PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

LOL Mel! Did you drink OJ?!?!:haha:

Last I heard she is at a +1 station. Not engaged I don't think, saw her little face on the ultrasound (facing sideways of course, LOL!) and the doctor said she looks kind of angry. Yeah, I said she is just projecting. She'd like to come out too. :shrug:

I know they just told me TODAY that placenta is fine, but MAN the bleeding. Went through a pad. I was checked obviously today so I suppose that's what it is from but blood makes me nervous, my youngest had a brain bleed and they always asked if I had bleeding late in pg. (I did). . .
Quick post while at work...
Kellie I couldnt manage I would demand inducement at 3 cm dialated!!!!! My crotch would be killing me with pressure, but I am sending love & warm thoughts..Jenessa wants to come out!!

Sach-lets gooooooooooooo!

Charl- Thanks luvie, good to be back with u guys

bump update-its outrageous, and I have to admit I have eaten junk food for 2 days now I got my appetite back LOL- check it out...I unfortunately have all my other fat I CAN pinch however my large body thinks its a petite model and I am soooooo uncomfortable!!!!


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Char - i just wanted to mention, I know this is a very hard decision. With DS2 ASD child I should have held him back in kindergarten as he has a late birthday in Oct. but they told me he would be fine and we have been struggling with him ever since. I think it would have benefited him greatly to be held back as with ASD he is not socially at 10 but more like 6. Even with my other son DS3 with a early Oct I can see where waiting another year would have benefited him too, but he is not struggling all that much. Now with DS4 being a late Dec baby I am going wait and put him in the following year to Kindergarten. He may be extremely smart and very articulate (more so than any 4 yr old should be and always has been) I want him to wait. I have heard nothing but good things with waiting. I don't know if this helps or not, but I do know how hard the deception can be! <3 :hugs:

LOL Mel! Did you drink OJ?!?!:haha:

Last I heard she is at a +1 station. Not engaged I don't think, saw her little face on the ultrasound (facing sideways of course, LOL!) and the doctor said she looks kind of angry. Yeah, I said she is just projecting. She'd like to come out too. :shrug:

I know they just told me TODAY that placenta is fine, but MAN the bleeding. Went through a pad. I was checked obviously today so I suppose that's what it is from but blood makes me nervous, my youngest had a brain bleed and they always asked if I had bleeding late in pg. (I did). . .

Awe poor girl!! Well it is for her best. All that bleeding would really have me worried too. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse then you are describing. Scary!!:nope:

Quick post while at work...
Kellie I couldnt manage I would demand inducement at 3 cm dialated!!!!! My crotch would be killing me with pressure, but I am sending love & warm thoughts..Jenessa wants to come out!!

Sach-lets gooooooooooooo!

Charl- Thanks luvie, good to be back with u guys

bump update-its outrageous, and I have to admit I have eaten junk food for 2 days now I got my appetite back LOL- check it out...I unfortunately have all my other fat I CAN pinch however my large body thinks its a petite model and I am soooooo uncomfortable!!!!

:rofl::rofl:<3<3<3<3 I know but he is showing obvious signs he is not ready. Though my body may protesting he is not listening. Maybe I just have a mommy suck, and just loves being curled up.

My contractions are getting a lot stronger too. More often ones that I have period cramps with.

So question for you all……. you think I am going to have a bloody show if I have never had one before, even when I was induced from what I remembered….. Not until later into actual labour with I get a small amount pink, but never before as a sign it is going to happen...
Claire - yay for getting baby stuff! I still have zero new things for this LO. I need to get moving and get the new car seat, a few outfits, and a new diaper bag. So the last one is really more for me than for LO, but I do actually need a diaper bag unless I want to carry stuff in a shopping bag! What stuff do you plan on getting next?

Kellie - YES I drank the OJ! An entire, glorious, delicious, 6 ounces of the stuff. This didn't count as my breakfast though - I had already eaten two bowls of cheerios this morning. My numbers were actually ok after the cheerios (116), so I considered my breakfast burritos and OJ a snack. I did get hearburn though. Darn juice. We'll see how bad it messes up my lunch numbers (had steak salad which normally puts me between 95-105).

Iesha - great bump pic :) Also, I am glad I am not the only one who indulges in junk food :D

Sacha - Very good points about waiting. I've heard lots of happy stories of parents who waited, and I know a few teachers who usually advise waiting if a child is in the 'tween' area, because it is always easier to do advanced work but so much more effort to coordinate special resources if a child is behind. My brother is an October bday, and he had some developmental delays as well, as side effects of a more serious medical condition, and he was kept back a year before starting Kindergarten and it did work well for him, but he already was able to have access to state resources for occupational and physical therapy, speech therapy, and all kinds of specialists, so there was no difference in support care between pre-school age and kindergarten/elementary school for him.

Charl - I bet none of that makes it any easier for your decision though :( I have very little knowledge of the school system over there; hopefully you have lots of good resources so you can feel confident in whatever decision you make :)
When is his birthday Charlene? My niece's birthday is on 25th Jan so she is in the same year as my son but technically almost a year younger- does not seen right really. They are both primary seven, he is dead ready for secondary school and she is struggling. Is a shame really! Maybe she would have struggled regardless, I suppose we will never know.

Claire, I don't think I can help much with the glue ear/ grommets thing - my son, other than needing a few years of speech therapy has had no issues at all. I knowa lot of kids can act out if they have hearing issues or speech issues, he was the opposite really. He used to concentrate so hard on listening at nursery ! he was practically on the teachers knee lol. I fought for months to get him seen by an ENT specialist because no one else thought he had an issue! Lol my sons doctor even said I was being neurotic and sent the referral letter to ENT saying so, haha - had to eat his words lol
Hi ladies sorry everyone who's feeling sore.
I'm feeling great at the moment, haven't had any morning sickness at all, no nausea either, but then again for my last 3 pregnancies I've only vomited once with each of them. I am blessed :)

We don't need to buy anything for this bubba as our youngest is only 2.5 we still have everything. If we have a boy we might need to get a few suits but that's about all.

The kids are more settled today as I took them to the swimming pool yesterday for some fun.

I've had similar issues with speech and starting school. My dd1 had speech problem mainly articulation. She really struggled at kinder (year before school) to interject and be understood but went to school as she was supposed to, because I was confident she could do it. She got extra help at school and within 6 months didn't need speech therapy anymore, this year she was in the top ten students of her year 1 and 2 class and she's only in year 1. My ds1 however was held back a year due to me not being sure he could handle it socially and emotionally, he does alright and can be pretty smart when he puts the effort in as he has an above average IQ, (we had to get him tested for the school due to behavioural issues) but socially still struggles a little, there is no way he would of handled it a year earlier. So I guess what I'm trying to say is you know your child, if your don't think he'll handle it they keep him back otherwise if you think he'll be ok send him. Trust your gut and ignore what others tell you have to do.
Char- we homeschool so Im not much help with when to send them. I just go by when they have interest and start them then. I hope you figure things out! the one thing I do know is you know your child better than anyone and therefore know whats best no matter what friend, teacher, or anyone else thinks!:hugs: I had a similar experience the other day. baby moved once in 2 hrs then once again during a 20 min bath. went in to l&d in a panic. the second they hooked me up she was kicking up a storm!

Sacha- cant believe he moved back up silly munchky! :baby: I def think there is a chance of bloody show before labor. they are all different :winkwink:

Kellie- 3 and 50%, I think you are going first! how much pressure you got going on??!! sorry about the night in l&d and the meds. sounds awful! at least the contractions are doing something :thumbup: the bleeding so much doesn't sound right to me either.

Melissa- I love your story with DH. and he cleaned and asked if you were calm enough to talk yet :haha: you go girl! :happydance:

Iesha- lovely bumpage!!!! so pretty :cloud9:

aussiettc- so nice you aren't sick! :flower:
Melissa - well I think I would need to see that or have waters to break before I think I am labour LOL I have tons of pressure on my lower back near my tail bone and in my whoo-haa has a swelled feeling. Even one of my BH gave me strange feeling inside, almost like something would come out. It made me laugh.
Eh. . .more pressure today, just passed a clot the size of a quarter, freaked out and called L&D. The nurse talked to the on call doc that was there (which I SO appreciate) and he said that if my doc wasn't concerned because of the U/S results today that it should be okay. If I get heavy bleeding or sharp pains, to go in. My doc seems to think I'm not progressing all that much compared to the amount of contractions. I hate feeling nervous. I'm to the point that I'd rather have baby here so I don't have to worry about her as much.
Sacha- never know, labor could start in the blink of an eye!! there really doesn't have to be a ton of signs first :thumbup:

Kellie- im so sorry your worried and in pain and cant do anything about it. i hope that LO is ok. and i am certainly not as close as you, but i have a sense of what you're feeling. i was gonna do everything in my power to keep this one in as long as possible. im in so much pain from the spd, i cant say i feel the same. i don't care if my labor is like the last one and i don't make it to an epi and even have this kid on the side of the road. one night of pain cant be worse than weeks of it :(
I hope things progress better for you! There is a full moon this week I think, and many babies seem to be born during full moons so there is that going for you right now!
aussiettc glad your feeling so great I hope it lasts!!

iesha lovely bump!!

donna thanks tbo the mum is a little lazy and I don't think puts in enough effort. and gives in to everything!!!!!!!!!! with all her children!!

char I agree you no your child best and if you think its best then go with it.

kellie how scary with the bleeding and the clots it must be terrifying I hope it stops!! but glad the docs are on top of things and hopefully it wont be mush longer now!!

sacha get those long walks in and hot curries and lots of sex maybe a little bounce on a trampoline lol baby will be here before you no it! xxx

sorry if ive missed anything!!

mel im not sure what il be getting next I need everything lol xx
Melissa you are right.

I did some research last night as I was feeling very swollen down there, even during a BH I felt pressure in side (actually at one point I was feeling aroused from it :blush: the it changed). It only happened once so I am positive it was just a fluke. But after all that it started to change and just feel like a very dull pain, not even period like. When I looked it he could be sitting posterior and that could be causing all this pain&#8230;. go figure, that is probably what it is!! :haha:
Kellie sorry you are worried hun, I totally would be too! Soon you will be holding that little baby xxx hugs
Sacha other than my first baby, none of mine engaged until I actually went into labour. In fact last one never fully engaged until they broke my waters. Need to get bouncing on a birthing ball lol, get him down onto that cervix again lol.
Aussie good to hear you are keeping well xx
Iesha you look gorgeous, you have a beautiful bump!

Hi to everyone else, hope you are all having a good day. I once again, could not walk yesterday, from overdoing things. Problem is I done quite a few things I really shouldn't have, so cannot pin point what caused it lol, or maybe just accumulative ;) I had aqua natal Monday, then decided to wash down all the wood work in the hall and stairs lol, then Tuesday I took the dog out, and then changed a king size duvet cover so probably serves me right that I could not walk by yesterday afternoon haha.


Kellie... I hope the bleeding stops and you can try relax for the rest of your pregnancy.

FeistyMom... I have read somewhere a wee while ago that more babies are born on a full moon.

Donna... I was the same a few days ago... Done far too much and was practically crawling into bed i was so sore... Should see the state of me some nights... Last night i was sitting on the sofa and my pelvis was agony, but i actually couldn't move, whenever i tried to move the pain was worse... I will be so glad when this baby is here and i can try get back to normal, forget what normal is after 4 babies in just over 4 years !! lol

Not long in from registering James at school... Had a chat with the school head teacher and he has said that there will be learning support available for him if he needs it come August but he might not even need it then, which is true but i still think he will need some support come August... Spoke to his head teacher in nursery too and she agrees that he probably wouldn't benefit from another year in nursery and he wouldn't be happy if all his wee friends left to go to school and he was kept back... Im hoping i made the right decision... He is a really confident wee boy and gets on great with everyone but he really struggles with his speech... I really don't want him struggling in school... So much worry :(
Mel - the full moon is TONIGHT!! :shock: So maybe someone will?? I don't think it will be me. Plus I don't know if I would want to go into to the hospital on a night like tonight. They would be so busy it would be like they would try and push everything they can on you just to get you to deliver faster so they can get the next lady in!!

Char - Well here you can still hold them back in kindergarten if something looks like it warrants it. So see how he does and if there is still problems then hold him back then. My kids all hated the transition from playing to working!!

OMG it is so nice here today. I actually walked DS4 to school this morning and plan on picking him up!! Then tomorrow I will be walking the mall with my GF!! So I have lots of walking to do. Maybe he will go back where it was more comfortable. I don't like him where he is now. He is putting more pressure on my pubis. :nope:
Sacha... Hopefully he moves into a more comfortable position for you... Just now i feel i struggle to breathe, this baby must be taking up my whole rib cage lol.
Over here we only have to the 1st of feb to decide to defer him or not... Really not a lot of time... It will be another 7 months before he starts school, just hope we made the right decision.
Char just go with you gut. If your stomach is a bit butterfly-ish about it all then hold him back. There is usually a reason you are uncomfortable with it. That feeling can be a strong message from your angles telling you something. You will know, you will!! ;)

I knew I should have held DS2 back, I had those feelings with him. I wish I listened. I trusted the wrong person, should have trusted in myself. Gut feelings are important!!

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