PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

I just assumed you were all big hockey fans and loved maple syrup.... :D

Things are definitely feeling better today. Had a lovely evening with the family, DH made dinner, and we all tidied up afterwards. Was fabulous. Today they are tuning our piano which we moved from my mom's house at the beginning of summer. I am SOOO excited!

Now I just have to find a decent (read: affordable) place for DD1 to start lessons. I have been doing some basics with her this summer, but it definitely reinforced that I am out of practice and need to spend some quality time working at it myself :D

This is definitely the 'sweet spot' of pregnancy for me - after MS was its worst, before back/hip/pelvic pain gets unbearable, before swollen ankles, and best of all before the glucose test and any possible GD diagnosis. I'm going to try to focus on enjoying this time, especially since it might be my last chance! Although you ladies might have noticed, I do enjoy a good whine/complaint ;)
feisty- I cant wait to get to my sweet spot!!!!! im so tired of being sick and exhausted all day. looking forward to 2nd tri and hopefully my ms going away. enjoy it while it lasts :)

I haven't been sleeping good lately. I have been getting up two or three times a night to pee and not able to fall back to sleep for hours. did that 3 nights in a row leaving me with only a couple hrs total of broken sleep. had one decent night then last night I laid in bed til 2am trying to fall asleep. then woke up again and stayed awake for an hour. then woke up to pee at 7 and stayed up to 8. im so tired today. boo.
You are only a few weeks away, blessed :)

I had sleep issues BIG TIME between week 6 and week 10, but by week 12 I hit a 'must have so much sleep each night' phase. I typically don't sleep much (~4 hrs, 5 on long nights), but at this point if I don't get about 8 hours of *good* sleep each night I am an absolute bear.

I am starting to suspect that I may be bearish all the time, and that the extra caffeinated beverages (mt dew, pepsi, dr pepper...) were masking my crabbiness. Hrm.
I wrote this amazing witty comical note to you guys in the car this morning (hubby drove) and I was so proud of myself and thought they will all have a good giggle, hit the wrong damn button on my touchscreen which has gone haywire and lost the whole thing. I was soooo mad I didnt even bother re writing it! I cant even remember what I said (preggers brain) it had something to do with Chicago mix popcorn, the smell of my kitchen and the fact that "fourthly" is not a word according to autofill but then neither is "autofill" :rofl: :rofl:

Just to address the Canadian thingy, I was born in Jamaica, and even though I migrated to the cold north, (I have citizenship by right of descent, mother is originally Canadian) I hate the cold, and we live as much of a Jamaican lifestyle as possible. Toronto is very multicultural and very much a metropolitan city, so as far from igloos as possible,like literally the most Canadian thing I experience is maybe a poutine. I hate hockey (sorry hockey fans) lol!

Feisty- It's funny I cut soda completely out of my diet then I find myself now craving a cold pepsi with a twist of lime (fancy) even though I know it soo bad for me lolol!
I normally love to have a soda or two a day but I cant stand the thought of drinking one the past few weeks. sounds too sugary for me. we went out to eat a week or so ago and I ordered one and maybe took a few sips. what a waste. sounds silly but I miss it
Used to live in Ohio, and we'd visit Toronto regularly; this was back when the exchange rate was VERY favorable for US$, so was great shopping. Loved how multicultural it was, while still keeping Canadian charm - poutine of course!

A few years ago, I eliminated soda entirely from my diet. Then it slowly started creeping back - I can't drink most coffee as it doesn't sit well on my stomach, so soda was the biggest source of caffeine. By the time this pregnancy rolled around, I think I was drinking at least 2 a day if not 3 or 4! So I definitely miss them. Had a few sips of my hubby's Pepsi this weekend and it tasted good, but I don't think I could actually drink a can without being totally grossed out by the end.
I know...I'm not much of a juice drinker mostly water but I was real bad, drank a whole Pepsi & ate kfc which I promptly vomited like 5 mins later.
I too don't drink much other than water. I don't keep juice in the house other than juice boxes for the kids during school. The only pop we have in the house is DH's and we don't drink it all that often. I am trying to get him weened off of that too. Though every once and a while I crave having it too. I only have one cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Though lately I have been really wanting Tim's raspberry lemonade. It is cold and helps keep me cool in this heat we are having.

I am sorry you are still not feeling too hot Tryn! That really sux! I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:
Hi guys thanks for all you're advice and encouragement and hopefully I will be joining you soon!!!!:happydance:
HAHAHA TRYN you crack me up!! :)

I didn't really drink much soda at all before pg unless it was in a mixed drink. :) I now have a small glass, maybe 4-6oz of pepsi every day or two to help stave the headaches.

My air conditioner was FIXED this afternoon finally! 10 days of crabby, hot preggo! I'll probably freeze my husband out tonight. ha!
Yea I like the tims frozen lemonade too!
A/c is a blessing to me. We just turned it on last night but the night before was soooo hot, I was sweating into my sheets. Yuck! I slapped that badboy back on tonight too...I'll cry later when we get the bill but right now its allllllll good.
Yay for Air con lol - it's only about 14 Celsius here in west of Scotland today and raining, I am sitting wearing my fleecy dressing gown over my clothes and thinking of putting on the central heating lol (but wont cos for goodness sake, it is ONLY August lol) Brrrrrrr

At least with the cold, you can put on extra layers, th eheat is a bit harder to combat (especially when pregnant) xxx
tryn & whitesox - how have you survived without a/c?! We've had a pretty hot summer for my area, and our a/c has been cranking since june - it was out of commission for about 12 hours and we had it fixed that night, and the house had already jumped to 80+ inside.

wanna - I totally agree about hot vs cold. I hate being too cold, but can always find ways to warm up. At least this time around I am only a *little* pregnant during the hottest months.

So, yesterday they FINALLY made the first company-wide announcement of a big re-org happening in my office. We'll see how it goes, but it really feels a lot like Animal Farm to me (the book by Orwell), and it looks like I'm going to be reporting to an individual that I don't trust. But hey, all the upheaval and disruption to work has given me more time to browse the message board!!! :)

Had my 2nd OB visit today, kind of boring tbh, but got to hear the heartbeat again - 155 bpm! Now time to schedule my 'anatomy' scan, either through the hospital (my advanced age hahaha) or my ob.

Now that I have decent amount of energy and I'm not hanging out in the bathroom all the time, I have to get working on household projects to prep for LO. What kind of changes do you ladies have to make to accommodate your extra bundle of joy?
Today i had an appointment to see my consultant and have another scan. At first he asks was i there for my detailed scan, no im only 14 weeks, He then asks, " Well why are you here ? " Errrm wait a min are you not the Doctor ??... surely he should take 5 mins to read my notes... I was told id need to see consultant as at my booking scan they thought i might have a fibroid... So he scans me anyway and says "Yeah it could be a fibroid or it could be a bleed behind the placenta, Its nothing sinister, don't worry about it" :roll: All i have done is worry about it now... He didnt spend anytime looking at baby, but i did get to hear the heartbeat :D So now tomorrow i have my GTT... Fingers crossed i pass !! Need a fingers crossed smiley !! lol
chalrhow- I hope you pass!! <3

feisty- we really don't have anything to plan for the baby. not much anyways. if its a boy we have all we need besides what we get for each of them. a baby book, their own personal baby blanket, and an outfit to wear for the first picture. if its a girl we will need some clothes. there are some things I want done around the house first, but its not really 'baby' related. we need to paint our basement and our master bathroom. a few other things here and there. sorry about your work! that sucks you have to work under someone you don't trust. and yay for anatomy scan!!! :)

tomorrow I have my first appt and I have a lot to discuss with my OB. hopefully I will get a date for my 12 wk scan and the verifi blood test. the closest hospital quit delivering babies so that makes me nervous. my labors are going quicker and quicker and I barely made it last time. the next closest one is pretty far away and I don't want to have a baby in the car!
Feisty-It's actually been a cooler august here in Toronto compared to how it usually is. We use fans though. I'm used to heat, but it is uncomfotable in my room that roasting. But I live (rent) a huge house and it costs a fortune to run the central air, so we have to be conservative, but we are going through a heat wave at the moment, so yea I dont care lol!

Charl-sorry to hear about your appt. that would pee me off.

Wanna-Thats freeeeeeezing! We will soon be into those celcius once sep hits...the summer that never was :(

Blessed-I have a little fear of that myself ( delivering in a car) my hospital is about oh 45 min away or so, but if there is traffic we are screwed. My theory is its mind over matter. The last baby I had I had to take a taxi, I was single then, me and my friend jumped in, the driver looked so scared, i just clamped my legs shut and told him to drive, and every contraction i just calmly breathed through them. All was well $50 later he got me to the hospital in decent time. I've never had my water break on its own, so I am hoping that is the case this time. Here is my expert advice. KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED AND DONT PUSH LOL!!!
I wanted to ask all your opinions... I have a group of friends on my facebook... We all started chatting (on another forum) about 10 years ago when we where all struggling TTC... We have met up and kept in touch over facebook... I am unsure how i should tell them about number 6... As some of them are still struggling TTC and never had any children and i don't wanna feel like, i dunno how to explain, just don't want to upset any of them, since we all started chatting ive had 4 babies and im now pregnant again, but i don't want them to find out in Feb when i post pics of number 6 and they will wonder why i never told them.... Sigh :shrug:

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