish we could all do a lunch or something and swap stories :) I love you guys because we have made different choices and don't all do things the same, but have basic respect for everyone else's choices. Makes all the difference :)
:rofl: loooove it!!!!!

I have to agree with everything everyone said. I think that's the difference with a mother who has raised many children. we know very well that all kids and moms can be different and a mom will do what works best with theirs and its all good.

funny thing tryn- my oldest was born in 1998 and I know they were doing the side sleep thing then cuz I bought her a little wedge thing that you were supposed to prop them on their side to sleep.

I don't venture to those threads cuz after 6 kids I know what im doing and im not gonna get reamed by some new mom who read an article and now knows everything there is to know about babies

feisty- I have to agree there are certain areas on here where women are just looking for an argument and its ridiculous.

I haven't even done everything alike with all 6 of mine so I wouldn't dream of telling some mom what they need to do with theirs. its really absurd! kids have their own personalities and likes/dislikes from day one and part of the fun is figuring it out with each one.

I would 10X rather ask advice from a mother of many than read an article somewhere telling me whats best that was probably written by someone who did some research but they don't even have children!!!
A4TG-welcome I'll wave back!

Feisty-I made myself laugh lol..part time comedian, full time mum, full time patient services rep. How DOES she do it? Well with my trusty horse n buggy, my butter churn and my coal stove its easy!
when did common sense parenting go out the window for whatever is the "new and better" way of doing things for this year???
A4TG-welcome I'll wave back!

Feisty-I made myself laugh lol..part time comedian, full time mum, full time patient services rep. How DOES she do it? Well with my trusty horse n buggy, my butter churn and my coal stove its easy!

and since you live in Canada you live in a igloo and hunt with a bow!! :rofl:
I had the side sleeping wedge thingy for one or two of my kids! I'm hesitant to post in many threads because my kids are SO OLD as well. Like I must have lost all the brain cells since then! I can't handle the huge judgement. We're all women trying to do the best for our kids, period! There is no right or wrong decision if you do what you think is best, be it bf/bottle, circumcision, vaccinations, sleep positions, ect!! The world is a tough enough place without judging women who are trying their best. :) I <3 you all!
I know I'm just asking for it but its soooo tempting to comment on the FOOLIshness. I agree all 4 of my kids were so different, its difficult to say what's right whats wrong. I guess I really got to stop expecting ppl to have common sense. I was thinking the same thing that so many so called experts are childless. Ummm interesting. So now raising kids is a mathematical equation?
A4TG-welcome I'll wave back!

Feisty-I made myself laugh lol..part time comedian, full time mum, full time patient services rep. How DOES she do it? Well with my trusty horse n buggy, my butter churn and my coal stove its easy!

and since you live in Canada you live in a igloo and hunt with a bow!! :rofl:

Omg how did u know? I caught 2 seals and will cover with deerskin to keep us warm in our snowshoes in August!
I know because we get around in the prairies but dog sled and live in soddies in the summer.

you just reminded me of this very old comedy routine jim carey did about growing up in Canada. he said everyone made it sound like he grew up in an 'arctic tundra' lol.

its ok ladies, they can look at us like we are old and our children are too. I know the wisdom we have gained with each child that makes us better moms in the long run! I am much more relaxed and confident with my babies than I was with my first couple and you can only gain that with hands on mom experience. no book will get you there. you are all fab mommies and even if we all don't do everything exactly alike I know your children are super blessed to have mommies like you all and you will have very happy children because of everything you have to give :hugs: <3
:rofl::rofl::rofl: You ladies are so funny lol -actually laughed out loud, now have my toddler going 'what mummy? what is funny mummy?' lmao

Totally agree with everything too -hate the whole 'don't pick babies up cos you will spoil them' era -they are babies or such a small amount of time, I want to cuddle mine whenever and wherever I can lol - and with that philosophy have never had an issue with flat head either xxx

Feisty -hope things are getting better for you -what a rough time you have had -sending hugs xxx :hugs::hug:
I have a rant, sometimes I feel like you group of ladies are the only ones who understand or perhaps tolerant? I'm not sure if many of you ladies post around in the other threads but I post around whenever a topic catches my eye, and a couple of times I have reamed out for giving my opinion. Of course I think I am right lol, but I just made a comment about "flat head syndrome" never had it happen, ont know any kids who have had it either and I said basically common sense put the kid on side to sleep, and just got nailed about back sleeping is best and how I shouldnt give out incorrect advice etc etc...also basically because my kids are "old" I must be out of date with current correct info....ummmmmmm my belief is yes they tell you what position is good but I was explaining to these women that in 6 years I had 4 kids and they told me a different position each time. I try to obviously follow what safest but my first wouldnt settle unless its on tummy which I know is bad, but he would cry for 6 hours on his back. Then someone else jumped in and said since 1999 it been a back sleep campain HOWEVER I have a pic of my newborn daughter brought back in the hospital bassinet to my room swaddled and on her side because we laughed her cheeks were so fat they were hanging dow to one side and she was born in 1999 and I am positive they told me side sleep that year, had a baby in 2001 told me back then it was back to side :rollseyes: Is it just me or do ppl really not use any common sense when parenting or caring for an ifant or they believe everything they read and worry about SIDS with every child. Like who the EFF wants to dwell on something so terrible as losing a child. ARGGGGGHHHH. Am I wrong? I trust all of your opinions.

Like you i have been told umpteen times different ways to look after each new baby by different health professionals... When i had my oldest in 1998 i was told make all his bottles at the same time and it was safe to keep these in the fridge for 24 hrs... Now its only make the bottle when you need it... They changed from make it with boiling water to make it with cool boiled water... Same with weaning, i was told 12 weeks with my oldest, then i was told 16 weeks with my 2nd and then 3 years later i was told 6 months :shrug: With my oldest i was never told a sleeping position, but since my 2nd baby i was always told on their back and feet to the bottom, They have all slept mainly on their side or back, i have never had a problem with flat heads but if i did then i also would be likely to change their sleeping position and try keep them on there tummy whilst awake etc... Really need to use common sence and what works for you
It's NOT the arctic tundra there? HAHAHA! :)

When we moved from IL to Colorado everyone said "How can you move there, it's so cold and they get so much snow!" Which proves people have NO CLUE about the weather in Denver. Let me tell you, Denver and Casper (where we are now) have MUCH more mild winters that Chicago. LOL
:rofl: I actually lived about 65 miles from the artic ocean and those that lived on the ocean and nobody lived in igloos. We all lived in houses on stilts or raised lol

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