Donna - Man, those decisions are the worst, especially when we have to deal with our pregnancy hormones interfering with our normal judgment! There are definitely pros and cons. In the States, each state has its own cutoff month, but typically it is either August or September. Here it is the last day of August, so my 2 September babies will end up with *THREE* years of nursery/pre-school before they start kindergarten, unless I challenge for them to start early. I just might for my DD2, but I think the extra year will probably be good for DS. Even at 2 he just doesn't seem quite as socially developed as his sisters were. The ear issues for you just compound everything; on the one hand, more support in proper school, but on the other hand having an extra year to catch up is handy too. I know whatever way you end up going, it'll be the best thing possible for you & your LO
Charl - so glad LO started moving again! I've had a couple minor scares like that, but so far the cold glass of water trick seems to trigger movement when I start freaking out, so haven't ended up at hospital yet. Hope your LO keeps moving and stops giving you scares!
Welcome Corrine & congratz! How has your pregnancy gone so far? Excited or terrified that you are heading toward the home stretch?
Sacha - two things; first - moved UP?! How rude! It will be interesting to see what kind of personality this LO has when he's born. Hopefully he'll be a sweetheart newborn for you, after causing so much trouble in the womb. Second - I seem to have caught your bad mood

I completely lost myself this morning and went on a yelling rampage through the house. I ended up feeling so badly about it that I splurged and hit McDonald's for a breakfast sandwich and orange juice for my oldest on the way to her school. We were 30 minutes late, but were going to be 20 minutes late anyway (part of the reason for my rampage). A friend at work said it is just a natural part of the 'general bitchiness' phase that hits each pregnancy

Well, I phoned DH to inform him that I was angrier than I could remember being ever, and that it was mainly his fault. Poor man. He has been iffy about some things, but in general he really is quite awesome. He just messaged me at work a bit ago asking if I was calm enough to talk yet - he went home on his lunch hour and did the cleaning I was most upset about. Hope your OH is coming around too and getting his stuff done!
Kellie - ooooh, 3cm and 50% dilated! I think you will be first, especially if Zander has decided to disengage and head back up for Sacha. Did they mention if she's engaged at all or do they expect you to drop more before it gets really real? Also, at least those painful contractions did *something*. Always annoying if you go through the pain and end up with nothing out of it.