PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Are you driving AFTG? Long trips are so rough on my ankles for some reason. :) I was having some round ligament pain last night I believe, around the bottom of the belly. Feeling flutters a bit more as well.

Little girl clothes are SO adorable. :)

No we are flying, I would drive just to save money but then the issue of sitter for my youngest (which will cost us money some how, we are going while my mother is not at work). Then all the service stuff we would have to do on the van because of the amount of kilometers we would put on it, it would end up being about the same as us flying. 3G's is tons no matter how you look at it! Plus I don't think I would be able to handle the drive.

Oh I was reading (in my many websites I have counting down my pg) and it gave a great visual for how big baby is at 16 weeks, baby at this time is about the size of a pen. I can't believe that is how big baby is now. I have been holding up a pen to my belly wondering how it is in there and I can't feel it yet....
just want to:wave: say hi we currently have 4 children 3 girls 1 boy and have been discussing having a 5th baby, we have just got married 3 months ago and to be hnest didn't expect to be thinking of no 5 but im 30 in a couple of months and I think now would be a better time for 1 more rather than later. what were your thoughts on another baby??:flower:
just want to:wave: say hi we currently have 4 children 3 girls 1 boy and have been discussing having a 5th baby, we have just got married 3 months ago and to be hnest didn't expect to be thinking of no 5 but im 30 in a couple of months and I think now would be a better time for 1 more rather than later. what were your thoughts on another baby??:flower:

It is honestly a very much a personal preference. For me I had three with my previous hubby, so when DH and I started talking about children we always talked about having two together. We had another boy together. When my previous hubby passed away we stopped thinking about it cause we had all four all the time. But just this last year things started to change. We wanted to give that girl a go. I wanted to do it before I am 35. To me, I didn't want any more after then. I have enough complications I didn't want that too.

So it is all about how you feel about it, and when you wouldn't try anymore. Everyone has a different preference, as there are many on here at different ages. It is not wrong when it is your decision!!

I hope this helps....
Woohoo -Hi Claire :wave::wave:

Go for it hun - I have lol :haha::haha: - Shhhh Nothing on facebook, haven't announced to the world yet!

xxx :hugs:
And as for the age thing - I always said I would be done by age 30; but things never worked out that way for one reason or another. After my third child ( hubbys first) I went to University qualified as a nurse and had to spend the next few years learning my trade before considering another baby; so that is how number 4 had such a gap. Then we always wanted another 2 so they could have a sibling close in age - wanted them back to back but due to my SPD in last pregnancy I could not think of having another so soon -so here we are 3 years later, little one about to go to nursery and is more independent and we decided time for one more.

Good luck xxx
lol OMG Donna congrats!!! m so happy for you!!! don't worry my lips are sealed!!! xxx
I think when I come to the last pill in my pack I wont take them anymore and let nature take its course!! shhhh don't tell anyone:happydance:
Good luck! Congratulations on your marriage as well. :) I've been with my hubby for 6 years and we just started trying for this baby a bit over a year ago. I wasn't ready and didn't think I wanted anymore. SOOO here I am at 42 having a babe. HAHA
welcome and congrats dee <3

rics- I didn't want anymore after 30 (I had 3 at that time). then decided for 1 more. there was 7 yrs between my first 2 and #3 so I wanted him to grow up closer to someone. we decided for 1 more and had him. that gave us 4. then I remembered my 'magic number' of kids was 5 when I was younger and I was already a sahm so we thought why not try for 1 more. I moved my "age to stop having kids" up to 35. had him and was gonna get my tubes tied but decided to pray about it. felt like God was telling me to trust Him with how many kids we ended up with and when we had them. I was very scared, but He has given me peace about it. I had 1 more since then and now pregnant with this 1. I'm happy now I don't have an age limit on our blessings. God has used my kids to teach me so much patience and love! this season of life will end naturally in time and I wont look back with regrets or what if's about whether I made the right decision to stop at a certain number or age. its all in God's hands. :)

tryn- I would love a girl too. since our last 4 are boys and my girls are 13 and 14 I think it would even our family out a bit. and when our girls move out I wont be left with a bunch of testosterone, blue stuff, and sports balls everywhere :lol:

a4tg- I would love a trip somewhere!!!!!!! we are paying off loans til January of 2015 for school and stuff so not gonna happen for us unfortunately. and we have officially outgrown our minivan which holds 8, and this LO makes 9. so with the added expense of having to buy a new full sized van on top of things... well... boo. I hope you have such a great time <3

I got my Zofran prescription switched to the dissolvable Zofran and it works so much better!!! not hardly feeling nauseous at all today :thumbup:
Hello again ladies! Welcome to the new faces - hope all our beans stay sticky :)

I have missed this thread so much while dealing with crummy, stressful stuff. To sum up - had a WONDERFUL extensive scan at 11 weeks, everything normal. I should have known with the pregnancy going so well (great scan, very handleable ms, fatigue fading...) that everything else would fall apart. Death in family, scary toddler injury, school conflict, landscaping debacle... Details below for those with the time and energy to read me rant and rave.

First, my aunt's health took a rapid turn for the worse, and after a 2-day bedside vigil she passed away. It was sad, of course, but also relieving - she's been almost unable to communicate for ~2 years, due to deteriorating tongue muscle control, and had also struggled to eat and refused a feeding tube. My sister, her wife, and their new baby stayed with us for the funeral, which was wonderful to see them, but added a bit of stress.

While they were here, I noticed a very nasty looking owie on my toddler's thumb - at first I thought it was pinched, like a blood blister, or a burn, but my sil pointed out it looked quite a bit like an infected spider bite. Sure enough, I then noticed the tell-tale red infection trail leading up his thumb and towards his elbow. I freaked out a bit at that point. We got him to the urgent care, and it was in fact infected (test results later showed staph), but it responded to antibiotics enough that we did not need to go to the hospital for IV treatment. So we were dealing with bandaging and trying to keep a toddler's right thumb clean and dry (he seems right-handed), while dealing with funeral arrangements and whatnot (I am from a large Catholic family, so funerals are quite the ordeal and family gathering).

Meanwhile, at work, buzz starts going around about a reorg, and some announcements were made to some teams but not others, and involve my current boss. But then they did NOT do the big announcement when they were supposed to last week, because 'someone will have their feeling's hurt and need to be talked to ahead of time', and one of the big EVPs was out the rest of the week. Still no word today, but rumor is VERY STRONG that I will be reporting to someone else, and that that person is someone that I feel completely screwed me over during my last pregnancy when my father was dying. I have VERY VERY strong negative feelings towards this person, but I generally try to ignore the personal and emotional while in the office, so it is doubtful too many people know about it.

And at home... well, I do not like change. I struggle with it. The older I get, the worse I am. Don't get me wrong - I love trying new things; it is changes in daily routine that gets to me. Well, DH decides that the girls should go to public school. Now rationally I have absolutely no problem with this. It is a sound decision - the quality is great for our local school, financially it would help us out, and the timing is good - my oldest is starting 1st grade. This would enable us to more seriously consider me transitioning to be a sahm (or as I like to think of it, a 'get the kids out of the house and doing things mom without the added complication of an external work schedule', but that acronym didn't work out). All these things are great, but I DO NOT HANDLE CHANGE WELL. When we first discussed this 2 years ago, I made sure DH knew that kindergarten is something you usually arrange in March/April for the following school year. He initially brought this up the summer before oldest started K. We were interested in a non-traditional public school in our area, that some neighbor kids go to. I warned him that schools like that probably have a long waiting list. I am very happy with our current school, so I also told him if this was something he felt strongly about, he needed to do the leg work. He didn't move very quickly, and missed all the deadlines. So we checked them out this spring for 1st grade instead and found out that the waiting list was over 60 children long. At that point, I SPECIFICALLY SAID, that if moving to public school was a priority for him, that there were other options in our area and that he could check them out. He did not. Two weeks ago he decided that the girls should go to public school, and had researched online that the same school for 1st grade offered a full day preschool. I was skeptical (how many public schools have preschool included?!), but told him to check it out. Of course the school office was closed until today (19th). I still didn't take it too seriously, and we even did school supply shopping on Saturday. This morning he stayed home from work in order to go to the school and register the girls! I was FREAKED OUT. Yes, we'd talked about it for 2 weeks, but... well, it took me THREE MONTHS to buy my first car (not 3 months of thinking, 3 months of dedicated research and almost 20 different test drives after ~6 months of thinking about it). I haven't even ever set foot inside this school! I don't know when it starts/ends for the day! I completely flipped out on him. Overreacting? Yes. Pregnant? Yes. Change adverse? Yes. Completely psycho? DOUBLE YES. Poor man didn't know what hit him. After I calmed down, I realized all I really wanted was for him to hold me and tell me it would be ok, and apologize for waiting so long. But it turned into a big emotional fight and I brought crap up that didn't need to be brought up and now his feelings are SUPER hurt and he's pissed. First he threw a little fit and stormed off saying FINE I AM DONE DO WHAT YOU WANT. Then he showed back up saying that he wouldn't let me derail something so important (fair enough). Then he called back after going to the school saying he gave up on the whole thing because it isn't preschool, its kindergarten, and since DD2 is a september baby, will miss the cutoff not only this year, but next year as well so she is TWO YEARS away from k, even though she turns 5 next year. He is thoroughly defeated and depressed and mad at me, and I'm a huge ball of emotions trying to avoid screaming one minute and bawling the next!

Did I mention in the middle that DH also completed our BIG HUGE front yard landscaping debacle, which over 2 years has cost us over $5k, and ended up not being what I really had in mind AND something that even the professionals were like, wha??? He wanted all grass in the front. We have a freaking ENORMOUS SPRUCE TREE. Grass doesn't like to grow there. Plus he is not amazing at mowing and keeping lawns nice (our back is an absolute mess and is mainly grass). But - I said, hey, its only a yard and its important to hubby so go with it. Well, they poured concrete borders that ended up too close to our front porch (we planned on expanding it to incorporate a decorative ramp to make it easier for my family to visit (had 2 in wheelchairs, one was my recently departed aunt). Even the folks who sprayed the grass hyrdoseed on the ground were like, WHY ARE WE DOING THIS UNDER A TREE?!?! IT WONT GROW! I am trying VERY VERY hard to be charitable, but I'm so freaking tired of DH ignoring me when I tell him things, like it is just my opinion when I actually DO know what I'm talking about. Blarg. But no, we have to pay people to tell him stuff I already know. And then he worries about money.

To top it off, while my ms has subsided quite a bit, I get VERY nauseous at dinner time. Or precisely when I would be cooking dinner. It stinks, and adds to the stress. Beyond that I am so blessed with this pregnancy, and my kids are incredibly supportive and amazing. Thank you ladies for letting me rant!
so sorry feisty! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: you have so many stressful things going on at once and definitely being pregnant on top of all that sure isn't gonna make anything easier. I hope you guys work things out soon and have some peace about everything. im the same about making certain changes. I need to research and make the best decision only after exhausting all options... twice lol.
Good lord, DH just called. He is still tense, but has found a used Escalade for sale... I need to find a loving, supportive way of saying WTF DO YOU WANT AN ESCALADE WHEN WHAT YOU REALLY NEED IS A TRUCK?! REALLY struggling here...

This is a bad week for DH; its the 4 year anniversary of his mother's death, plus he has a freakin' harpy of a wife right now. But.... holy mother of God how am I supposed to NOT go crazy on him?! *boggle*
That's a heck of a lot of stress for one person, let alone a pregnant one! HUGS!!
Well guess it is good to get it out of the way before baby comes. I am sure things will work themselves out. GL :hugs:

Just read 3 pages to catch up

To rics- Go for it , if you want it then the more the merrier, I'm on #5 dont regret it at all!

Feisty-HUSH! :hugs: poor you, I know everything seems extra stressful but as was said I am sure it will work out. I understand about the changes, I am not comfortable with change either, but after my initial aggro it sometimes works out for the better..I am not able to step foot in my kitchen in the morning, so I have the reverse of you. I cant eat breakfast at home or I'm gagging from nausea or vomiting whatever liquid I have in me. Still. serious kitchen aversion in the a.m

Hello to everyone else...Monday down 4 more to go lol!
ugh I cant stand the smell of dinner cooking either. DH has been helping out a lot, but the smell is still there. the worst is meat right now. the smell of raw meat cooking :sick:
Thanks for the encouragement ladies :)

Tryn, so sorry about your ms and kitchen aversion in the morning. Not the funnest way of starting the day! I'd probably rage at people all morning if I felt that poorly, you are such a sweet heart.

I am headed off for a break to get a cupcake.
ugh I cant stand the smell of dinner cooking either. DH has been helping out a lot, but the smell is still there. the worst is meat right now. the smell of raw meat cooking :sick:

I was having this issue too and finally got over it. i hope it doesn't last all that long for you. I am so glad it isn't bothering me any more.
I have a rant, sometimes I feel like you group of ladies are the only ones who understand or perhaps tolerant? I'm not sure if many of you ladies post around in the other threads but I post around whenever a topic catches my eye, and a couple of times I have reamed out for giving my opinion. Of course I think I am right lol, but I just made a comment about "flat head syndrome" never had it happen, ont know any kids who have had it either and I said basically common sense put the kid on side to sleep, and just got nailed about back sleeping is best and how I shouldnt give out incorrect advice etc etc...also basically because my kids are "old" I must be out of date with current correct info....ummmmmmm my belief is yes they tell you what position is good but I was explaining to these women that in 6 years I had 4 kids and they told me a different position each time. I try to obviously follow what safest but my first wouldnt settle unless its on tummy which I know is bad, but he would cry for 6 hours on his back. Then someone else jumped in and said since 1999 it been a back sleep campain HOWEVER I have a pic of my newborn daughter brought back in the hospital bassinet to my room swaddled and on her side because we laughed her cheeks were so fat they were hanging dow to one side and she was born in 1999 and I am positive they told me side sleep that year, had a baby in 2001 told me back then it was back to side :rollseyes: Is it just me or do ppl really not use any common sense when parenting or caring for an ifant or they believe everything they read and worry about SIDS with every child. Like who the EFF wants to dwell on something so terrible as losing a child. ARGGGGGHHHH. Am I wrong? I trust all of your opinions.
Some women (not all) are sooooooo caught up with SIDS regulations about sleeping that they will attack anyone with out being open to what anyone else has to say. In the end we all have to do what works best for our children. And may I say something about that whole flat head syndrome? Those women that their babies have that is because they feel that holding their children too much will make them spoiled, so they spend all day on their back!! HOLD your child for heaven sakes!! Actually when you do that your child cries less. I know this for a fact cause with my first I had it so wrapped in my own ridiculous young head that if I hole my baby that it would be spoilt. With my last two I held them more and they cried WAY less. I will be baby wearing to keep baby quiet. Anyways I am done my RANT.

I too love you ladies for being "been there done that, and already made all the mistakes and improvements" you will find many catty women on the other threads LOL

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