PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Char, totally agree with Sacha! Trust your gut, mama's know their kids better than anyone else. Huge hugs girl!
Totally agree with Sacha and Kellie too hun, but wanted to add that if it is only speech that he is struggling with and is getting speech therapy then he will probably have totally caught up by august. As long as mentally and emotionally he is ready for it then he will probably be fine. Hard decision hun, I am just glad I didn't have to make it with Ben as his birthday fell in March so he did not fall into the right age category for going to school that year. Do you think he is ready? You have older kiddies, is he on a par with them?

Charl - *hugs* Glad that you are getting lots of good info in order to make a decision. I completely agree with Sacha & everyone that your instincts will be best :)

Kellie - It is full moon time! Anymore labor signs?

Donna - It is so hard to NOT over-do it, isn't it? Although, to be honest, I typically have issues if I under do-it physically as well. I have a desk job, and if I sit too much, I can't walk and have more pain than if I had been walking/standing more. So I'm almost always more sore during the week than on the weekends, when I tend to over do it home.

AFM, my kids just absolutely cannot be on time. And I can't help but feel responsible. I was never particularly punctual as a child or as an adult, and objectively I know if I get everyone up earlier we'll be able to make it, but lately I just absolutely cannot get up in the morning! To be on time, everyone has to be up and out of the house BEFORE 8am. If I get up at 6:30, which isn't really all that early, I have plenty of time to take care of myself (shower, dress, etc) and lay out clothes for DS (DDs both have school uniforms), and get breakfast ready (although usually they prefer cold cereal). But I haven't been able to roll out of bed until closer to 7:15 at which point all is lost. I think I am coming down with a cold, so maybe that is contributing, but 3 days in a row my girls have been over 10 minutes late, and I just feel so awful about it :(
Mel - I too find that if I it around too much I am more sore than if I am up and moving around. My kids have issues with being on time as well. I have to be on them to eat, dress, make lunch, and get out of the door. When they have time to play I find that they are later :-/
***Warning, child-related rant to follow! ***

My 4 yr old is the one that drives me most crazy. She's been dressing herself since she was 2 (I help her with buttons and whatnot as necessary), but she has taken to dawdling so much now. She wears a uniform, so it isn't like there is a bunch of selection to do, and the actual dressing only takes 5 minutes, but she'll just sit there in her jammies daydreaming, or have a story she just HAS to tell me right then, or see something shiny.

I swear she was easier to manage last year than this year! But at this point I feel really dumb about it. We are almost halfway through the school year, and I still don't seem to have this routine down. At this point, it seems a bit silly for me to be blaming the kids, I have to just look at myself, but I also refuse to dress her. My mom always went the 'path of least resistance' route, and did in fact end up dressing me. I can remember being in 4th grade, so I had to be 10 years old, and my mother was dressing me! On a regular basis! That just seems so wrong to me, considering both my girls were happy to at least try to dress themselves before they were even 3, that I don't want to risk reverting and ending up doing everything for her, but my other approach isn't working either. Yelling, getting grumpy, threatening, taking her to school in pajamas and having her dress there.... she is just easily distracted, and I have run out of ideas to keep her on track :(

I even tried setting up races with her sister (I know, I know - encouraging sibling rivalry is a dangerous quagmire but I am getting desperate), and it didn't work at all. In fact made it worse, because they she just stressed out and panicked about not being as fast as her sister and took TWICE as long because she was complaining about how unfair it was.

I'm hoping that part of this is pregnancy related - either she's feeling needier and less independent because the baby is coming, OR I'm just extra frazzled and hormonal, and that this will all resolve itself once the baby is here. Because the alternative is that it gets even worse since I'll be necessarily preoccupied with the LO in the morning. UGH!
My four yr old is doing the same thing to me lately. At the beginning of the year he was coming out dressed without being asked, and now I am constantly on him to just get dressed. It must be an age thing. Even when I get him in the door at school he takes almost 5 min just to take off one boot, when he gets home from school it takes him no time at all to get them off. I feel for you!! As I am dealing with the same thing!!
Totally agree with Sacha and Kellie too hun, but wanted to add that if it is only speech that he is struggling with and is getting speech therapy then he will probably have totally caught up by august. As long as mentally and emotionally he is ready for it then he will probably be fine. Hard decision hun, I am just glad I didn't have to make it with Ben as his birthday fell in March so he did not fall into the right age category for going to school that year. Do you think he is ready? You have older kiddies, is he on a par with them?


He is totally not ready if he was going anytime soon... Come August he might be totally ready, thats why im finding it so hard to decide... With my older 2 that are in school i had no problems with, i knew they where ready and they are both doing great in school, perfect reports... With James he struggles with his speech and he is also behind in his development... Infact his younger brother who is 2 was speaking better than him at one point... It has taken alot to get James to speak and i don't want him going to school and kids making fun of him and him going back to not speaking at all... I think if he gets support in school he will do ok, but im also worried that he might not get help or support in school as there was supposed to be someone seeing him in nursery the last few months, who we have just found out hasn't bothered seeing him in nursery :(

OH is putting wee ones to bed tonight, so im about to go for a nice long (hopefully uninterrupted) soak in the bath... have a really sore back and side tonight :(
mel- my 4 yr old likes to dress himself and LIKES to put his clothes on backwards sometimes. since we homeschool I let him, but I could def see it blowing up into a war if he had to leave for school. I feel for ya on getting around and getting out on time. my girls went to public school one year and it was a hassle. they had to get on the bus by 7 and 7:15 which meant us getting up pretty early. at the time I was pregnant with #5 and not sleeping well. I remember crying some days from exhaustion! of course we went back to homeschooling and none of us are out of bed before 9am :blush: I feel for any preggo ladies cuz I haven't slept good the last few nights and even getting up at 9 im exhausted. having a hard time falling back to sleep after I pee. ugh.

donna- I feel your pain!!! literally!!!! I didn't think I had really overdone anything, just my usual stuff, but I am in so much pain. have my heating pad out. Tylenol is a joke! it does nothing. I don't know how women handle this pregnancy after pregnancy. im in agony :nope:

so my ob was supposed to put in an order for an u/s scan after our apt last week. I still hadn't heard anything so I decided to call and see if it was scheduled and I just didn't get the call back. she didn't even put the order in!!! hopefully they will get it scheduled now that I have called. so ridiculous to me.
Sacha & Melissa - it is reassuring to know that it is probably more to do with 4 yr old development phases than my crummy parenting! Thank you :)

Melissa - I hadn't thought about that pro of homeschooling. I still don't think I'm cut out of the right material for it, but... who knows, 10 years ago I wasn't sure I'd ever be 'mom' material, and things have been going ok (knock on wood) so far!

Donna - hope the bath helped!

Charl - if the kids in school are going to be basically the same kids he has been playing with at nursery, the transition will probably go smoothly even if he's not quite caught up on speech yet, since his friends will already be used to it. If it is going to be a completely different group of kids then that could play a role, but typically at such a young age, if the teacher sets the stage appropriately kids will accept just about anything :) In my daughters' combined montessori class (2 1/2 through kindergarten), they have had several kids come through with various development issues. The only one that ended up being a problem and he had to go to a more specialized school was due to violent behavior (physically assaulting teachers routinely). One girl in the class right now started at a time when she was still nearly deaf, so she still has some strong speech impediments, but the other kids think nothing of it now :)
Cant stay am reading quickly & running, almost going home time from work...Kellie & Sach u guys are my heroes, I swear I am the biggest impatient baby. Without cramping. bh or proper contractions, worse blood clots I would demand the drip, git er DONE!!!!! :rofl: I cant manage already this one is pressing on my crotch bone and I am getting so pissy. I am soooo impressed on both of your patience..maybe even a little jealous!
Thank u to all you kind hearted crazies who said my bump looks good..sad thing is it pretty much wont go down too much after :rofl:
You're crazy Iesha and beautiful! If there was ANY WAY I could think of to get this baby out, I'd be ON it, believe me! I'm not feeling even remotely patient at the moment. LOL!
FeistyMom... Yes there will be a group of his friends starting at the same time... His nursery teacher has said the curriculum basically just carrys on from what he has already been learning in nursery and thinks that once he starts phonics he will get on alot better with his speech.

My skin seems to have broken out in lots of spots :( Have loads on my chin and some on my cheeks and forehead... Not had spots for years... Hope they clear up fast, ive not been using anything different on my skin :(
Charl - that sounds very promising then about school, but YIKES! No fun at all to have spots. Are they are itchy like an allergic reaction? Or just kind of annoying?
So Kellie, can u just insist on inducement now? Like tell them book you in...what the heck they waiting for?
FeistyMom... Yes there will be a group of his friends starting at the same time... His nursery teacher has said the curriculum basically just carrys on from what he has already been learning in nursery and thinks that once he starts phonics he will get on alot better with his speech.

My skin seems to have broken out in lots of spots :( Have loads on my chin and some on my cheeks and forehead... Not had spots for years... Hope they clear up fast, ive not been using anything different on my skin :(

I hear you about the spots, I am still waiting for this pregnancy glow they hark on about :haha: I've got what resembles teenage acne and I can't be bothered to put make up on just for the school run! :flower:

My daughter has a speech impediment, when she was a lot younger they kept sending her for repeat hearing tests as they fully believed her to be deaf because she does what is generally seen in someone who can not hear. She would push her words through her nose, it's really hard to explain lol but her air would come through her nose and not her mouth. In nursery she didn't improve much at all even though she was having regular speech therapy, once she hit reception which she started in Sept 13 she has come on crazy amounts! Now it is just the 'S' sound and occasionally an 'F' that she pushes through her nose, it hinders her slightly on her reading and sounding out words but the practice of saying her phonics and sounding the words out everyday and often has had a major improvement. I think you will see a vast improvement when your little boy starts school :hugs:
Morning ladies Hope all are well! Labour watch it's so exciting haha, can hardly believe that the pregnancy journey it's coming to an end for lots of you, and I suppose me not too far off lol.

I have my aromatherapy massage tomorrow, looking forward to that. The midwife who does it is so pro home birth and it is lovely to get some reassurance from her at this stage, other than the negativity I got at my last hospital visit lol. Nice to get some decent one to one with the midwife too rather than the norm of 10-15 minute appointments every three weeks lol xxx
Donna... Hope you have a lovely massage tomorrow... Id love an aromatherapy massage, but seems just over your way does it :(

ladyluck8181... Yeah James has had several hearing tests, one not long ago and has passed them all... Its good to hear your daughter has made a huge improvement at school... Did she need any extra support at school ? Yeah im still waiting on the pregnancy glow too :dohh:

No the spots are not itchy... probably more hormones than a reaction... they are annoying and i dont think there is much i can do to get rid of them other than wait
Ahhhh. . . .I want a massage! :)

Iesha, they won't induce here unless they feel the baby or mom is in danger. This kiddo does FANTASTIC on the monitors. ;) She has said she won't let me go past 39, but that's almost 3 weeks away. Hoping to not have to wait quite that long but at this point, who knows. I must be stressing myself out, have a cold sore on my bottom lip, ouchie!

So much for the full moon! HA!
Charl - She doesn't have one to one support, but the school has a speech therapy support worker so she does 2 sessions a week within school with her. She just takes her out of class for 20 minutes and does her exercises and practices with her. Then once a month she has an appointment with the speech therapist at the clinic :thumbup:

Donna - Enjoy your massage, I bet it will feel like bliss!

Kellie - The end is sight not much longer before your little lady will appear :dohh:

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