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Please be my WTT buddie

Thanks flueky I hope it's short to as I'm not getting any younger not long till I'm 30.
Got my fingers crossed for you hun tww is a bloody nightmare but there's always light at the end of that tunnel
Miss I turned 30 in April. Oddly enough tww doesn't bother me as much as waiting to O. It's not as bad now as when I was ttc #1. I O around CD18 now but before I Od around CD22 or even later. My 2nd post bcp cycle I Od CD72. Ugh it's a huge reason I haven't been on birth control after having V.
Hope your 2ww ends up being worth it, Flueky.

Just for fun, I used a due date calculator last night to see what my predicted due date would be if BD and I DTD and got pregnant in the next week or so. It gave me March 27, 19. When my mom was pg with me, her due date was March 26, 88. I ended up being 2 weeks late, but that's kinda interesting. I've also been looking up tips for conceiving a girl and they say to DTD 2.5-4 days before O. My fitbit is predicting I'll be O on July 6, so my mom's O date would've been the 5th and her and my dad DTD on the 1st. So, there may be something to that science... or they just got lucky (no pun). lol

Are any of you ladies TTC a certain gender, or just hoping for a sticky bean? :)
Pretty that would be so cool if you ended up pregnant this cycle then and to then have a girl.
For me I really don't care I just want a sticky bean and it will be our first so I'll just be so happy to have a child we want 3 so the sooner baby 1 comes the better meaning I'm hoping we catch that egg soon so we can have a healthy full term pregnancy then think about baby 2 lol
Miss yes it was a very long time!!! I got pretty depressed I couldn't even try because no O for so long. Thankfully they shortened after that cycle.

I also want 3, but DH isn't sold on 3 yet. So not sure if we will be a family of 4 or 5.

Pretty, I hope for a boy but I'll be happy with another girl as well. I think DH will be harder to convince on ttc #3 if we have 2 girls. The thought of 3 girls going through puberty is a bit maddening for us.
I've always wanted 3 of go for more but 3 is the minimum I want unless my health dictates as I don't want to have just one child but I'm one of 2 so would like the different dynamic of 3.
Fleuky - I think most of the marketing for Ava is geared toward TTC but when you first start using it, it asks if you're using it to track you cycle, TTC, or you're pregnant. So there's no reason why you couldn't use it for that purpose! I did for this first month off of birth control. And the more I've thought about it, the more I feel ready to start trying next month! Woo hoo! My birthday is April 8th so we're not too far apart :)

And in addition to my good friend being pregnant, my SIL announced on Father's Day/my husband's birthday that she is finally expecting! I'm over the moon for her and her husband. They're both older (early 40s, so not even as old as my husband) and have been trying for the past 2.5 years. They both made some dietary changes (keto) and lost a good amount of weight, which we think helped. So now I get two new babies and hopefully my own will make 3 :)
That's awesome news lady exciting times ahead for your family
Lady yes it specifically says not for contraception, but I really don't see why I can't use it as a tool. No temping for me which would be nice. I'm excited for you to start ttc. I do hope your ttc journey is short.

Also, huge congrats to SIL!! Glad they are expecting after ttc for so long.

AFM not really anything to report. I'm 3dpo. Had to change from advanced to research mode to get FF to agree with me.

On a side note the night I Od I had O pains at the same time to both ovaries. I'm curious if I released 2 eggs. If I get a bfp I suppose I might find out.
There's an app approved for contraception use I use it but switched it to plan a pregnancy called natural cycles. Oh be so cool if you had twins I love being a twin
Miss I could use ff but I really don't want to do bbt. I know bbt would br cheaper but not sure if I want to with 2 kiddos. V sleeps like a dream overnight but I might not be so lucky next time.

I'm just hoping 1 sticks, but if I did release 2 eggs and both were fertilized and implanted then we would step up to the plate. We bith would rather just have a singleton. 3 under 2 sounds rough. I will say the twin bond seems amazing though:)

Any updates for you? Bfp or AF?

I had horrible reflux that I basically threw up this morning. I've never had that happen in tww. I took my vitex on empy stomach as I always do. I know the progesterone is to blame but wondering if it's super high. I did have terrible reflux in pregnancy. I dreamt I was vomiting while pregnant but turns out it I was having reflux in my sleep.

I also dreamt AF came. I know it sounds ridiculous but I have neber dreamt of AF in tww. I do often dream of bfps in tww but get AF. So maybe I dream of AF and get a bfp :rofl:
Yea being a twin has it's ups and it's downs but I would kill for my sister with out a doubt she is part of me like we do have a twin thing and she can tell when I'm upset even when I'm not with her and me the same but that's about it lol
It looks like AF will be here cm just got super pink so I haven't tested just going to wait and see if she arrives in the next couple of days
Thank you Miss Waiting and Fleuky!

I see we're talking twins now. They run on both sides of my family, but especially my dad's, so I'm thinking there's a real chance. He is one of the twins (has a twin sister) and there were 4 sets in his siblings (14 children all together). Those are just the ones that I know of because I am not all that close with his (huge) family. I know of 3 sets of twins on my mom's side.
There is just me and my sister it we are clomid twins they don't run in our family or the other halfs
Miss I'm sorry about it looking like AF is here.

Lady oh it sounds like you have a good chance of conceiving twins. Would you want twins? I mean obviously we would all love them, but I can understand why people would want or would not want twins.
Miss Waiting - Anyone can have identical twins, though! I'm actually curious to see what will be the case with my SIL because she's going on 42 so there's a higher chance of multiples.

Flueky - I just realized I've been spelling it wrong, my apologies! The more I've read up on the risks associated with twin pregnancies, the more the thought of it makes me nervous. But then I look at all my twin family members and all of the twins I went to school with (I even know two sets of triplets) and they all seem to be just fine. So I am open to whatever I'm blessed with! I do like the idea of getting two in one go. Then I could be all done!
We aren't identical we look like sister's but we aren't identical thank God I'd hate to be identical lol.
Yes AF still isn't here though it's toying with me
Miss Waiting - I understand, I just meant that you don't need genes to have identical twins :) I don't know how I'd feel about sharing my face if I had an identical twin. I know a few of them though, and most of the girls do something different with their hair to make themselves more easily distinguishable ex. one gets highlights and the other keeps their hair dark has been the most common thing I've seen.
Yea I'm lucky we purely look like sister's but she looks more like dad's side of the family and I look more like my mum's.
No more spotting since earlier I'm so confused as I was certain AF was coming for a few days now and my.temps haven't gone back up they are as low as my ovulation dip at the moment

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