Full moon has failed! *grumble*
Hope your aromatherapy massage goes great Donna! My DH tried to get me a spa package for Christmas, but it fell through apparently and at this point I think it is going to be a Valentine's Day thing, which will mean post-partum.
Listened to the natal hypnotherapy tracks again last night. Didn't sleep quite as soundly, as heartburn woke me twice and bathroom called 3 times, but still seemed pretty useful as sleep aides. I know that I'm supposed to listen to them at a time when I am NOT usually sleeping, but... I have zero time slots available where I can be lying down with my eyes closed and NOT be trying to sleep

I did like the disclaimer stating that you should NOT EVER listen to them in the car. Don't know why, but it just really made me laugh to imagine hypnotizing myself while driving. Maybe I would be a bit less high strung and more forgiving of other drivers...
I also successfully got my boots on again this morning, and good thing because the parking lots were all frosty and slippery. Even with boots I almost fell down twice in the 20 yards from car to door. So now my coat isn't quite buttoning, and my boots are on the verge of not zipping all the way. It is a race to see if I end this pregnancy naked at home with nothing to wear!